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Finding Aid
A random 3% sample of carbon copies of telegrams received and dispatched by the White House Telegraph and Travel Section. The collection contains no information on the operation of the Telegraph and Travel Section.
Finding Aid
The White House Usher's Office, headed by Rex Scouten, was responsible for White House Executive Residence operations. This collection includes materials pertaining to staff appointments, events, swimming pool construction, Christmas preparations, budgets and expenditures, and construction of a warehouse for storage of furnishings. Also included in the collection is material related to the production of a film on the history of the White House.
Finding Aid
Material concerning White House efforts to identify administration spokesmen to fill key speaking invitations that the President could not accept. The bulk of the collection dates from 1976.
Finding Aid
This collection contains materials relating to Robert Orben's comedy writing career encompassing his work as a humor consultant and speechwriter for television personalities, corporate clients, and politicians. Materials compiled during his tenure as speechwriter for President Ford are also included.
Finding Aid
The collection contains materials relating primarily to the administration of food and drug regulatory policy in the United States on such topics as the drug approval process; the introduction of new drugs into the marketplace; over-the-counter drugs and self-medication; new treatments and therapies for cancer, stroke, diabetes, and influenza; food safety; and food additives and additives in veterinary food products.
Finding Aid
National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft sent to President Ford, almost daily, a short highly-classified memo of disparate “Information Items” drawn from intelligence and diplomatic sources (click here for an example). These often were supplemented by other memos. They tell of developments in various countries, international negotiations, important events, and high-level conversations and correspondence. The information is primarily reportive and analytical rather than a briefing on current or proposed U.S. actions. The collection’s title derives…
Finding Aid
The collection documents the Asmus family’s participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train, especially along the Santa Fe Trail.
Finding Aid
This collection contains correspondence, clippings, speeches, schedules, and other material related to Robert Barrett's post-presidential activities on behalf of President Gerald R. Ford.
Finding Aid
The heart of the WHCF is its Subject File. It contains information on nearly everything and everyone associated with the Ford administration. Sixty basic subject categories divide into over 1,000 subcategories using alphanumeric file codes, e.g. CO-Countries has a subcategory CO 75 Japan, and FI-Finance has a subcategory FI 4 Budget-Appropriations. Generally higher level materials are in yellow-labeled "Executive" folders, while samples of public opinion mail and similarly routine materials are in green-labeled "General" folders. Click on the names of the primary Subject File categories below…
Finding Aid
The collection consists of small fragmentary series concerning Callaway's work as Secretary of the Army and chairman of the President Ford Committee (PFC), along with a large legal file concerning allegations of misconduct involving Crested Butte Mountain Resort. Much PFC material concerns Callaway's contacts with the Committee after his departure, but some memoranda, schedules, and a campaign plan date from his service as chairman.