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Finding Aid
The Daily Diary is a minute‑by‑minute log of President Ford's official and social activities, noting attendees at meetings and persons to whom he spoke by telephone, and where and when these contacts took place. The sections below describe the Daily Diary, the index compiled by the Ford Library staff, the electronic version of the Diary, and related materials among the Ford Library's…
The Daily Diary is a minute-by-minute log of President Ford's official and social activities, noting attendees at meetings and persons to whom he spoke by telephone, and where and when these contacts took place. Little on the substance of meetings and calls appears in the collection, however. The collection includes multiple copies of the typescript Diary, source materials used in its compilation, administrative files of the compilers, an electronic version created by scanning it into a full‑text …
Finding Aid
Connor was one of several young assistants brought into the Ford White House by Assistant to the President for White House Operations Donald Rumsfeld. Originally detailed from the Atomic Energy Commission, Connor's first assignment was to review the presidential scheduling and advance operations. When Connor became Cabinet Secretary in January 1975, he continued to supervise the…
Staff Secretary and Secretary to the Cabinet; Staff Secretary's Office The Connor files document his responsibilities as Staff Secretary and Cabinet Secretary, especially White House administrative matters; the flow of presidential paperwork; and the planning, preparation and follow-up of Cabinet meetings. Connor's office oversaw the flow of paperwork to and from the president, and communicated presidential decisions and comments to the Cabinet and White House staff. His special expertise in energy policy …
Finding Aid
David Hoopes joined the Nixon White House in April 1971. He worked as a staff assistant to the President until 1974, with responsibility for handling briefing papers and follow-up memos for President Nixon's meetings. During this time he was also given special projects to do for the Staff Secretary; in June 1974 he apparently joined the Staff Secretary's Office. Although his…
Special Assistant to the President, Staff Secretary’s Office Materials primarily related to the daily administration of White House Office spending, personnel actions and allocations, office space, passes, equipment, mess privileges and other perquisites, and more. Some material relates to other Executive branch personnel appointments or to administration of the Executive Office of the President. Additionally, there is an extensive set of formal briefing papers for Presidential meetings and events, …
Finding Aid
The presidential paperwork logs (daily item by item listings of material crossing the President's desk) were compiled in the office of the Staff Secretary. That office coordinated the routine flow of paperwork to and from the President. Log entries were primarily made by staff assistant Dianna Gwin through early June 1975 and thereafter by Trudy Fry, head of the Special Files Unit.…
Staff Secretary's Office Daily item-by-item listings compiled by the Staff Secretary's Office of documents submitted to the President and those received from him in his outbox. They include both items officially logged in by the Staff Secretary's Office before being routed to the President and those items handed to the President by other persons during meetings or while he was away on trips. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series President's …
Finding Aid
These files of the Special Files Unit consist of miscellaneous items accumulated by Gertrude B. Fry on President Ford's preparations for his debates with Jimmy Carter, his review of federal agency budget requests, and selected issues considered sensitive by Fry. Also included is a small file on the administration of the Special Files Unit. The Presidential Handwriting File and other…
… feet (ca. 9,600 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession numbers 77-102 and 78-69) Last Modified Date 2024-10-30 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Staff Secretary's Office Access Open. Some items are …
Finding Aid
The news summary was a compilation and distillation of printed and electronic media news articles and editorial opinion, distributed daily to the President and about 130 White House staff. During the Ford administration the news summaries were edited successively by Lyndon Allin, Philip Warden, James Shuman and Agnes Waldron. Details on the summary and its production can be found in the…
Staff Secretary's Office The President's copies of the daily news summaries compiled by Press Office staff members and distributed for reading by the President and his staff. Few contain initials or annotations by the President. This set is missing about 75 of the news summaries issued during the administration. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series President's Daily News Summaries, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized …
Finding Aid
Most telephone calls placed or received at the White House were handled by the main White House switchboard. Calls could also be made or received over a signal line (the White House Communications Agency switchboard). In addition, the White House Communications Agency maintained a separate secure line for handling security sensitive calls. Both switchboards kept their own separate…
Staff Secretary's Office Daily listings of Presidential telephone calls placed or received. The logs were compiled either by staff assistant Nell Yates, the White House Operators, or the White House Communications Agency. The logs merely indicate the name of the caller and length of the call. In only a few cases is there any indication of the topic of the calls. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series President's Telephone Logs, 1974-1977. …