Displaying 3971 - 3980 of 37534 results
Page 398 of 3754
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographic Office: Vice President Nelson Rockefeller Photographs The Ford Library has no negatives and only a partially complete set of contact sheet prints of the official photographs of Vice President Rockefeller taken by the White House photographers. Descriptions of the contact sheets owned by the Library appear below. A complete set of contact sheets and negatives can be found at the Rockefeller Archive Center located in Sleepy Hollow, New York. To …
Gerald R. Ford Library Request for Manuscript Reproductions Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Laird Papers C31 Vietnam, Documents 9-10 Laird Papers C31 Laird Papers FY09/1 Document Identification Date #Pages Memo for SecDef re: Planning for Initial Withdrawal of US Forces from Vietnam 1/25/1969 12 Vietnam, Documents 31-35 Memo re: Courtesy call by Vice President Ky 4/4/1969 4 C32 Vietnam, Documents 43-46 Memo re: RVNAF Phase II Plan 4/28/1969 4 Laird Papers C32 Vietnam, …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers: Audiotapes, 1973-74 Series Description Audiotapes (200 hours) Audiotapes produced by the White House Communications Agency (WHCA), by the Vice President's staff, or by local media. All of the tapes cover public appearances by the Vice President, including speeches, television and radio interviews, and press conferences. The collection, however, is not …
COMPOSITE GRAND RAPIDS ACCESSIONS: Gerald Elliott Article and Photographs Audiovisual Materials BOX FOLDER CONTENTS 1 AV96-10-1 AV96-10-02 AV96-10-03 AV96-10-04 AV96-10-05 AV96-10-06 AV96-10-07 AV96-10-08 AV96-10-09 AV96-10-10 AV96-10-11 AV96-10-12 2 AV96-10-13 AV96-10-14 AV96-10-15 AV96-10-16 AV96-10-17 AV96-10-18 AV96-10-19 2 AV96-10-20 AV96-10-21 Frank Meyer with Norman Winkels and Bert TerHaar in Gerald R. Ford’s Mobile Office, 1958. Frank Meyer with Norman Winkels and Bert TerHaar in Gerald R. Ford’s …
Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Materials: Audiovisual Materials Box Folder 1 1 Contents 6 7 8 9 10 AV82-32-1 AV82-32-2 AV82-32-3 AV82-32-4 AV82-32-5 AV82-32-6 AV82-32-7 AV82-32-8 AV82-32-9 AV82-32-10 AV82-32-11 AV82-32-12 AV82-32-13 AV82-32-14 AV82-32-15 AV82-32-16 AV82-32-17 AV82-32-18 AV82-32-19 AV82-32-20 AV82-32-21 AV82-32-22 AV82-32-23 AV82-32-24 to 28 AV82-32-29 11 AV82-32-30 AV82-34-1 to 39 12 AV82-36 13 14 15 AV82-38 AV82-39 AV82-40-1 to 4 AV82-40-5 AV82-41-1 to 3 AV82-42-1 to 9 AV82-43-1 to 4 …
GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY Military District of Washington Gerald R. Ford Funeral Photographs Acc. No. 2007-NLF-051 Preservation Copies Container list: Palm Springs, CA – Church Ceremony, 12/29/2006: 1 of 5 through 5 of 5 Palm Springs, CA – Church Departure, 12/30/2006: 1 of 2 through 2 of 2 Palm Springs, CA – Airport, 12/30/2006: 1 of 6 through 6 of 6 Andrews Air Force Base, MD – Arrival, 12/30/2006: 1 of 2 through 2 of 2 (Johnson) Washington, DC – Capitol Rotunda, 12/30/2006: Disc 8 National Cathedral and …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Primary Election Radio Spots Audiotapes Folder Tape 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 10 6 11 12 7 13 8 14 15 9 10 16 17 18 11 19 12 20 21 22 Contents Facts: Older Americans PFUS 0266 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery PFUS 0766 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery Revised PFUS 0666 02/19/76 Facts: Older Americans PFUS 0266 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery PFUS 0766 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery Revised PFUS 0666 02/19/76 Facts: Older Americans PFUS 0266 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery PFUS 0766 02/19/76 Facts: Recovery …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 GERALD AND BETTY FORD SPECIAL MATERIALS Collection: [1841, 1851] 1941-2007 Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Summary Description This series consists of photographs transferred from the collection of letters, photographs, scrapbook materials, and books that were set apart by Gerald Ford, Betty Ford or their staff and deemed to have special value. Most of the …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 JOHN W. BARNUM PAPERS, 1971-1978 (1979-1999) General Counsel, Undersecretary, and Deputy Secretary, Department of Transportation Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Summary Description This series consists primarily of Department of Transportation photographs. Many of the photographs depict John Barnum at various other meetings and events. Other subjects include the …