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Finding Aid
Photocopies of the final texts of public speeches and statements by Carla A. Hills while she was Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, March 1975 - January 1977.
Finding Aid
This collection consists of Gerald R. Ford’s special agent application case file, which includes his application and medical examination, field investigation reports, and correspondence compiled by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters officials. Also included in the file are memorandums dating to the Ford presidential period regarding the storage of FBI records on Gerald Ford, and press inquiries into the reason why Ford was not offered a special agent position.
Finding Aid
Seven people who knew Gerald Ford as a young man discuss their acquaintanceships, Grand Rapids politics in the 1930's and 1940's, and Ford's 1948 congressional campaign. Included are interviews with Arthur G. Brown, Philip W. Buchen, Kay Clark, Paul G. and Maraget E. Goebel, Dorothy L. Judd, Willard B. Ver Meulen, and Niel A. Weathers.
Finding Aid
The collection consists of material associated with Lindh’s participation in Republican politics, and with her service during the Nixon and Ford administrations. Included are newspaper clippings, routine correspondence, copies of her speeches, documentation relevant to the speeches, and other background material.
Finding Aid
A student file containing Gerald Ford’s 1937 application for admission To the University of Michigan Law School and letter of reference, his undergraduate academic transcript from the same institution, correspondence, and a 1946 notice that he has joined the law firm of Butterfield, Keeney & Amberg.View digital copies of the documents
Finding Aid
Materials from Patterson's work on legislation and policies concerning Native Americans, and his work as a White House liaison between Federal officials and tribal organizations. Patterson's files from his work as Assistant Director of Operations, White House Personnel Office, will be described separately in the finding aid for the records of that office.
Finding Aid
Case files on both public and private bills passed by Congress and sent to President for signature or veto. The case files contain recommendations from the agencies interested in the legislation, the Office of Management and Budget, the Domestic Council, and the White House staff along with summaries of the bills and draft signing or veto statements.
Finding Aid
Transcript-like records, and the notes from which they were prepared, of President Nixon’s and President Ford’s conversations with heads of state and foreign officials, senior intelligence and national security officials, American ambassadors, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors. The memoranda of conversations (memcons) cover a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security topics, including the Middle East peace process, East-West relations, NATO and Europe, normalization of relations with the People’s Republic of China,…
Finding Aid
Letters from young Gerald Ford to Frederica Pantlind, a hometown friend and neighbor. Also included are Pantlind’s newspaper clippings on University of Michigan football and on Gamma Delta Tau high school sorority, invitations to social events, and date books. The letters reveal much about Gerald Ford’s life as a college student and athlete and, to a lesser extent, his work as an assistant coach at Yale University. Other materials concern Ms. Pantlind’s social life in Grand Rapids and visits to Ann Arbor. Included are occasional items mentioning Ford’s future wife Betty…
Finding Aid
At the end of his administration, Gerald R. Ford contracted with publisher Harper & Row to write his memoirs. Trevor Armbrister, a journalist and correspondent for Reader's Digest, assisted him in the research and writing of the book, entitled A Time to Heal. This collection contains correspondence, notes, audio recordings of interviews, interview transcripts, drafts of chapters, and other materials related to the writing and publication process.The portion of the collection that is available for research are Gerald R. Ford's handwritten personal reflections on twenty-seven different…