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Finding Aid
Roland L. Elliott became a special assistant to President Nixon and director of the Correspondence Office in 1971. He continued those duties through the end of the Ford Administration. As director of the Correspondence Office, he supervised the flow of mail to and from the White House, including presidential correspondence. One exception was correspondence between President Ford…
Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Director of Correspondence, White House Editorial Staff Much of the collection is comprised of carbon copies of routine outgoing letters signed by President Ford or Roland Elliott. Also included are administrative materials such as weekly mail reports and analyses, an office manual, form letters, response cards, and attachments used with the letters. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series …
Finding Aid
The Presidential Messages Office (PMO) provided the President with written messages of commendation to the public, expressing his greetings and good will (see Appendix A). Director Eliska Hasek authored statements and messages in the styles of Presidents Johnson and Nixon in her prior White House experience. She joined the Ford administration in August, 1974. The Hasek collection…
… linear feet (ca. 5,600 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession numbers 77-42, 77-43) Last Modified Date 2025-03-07 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Editorial/Speechwriting Staff Access Open. Copyright …
Finding Aid
This file consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. They are arranged chronologically. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material.In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing,…
Office of Editorial Staff Reading copies, usually on cards and often annotated by President Ford, of over one thousand speeches, veto messages press conference statements and other prepared remarks. Supporting material (background and drafts) appear in only a few folders. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Reading Copies of Speeches, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview …
Finding Aid
These are the combined files of Paul Theis and his successor Robert Orben, who were the immediate heads of the White House speechwriting unit. Until Theis departed in January 1976, he had additional responsibilities as executive editor for the entire Office of Editorial Staff. Discussed below under separate headings are: organization and function of the Office of Editorial Staff; the…
Executive Editor (Theis) and, Special Assistant to the President (Orben), Editorial Staff Primarily case files on presidential speeches, articles and other public statements. A file typically includes background material, drafts, and final text. Also included are Theis's and Orben's chronological files and some office administrative files. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Editorial Office Administrative File, 1974-77. Ford Vice …
Finding Aid
The McCall files document the work of editorial staff researchers throughout the Ford administration. The bulk of the file is material drawn together or created during Agnes Waldron's tenure as director of research from August 1974 to June 1976, subsequently inherited and augmented by Charles McCall.McCall joined the White House staff as a consultant to assist Waldron with the research…
… 178,000 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession numbers 77-44, 78-15, 83-20, 87-6) Last Modified Date 2025-03-10 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Editorial/Speechwriting Staff Access Open. Some items …