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Finding Aid
The Edward C. Schmults files, 1974-77, include materials created or received by Schmults and his two predecessors, Philip E. Areeda and Roderick M. Hills.Schmults had the title Deputy Counsel to the President while Areeda and Hills were Counsel to the President. The three had virtually the same duties and responsibilities and served successively as the primary assistant to Philip Buchen, head of…
Deputy Counsel to the President; Co-Chair, Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform, Office of Counsel to the President Materials concerning advice given to President Ford and White House staff members on a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues involving legal questions, constitutional or statutory powers of the President, conflict of interest rules, standards of conduct, and political restrictions. Also files concerning the Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform. The …
Finding Aid
When Gerald Ford succeeded to the Presidency on August 9, 1974, one of his first acts was to appoint his long-time friend and former law partner Philip Buchen as chief White House legal advisor and give the position Cabinet status. During his administration, Ford relied upon Buchen for advice on a wide range of issues, legislation, and actions. Like Counsellors to the President John…
Counsel to the President, Office of Counsel to the President Material on advice given to the President, First Family, and White House staff on legal matters, foreign and domestic issues, conflicts of interest, presidential powers, personal matters and campaign law. Major topics include: clemency program for draft evaders, presidential pardons (especially Richard Nixon), judicial appointments (including John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court), 1976 presidential campaign (especially the role of the Federal …
Finding Aid
When Barry Roth joined Gerald Ford’s vice presidential staff in January 1974, he was only twenty-four years old and had yet to complete his law degree. In spite of his youth, he had already worked as a legal assistant to the General Counsel of the General Services Administration (GSA.) William Casselman. When Casselman became General Counsel to Vice President Ford, he brought Roth along…
Staff Assistant; Assistant Counsel; Associate Counsel to the President, Office of Counsel to the President Material concerning his work on legal matters in the Ford White House, especially in the areas of information and access (Freedom of Information, Nixon Papers, declassification, etc.) and political affairs (Federal Election Commission rulings and decisions, allocation of trip expenses, etc.). Included are folders he inherited from Associate Counsel William Casselman, folders turned over to him by …
Finding Aid
The Jay T. French Files concern his work in the Counsel's Office, primarily his role as White House liaison with the Presidential Clemency Board. Described below under separate headings are French's role in the White House, the scope and content of his files, and related materials in other Ford Library collections.French's Role in the White HouseFrench served as Staff Assistant from…
Assistant Counsel to the President, Office of Counsel to the President Extensive material on the Vietnam War clemency program for Vietnam-era draft evaders and military absence offenders and French's role as White House liaison with the Presidential Clemency Board. Also more routine information concerning assistance given to the President, First Family, and White House staff on legal matters, foreign and domestic issues, conflicts of interest, presidential powers, personal matters, and standards of …
Finding Aid
Bobbie Kilberg came to the Ford White House with a background as an attorney, college administrator, Republican activist, and board member of interest groups supporting the rights of Native Americans and women. She also had served in the Nixon administration as a White House Fellow and Domestic Council staff assistant.Kilberg served as Associate Counsel to the President from July 1975 to…
Associate Counsel to the President, Office of Counsel to the President Materials concerning a wide variety of legal matters and legislation. Prominent topics include busing for school desegregation, the Arab boycott of U.S. firms dealing with Israel, the Vietnam-era clemency program, and the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. Included are sizable files which she inherited from Philip Buchen, Roderick Hills, and Jay French on issues which they had previously handled. A series concerning Secret Service …
Finding Aid
William E. Casselman developed a good working relationship with Congressman Gerald Ford and his staff during his tenure as Special Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations in the Nixon White House. On the strength of this relationship, Casselman was invited to work on the Ford Vice Presidential staff. When Ford became President, Casselman moved with him to the White House…
Counsel to the President, Office of Council to the President Material on crime, privacy, the Nixon/Ford transition, the work of the Interagency Classification Review Committee, and miscellaneous issues requiring legal opinion. The collection represents a fragment of Casselman's work in the Legal Counsel's office. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Subject File, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters …
Finding Aid
Kenneth Lazarus joined the White House staff in December 1974 as Associate Counsel to the President. Lazarus reviewed a wide array of issues and topics for possible legal problems. He facilitated, evaluated, or assessed substantive policy, legislative programs, enrolled bills, proclamations, executive orders, agency actions where law required presidential approval, executive privilege,…
Associate Counsel to the President, Office of Council to the President Material on advice given to the President, White House staff, and First Family on legal matters, domestic and foreign issues, presidential powers, and personnel matters. Prominent topics include legislation, White House liaison with agencies and departments of the federal government, presidential appointments, including the Supreme Court nomination of Justice John Paul Stevens, executive-legislative relations, and White House …
Finding Aid
Dudley H. Chapman moved from the Justice Department to the White House Legal Counsel's Office during the Nixon administration and stayed on in that office when Gerald R. Ford became president. During the Ford administration, Chapman received most of his work assignments from Rod Hills and later Edward Schmults. As much as sixty percent of Chapman's time was spent in routine services,…
Associate Counsel to the President; Counsel to the President's Office Material on advice given to the President on presidential powers, domestic and foreign issues. The most prominent topic relates to review of Civil Aeronautics Board decisions and airline regulatory reform. Other issues include: coyotes, classification review, political campaign funds, Japanese uranium stored in the United States, oil import fees, and creation of an Energy Independence Authority. View in NARA catalog Series Description …
Finding Aid
… feet (4,010 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession numbers 77-121, 77-122, 78-12) Last Modified Date 2025-03-06 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Counsel to the President, Office of Access Open. In …