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Finding Aid
Jonathan D. Hoornstra joined the news summary staff in February 1972. The President’s daily news summary was an objective compilation of television and national wire services’ news reports covering foreign and domestic events. In the Nixon White House, the news summary was under the direction of the communications office. Mr. Hoornstra’s primary responsibility was to review 35-40 daily newspapers…
Director of Media Analysis; Director of Special projects for the News Summary This collection contains material used by Jonathan D. Hoornstra in the course of his work on President Gerald Ford's daily news summary staff. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series General Subject File, 1975. Opinion Editorials File, 1975. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview Scope and Content Note …
Finding Aid
The Waldron files cover her work form June 1976 to the end of the administration. The bulk of the collection documents the production of "News & Comment", the White House news summary, but some materials on her research work are also included. The news summary was a compilation and distillation of printed and electronic media news articles, distributed daily to ca. 150 White House staff.The…
Director of Research, Office of Communications; Editor, President's News Summaries, Press Secretary's Office Materials concerning the compilation and publication of "News & Comment," a daily news summary of articles editorials and political cartoons from the national print and television press. Also included is a small research file on 1976 campaign issues, coverage and Ford opponents. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series News & Comment - …
Finding Aid
Ron Nessen was appointed White House Press Secretary on September 20, 1974, replacing Jerald F. terHorst who had resigned in protest of President Ford's grant of an unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon eleven days earlier. Nessen remained as Press Secretary and head of the press office through the end of the Ford administration. Discussed below under separate headings are: organization and…
Press Secretary to the President, Press Secretary's Office An incomplete set of files concerning his work as Press Secretary to President Ford. This collection includes transcripts of press briefings, case files on media interviews, correspondence with the media and an incomplete subject file. The bulk of his files can be found in a separate collection - the Ron Nessen Papers. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Draft Presidential News …
Finding Aid
Eric Rosenberger and his successor, Douglass Blaser, directed White House press advance. Press advance was assistance to the White House press corps, the local press, and press office staff during all presidential trips outside the White House. Such assistance might include: visas, credentialling, air and ground transportation, lodging, camera lighting, press positions, equipment and…
… 20.0 linear feet (ca. 37,000 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession number 77-89) Last Modified Date 2025-03-07 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Press Secretary's Office/Communications Office Access …
Finding Aid
Wanda Phelan served in the White House press office at two different times during the Nixon and Ford administrations. From February 1970 to October 1974 she handled routine correspondence for press secretaries Herb Klein, Ron Ziegler and Jerald ter Horst. She returned to the White House press secretary's office on detail in August 1976 and worked as a staff assistant under Agnes Waldron…
… linear feet (ca. 47,200 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession number 77-18, 77-20) Last Modified Date 2025-03-11 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Press Secretary's Office/Communications Office Access …
Finding Aid
David Gergen, a former Nixon speechwriter, as a speechwriter for Secretary of the Treasury, William Simon in December returned to the White House as special assistant to Ford's chief of staff, Richard Cheney, leaving his position in the Treasury Department 1975. His title was changed to Special Counsel to the President for Communications and until July 1976 his primary responsibility was…
Special Counsel to the President for Communications; Director, Office of Communications, Press Secretary's Office Gergen served in the Ford administration as special counsel to the president for communications and subsequently as director of the Office of Communications. His files reflect a broad spectrum of responsibilities including speechwriting, preparing the president for the campaign debates, overseeing the preparation of the president's question and answer briefing books, scheduling surrogate …
Finding Aid
This collection contains the working files of two directors of the White House Office of Communications, Gerald Warren and Margita White, concerning news media liaison and coordination of Federal Government public relations efforts. Discussed below under separate headings are the organization and functions of the White House Office of Communications, the scope and content of the Warren and White…
Deputy Press Secretary and Assistant Press Secretary; Directors of Communications, Press Secretary's Office Materials concerning White House liaison with the news media, excluding the White House Press Corps. Included is information on media briefings and receptions, press interviews with the President, local and regional press conferences, and coordination of Federal Government public relations efforts. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All …
Finding Aid
A veteran press officer in the foreign affairs field, Edward Savage came to the White House press office as a consultant on detail from the State Department. In December 1974 he was named assistant press secretary for foreign affairs, a position he held until his resignation in June 1975. In this capacity Savage met daily with press secretary Ron Nessen to discuss developments in…
Assistant Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Office of the Press Secretary Fairly routine files concerning various foreign policy issues, President Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office. Also includes more substantive briefing materials for Ford's meetings with heads of foreign governments, but these are currently security classified and closed. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by …
Finding Aid
Helen Mary Collins was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, December 1, 1935, and subsequently attended State Teachers Colleges in Lowell and Salem. She began her career as a secretary and, in 1961, joined Columbia Broadcasting Systems in New York City. By 1963 she had advanced to CBS production secretary in Los Angeles. From 1963 to 1971 she held various production positions in…
Television Coordinator, Office of the Press Secretary Collins provided day-to-day production support for Presidential television appearances, assisting Ford's television advisors Robert Mead and William Carruthers. The file is largely routine, but contains a few items on 1976 campaign media evaluations and strategy. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Photographs, 1974-76. Subject File, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed …
Finding Aid
The Gerald Warren Papers concern his work as Deputy Press Secretary and Director of the White House Communications Office between August 1974 and August 1975. He joined the White House Communications Office in 1969 as Deputy Press Secretary to Ron Ziegler in the Nixon administration, often delivering the daily press briefings as the Watergate scandal intensified in 1974. Following the resignation…
Deputy Press Secretary; Director of Communications Office Press clippings, interview and press briefing transcripts, speech texts, press releases, and briefing books used by the White House Communications Office, as well as subject files of newspaper articles on the post-presidency of Richard Nixon and on Congress' investigation in 1975 of Northrop Corporation's foreign arms sales. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Subject File - Ford, …