Displaying 321 - 330 of 109764 results
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This collection contains extensive materials related to domestic and international transportation issues, on such topics as railroad reorganization conducted through the United States Railway Association, National Passenger Railroad Corporation (Amtrak) and Consolidated Railroad Corporation (Conrail) structuring, the Northeast Rail Crisis, highway legislation, no-fault vehicle insurance, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, Civil Aeronautics Board investigations, international air travel agreements, and Law of the Sea negotiations.
John W. Barnum Papers … This collection contains extensive materials related to domestic and international transportation issues, on such topics as railroad reorganization conducted through the United States Railway Association, National Passenger Railroad Corporation (Amtrak) and Consolidated Railroad Corporation (Conrail) structuring, the Northeast Rail Crisis, highway legislation, no-fault vehicle insurance, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, Civil Aeronautics Board investigations, international air travel …
Sea-Land Service Mayaguez Incident Collection …
This series contains index cards prepared by Anne Kamstra that document autograph requests for President Gerald Ford. Cards typically include the recipient's name and address, requesters name, suggested inscription, date of request, and date answered. Most requests are for signed photographs; some requests are for items provided by the requester, including programs, newspapers, and quilts. Occasionally, cards are accompanied by correspondence between Kamstra and other staff members discussing whether or not to fulfill the request, and if so, how.
Collection: Anne Kamstra Files (Ford Administration)
Autograph Request Cards … This series contains index cards prepared by Anne Kamstra that document autograph requests for President Gerald Ford. Cards typically include the recipient's name and address, requesters name, suggested inscription, date of request, and date answered. Most requests are for signed photographs; some requests are for items provided by the requester, including programs, newspapers, and quilts. Occasionally, cards are accompanied by correspondence between Kamstra and other staff …
This collection consists of materials concerning Philomena Jurey’s work covering the White House for Voice of America (VOA), and contains materials related primarily to Presidential trips, summit meetings, and Presidential campaigns.
Philomena Jurey Papers … This collection consists of materials concerning Philomena Jurey’s work covering the White House for Voice of America (VOA), and contains materials related primarily to Presidential trips, summit meetings, and Presidential campaigns. …
Collection: Stanley S. Scott Papers
Incoming Correspondence Files …
Collection: Stanley S. Scott Papers
Letters Referred to Agencies …
Collection: Records of the Assassination Records Review Board
Gerald Ford's Annotated Appointment Calendars …