Displaying 441 - 450 of 109764 results
Page 45 of 10977
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 10, 1976
Meeting with the Senate Budget Committee [Meeting Attendee List] … Digitized from Box 22 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~ March 10, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS j LEFT TO RIGHT 11:45 a. m.. Meeting with the Senate Budget Com.m.ittee. The Cabinet Room. Senator Dole Senator Beall Senator Bellm.on The President Senator Moss Senator Hollings Senator Cran ston # # …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 10, 1976
Participants at the meeting of the Senate Budget Committee [Meeting Attendee List] … Digitized from Box 22 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Marc\r10, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS ; Participants a.t the m.eeting of the Senate Budget Com.m.ittee: , Senator Frank E. Moss Senator Ernest F. Hollings Senator Alan Cranston Senator Lawton Chiles Senator A bourezk Senator Sam. Nunn Senator Henry L. Bellm.on Senator Bob Dole …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 11, 1976
Statement by the President on expansion of Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - MARCH 11, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WmTE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Two weeks ago I announced to the Nation a comprehensive program to strengthen the foreign intelligence agencies of the United States Government. My actions were designed to achieve …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 11, 1976
Pool Report #1, Andrews AFB to Rockford, Illinois … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1 POOL REPOR T #1 Andrews AFB t o Roc ,-f o r d: ~J.inois T hursday, March 11, 19 76 Bo Callawa. y ca'm e bac~, be f 0 re plan e took elf, caU~ d 'r'Jinci s a toug • test; " I think he's gcin g t o w in in Illi"lcoi B but I d onl t tLtink there is g c,:;.ng to be a ny b i g nUlTl tcl.'S. ,: Sa: r :; ~ 'i.; :ldi-::i p::> i;wg al! l~l;::e :,')g ~. …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 11, 1976
President Signs S. 151, The Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975 [Signing Statements and Announcements] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library March 11, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the vfuite House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT I have today approved S. 151, liThe Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975." S. 151 authorizes four separate proj ects to be under-· taken by the Bureau of Reclamation: Polecat Bench, …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 11, 1976
Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Farm Forum, Clock Tower Inn (Rockford, Illinois) [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 11, 1976 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY ____________________(~_R_o_c_¥_:f_o_r__d~~li~n~o~i~s~)~______________________ THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT ANI> QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION AT THE FARM FORUM CLOCK TOWER INN 3: …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 11, 1976
Remarks of the President at the Cherryvale Mall (Rockford, Illinois) [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MARCH 11, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE ~JHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (Rockford, ________________________ I11inoi~ THE HHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF'THE PRESIDENT AT THE CHERRYVALE MALL 8:09 P.M. CST Thank you very, very much, John Anderson, Senator Chuck Percy, Governor Ogilvie, Dave Martinson, ladies and …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 12, 1976
President Signs S. J. Res. 59, International Petroleum Exposition, and S. 151, Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975 [Signing Statements and Announcements] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library[3-fZ- 7 {.] Office of the White House Press Secretary (Rockford, Illinois) - NOTICE TO THE PRESS The P resident has signed S. J. Res. 59 - Int ernational Petroluem Exposition. The Resolution aufhol-izes and requests the President to invite the States of …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 12, 1976
Question and Answer Session with the Northern Illinois Newspaper Association, Chicago Airport Marriott Inn [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 12, 1976 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 12, 1976
Remarks of the Vice President at the Lincoln Day Dinner, the Ballroom, Albuquerque Convention Center [Speeches by Others] … Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR Ir1MEDIATE RELEASE FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1976 Office of the Vice President (AlbuS\!erque, New r-iexico) REMARKS OF THE VICE PRESIDENT AT THE LINCOLN DAY DINNER THE BALLROOM, ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER ALBUQUERQUE, NEW !1EXICO (At 9:00 P.M. MST) vfuat a wonderful party. This has got to …