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Finding Aid
Transcript-like records, and the notes from which they were prepared, of President Nixon’s and President Ford’s conversations with heads of state and foreign officials, senior intelligence and national security officials, American ambassadors, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors. The memoranda of conversations (memcons) cover a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security topics, including the Middle East peace process, East-West relations, NATO and Europe, normalization of relations with the People’s Republic of China,…
Finding Aid
A mix of routine and substantive letters and telegrams exchanged between President Ford and leaders of sixty-four countries. Substantive exchanges address such topics as Angola, the British financial crisis, economic summit meetings, Middle East peace process, OPEC, Cyprus, South Vietnam, NATO, and Soviet influence in Africa and Asia. Supporting materials, including memoranda, notes, and letter drafts, round out the collection.
Finding Aid
Primarily messages notifying world leaders of the Nixon-Ford presidential transition, but also talking points for President Ford's first meetings with foreign ambassadors as well as substantive State Department briefing papers summarizing US foreign policy on the eve of the Ford administration. Topics include US-USSR relations, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, food, nuclear weapons, and oil.
Finding Aid
Agendas, briefing papers, and minutes for most of the thirty-nine National Security Council meetings held during the Ford Administration. Agendas for the meetings were prepared by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Meeting minutes were prepared by the NSC staff person who had staff responsibility for the major issue under discussion. Topics include arms control, US military readiness, the Middle East, Angola, Vietnam, the Mayaguez, the Panama Canal, and investigations of the intelligence community.
Finding Aid
Memoranda of conversations and related materials compiled for President Ford concerning Secretary Kissinger’s meetings with leaders of the Soviet Union, China, and Middle Eastern countries. The files also contain memoranda of conversations from President Ford’s meetings with Soviet leaders at the Vladivostok Summit and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), and with Chinese leaders during his visit to Peking. Meeting summaries, Kissinger’s reports to the President, briefing papers prepared for Kissinger, drafts of agreements and communiqués, public statements…
Finding Aid
A reference file of copies of National Security Study Memoranda (NSSMs) and National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDMs) promulgated during the Ford administration. The original NSSMs and NSDMs were retained by the NSC as institutional/agency records. NSSMs were the basic documents used to generate formal policy studies. NSDMs were the primary mechanism by which the administration articulated basic tenants of national security policy.