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Finding Aid
Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander began working on the Domestic Council as Staff Assistant to Associate Director and Counsel Richard Parsons in March 1976 and continued in that post until the end of the Ford Administration. Appointed as an assistant in the general areas of justice, civil rights, and drugs, Bennett-Alexander's duties were greatly augmented with Kathleen Ryan's resignation in April…
Assistant to the General Counsel; Assistant Director for Justice, Civil Rights, Drugs, Consumer Affairs, Domestic Council Extensive files on consumer protection issues and proposals. Fragmentary files on illegal aliens, privacy and other criminal and civil law issues. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Consumer Files, 1974-76. General Subject File, 1975-76. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List …
Finding Aid
Arthur F. Quern held several positions with the Domestic Council and the White House between March 1975 and January 1977, but his files provide only sketchy documentation on many of his activities during this period. He transferred files to other members of the Domestic Council staff when his duties changed and materials from his work as James Cannon's deputy often appear in Cannon's files…
Associate Director for Health, Social Security and Welfare; Deputy Director for Policy and Planning; Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, Domestic Council Materials concerning his work on such matters as food stamps reform, social security financing, Domestic Council input for the 1976 State of the Union Address, FY 1978 domestic program budgets, and general administration of the Domestic Council. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by …
Finding Aid
George Humphreys joined the Domestic Council as associate director for environment in August 1975 and served in that post until the end of the Ford administration. A graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Humphreys held posts as Assistant Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and President and Director of the New York State Environmental…
Associate Director for Environment, Domestic Council Materials concerning the development of Ford administration environmental policies in such areas as pollution, ocean policy, effects of energy policy on the environment, wildlife, parks and recreation, and control of coyote attacks on sheep. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Chronological File, 1975-77. Commerce Department Subject File, 1975-77. Council on Environmental Quality …
Finding Aid
Paul Myer, former administrative assistant to U.S. Congressman Herman Badillo, began working for the Domestic Council on August 1, 1975, was promoted to Assistant Director on November 23, 1975, and then to Associate Director on September 30, 1976. Myer was part of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, headed by Stephen G. McConahey. Myer's area of responsibility was almost entirely…
Associate Director for General Revenue Sharing, Domestic Council Office files on the General Revenue Sharing program. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Publications. State Series, 1974-76. Subject Series, 1974-76. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview Scope and Content Note Paul Myer, former administrative assistant to U.S. Congressman Herman Badillo, began working for the …
Finding Aid
James H. Falk joined the Domestic Council staff in March 1971 as a staff assistant to Edward Morgan, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. Falk was promoted to Associate Director in 1973 and assumed responsibility for activities associated with intergovernmental affairs, reporting directly to the director of the Domestic Council. He remained in this position until…
Associate Director for Intergovernmental Affairs, Domestic Council Falk handled White House liaison with U.S. territorial, state and local government officials and their organizations and lobbies. Renewal of the general revenue sharing program and the economic impact of military base closings are typical and prominent concerns. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Administrative File, 1974-75. Chronological File, 1975. General Subject …
Finding Aid
Samuel Halper, a journalist with lengthy ties to Puerto Rico, served as a consultant to the Domestic Council from May 1975 to April 1976, responsible for reviewing the proposed Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States and making recommendations to the President. The Halper files consist of a small number of documents he accumulated as well as a working file…
Consultant on Puerto Rico, Domestic Council The collection consists primarily of Norman Ross's and James Falk's files from their work on the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. Halper, a journalist, inherited and used the files while serving as a part-time consultant. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Puerto Rico Subject File, 1974-76. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview …
Finding Aid
Ray Hanzlik joined the Domestic Council staff in August 1975 to help coordinate the six White House forums on domestic policy. He remained on the staff throughout 1976 as an assistant to Special Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs Stephen McConahey. The materials described consist of working files accumulated by Hanzlik and the forums staff in 1975 and by Hanzlik in 1976, arranged…
Coordinator of Public Forums; Associate Director for Intergovernmental Affairs; Domestic Council Vice President Nelson Rockefeller conducted a series of meetings around the country to gauge public domestic policy concerns. Hanzlik handled the logistics, staff, and records of proceedings but not policy evaluation or follow-up. A small portion of this file concerns Hanzlik's work as an assistant to Stephen McConahey handling intergovernmental relations. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container …
Finding Aid
Judith Ann Johnston, a former legal secretary, joined the Domestic Council staff as a secretary in February 1973. She first worked in the office of the Executive Director, Kenneth Cole, but from October 1974 on she was staff secretary for the Domestic Council under the Deputy Director for Operations.As staff secretary, Johnston was responsible for maintaining the Domestic Council…
Staff Secretary, Domestic Council The bulk of the collection consists of personnel files for Domestic Council staff members. Also included are materials concerning routine administrative matters such as compiling Domestic Council budget figures and tracking numbers of personnel on duty and staff detailed from other agencies. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Administrative File, 1973-77. Personnel File, 1973-77. Filter Folders by Status …
Finding Aid
Lissy joined the Domestic Council in September 1975 as Associate Director where he assumed Roger Semerad's responsibilities for labor, veterans and education issues, along with his active files. In this capacity, he monitored legislation in the Congress, drafted presidential statements, and prepared briefing papers and memoranda for the President and Domestic Council staff. Lissy worked…
Associate Director for Education, Labor, and Veterans; Special Assistant for Domestic Affairs, Domestic Council The files consist of materials produced or accumulated by Lissy, his predecessor Roger Semerad, and Lissy's staff assistant William Diefenderfer. The collection concerns their work on issues in the areas of education, labor, veterans affairs, and civil service. It also documents Lissy's major role in White House liaison with Jewish Americans. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container …
Finding Aid
Kathleen Ryan joined the Domestic Council staff in April 1975 as Assistant Director for General Government under Associate Director Glenn Schleede. General Government included energy and science, culture and consumer affairs. Ryan emphasized the latter two and, in early 1976, her title was changed to Assistant Director for Consumer and Cultural Affairs to more accurately reflect her…
Assistant Director for Consumer and Cultural Affairs, Domestic Council Ryan's chronological file (April 1975 - March 1976) of carbon copies of outgoing letters, memoranda and other documents on her work on consumer and cultural affairs. The bulk of her files were dispersed to other Domestic Council staff members upon her departure from the White House. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Chronological Series, 1975-76. Filter Folders by …