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BYRON M. “RED” CAVANEY FILES Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Items are listed below, with a brief description. Bolded headings correspond to the folder in which the items are located. Copyright for the items is not known; restrictions may exist on the use and reproduction of the materials BOX FOLDER ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION This audiovisual portion of the Byron M. Cavaney Files consists of photographs from accession 1977-NLF-001. Materials in the Cavaney Files concern the …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review October-December 2011 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.75 per page. Contact: Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages Barry Roth Files Barry Roth Files Barry Roth Files 1 1 1 Declassification Helms and Chile Declassification Helms and Chile Declassification Helms and Chile 9/8/1970 9/22/1970 9/21/1970 2 …
THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 7:30 P.M. Outspoken Women: What Eleanor Roosevelt and Betty Ford taught us about Leadership In celebration of Mrs. Ford’s birthday in April, we are marking the occasion with a presentation from one of the country’s top experts on First Ladies. Allida Black Research Professor of History and International Affairs, George Washington University Historian and Director, Eleanor Roosevelt Papers and Managing Director, The Allenswood Group Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1000 Beal …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum Library: 1000 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (734) 205-0555 fax (734) 205-0571 Press Release Contact: Kate Murray, Program Coordinator (734) 205-0567 JOAN BISKUPIC TALKS ABOUT HER NEW BIOGRAPHY OF SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA Ann Arbor, Mich… Join author Joan Biskupic as she discusses her new book American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the first full-scale …
The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns Wednesday November 14, 2012 7:30 p.m. Join us as author and journalist Sasha Issenberg tells the hidden story of the analytical revolution upending the way political campaigns are run in the 21st century. Sasha Issenberg Free Parking. Free Admission. Reception, book sales and signing follow program. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1000 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, MI (734) 205-0555 Armed with insights from behavioral …
Thank You Integrity One win and 19 losses, a record that no one wants. Unfortunately, that has been the outcome of my senior basketball season. To me, the definition of integrity is being honest and true to your morals and principals. I think it takes integrity to stand up for what you believe in and what you know is right even when no one else around you agrees. To watch someone drop 20 dollars and return it to them instead of keeping it, that’s integrity. To continue to have a positive attitude even when …
“A Career of Integrity” After examining the medical history, the physical exam, and the tissue sample of a patient, a physician must inform the patient that he or she has a lethal form of cancer. As a physician, financial obligation from the hospital forces this profession to tell this patient that chemotherapy is the only solution for his or her cancer. However, acquired knowledge and instinct cognitively confesses that chemotherapy is perilous to her long-term health and ability to function daily as a …