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Finding Aid
Paul Miltich, Gerald Ford's press secretary since 1966, was named assistant press secretary to the President in August 1974. Under Jerald terHorst, Miltich was responsible for supervising the correspondence section of the Press Office; producing position papers which were then distributed to newspapers, television and radio stations throughout the country; channeling opinion- editorial (Op-…
Assistant Press Secretary to the President, Press Secretary's Office Position papers on issues and administration accomplishments released to the news media and routine correspondence concerning press relations and the production of the White House news summary. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Alphabetical Correspondence File, 1974-75. Chronological File, 1974-75. Control File, 1974-75. Position Papers, 1974. Filter Folders by Status …
Finding Aid
The James B. Shuman files cover his work as editor of both the President's news summary and Presidential briefing books for meetings with the news media from April 1975 to July 1976. Also included are earlier news summaries and briefing books which he inherited from predecessors. The news summary was a compilation and distillation of printed and electronic media news articles,…
Editor, President's news summaries, Associate Director of Communications, Press Secretary's Office Materials include August 1974 - July 1976 issues of "News and Comment", the President's daily news summary, plus draft news summaries and clippings. Also briefing books for the President's press conferences, media interviews and trips. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Briefing Books, 1974-76. News Summaries - Clippings, 1975-76. News …
Finding Aid
Helen Mary Collins was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, December 1, 1935, and subsequently attended State Teachers Colleges in Lowell and Salem. She began her career as a secretary and, in 1961, joined Columbia Broadcasting Systems in New York City. By 1963 she had advanced to CBS production secretary in Los Angeles. From 1963 to 1971 she held various production positions in…
Television Coordinator, Office of the Press Secretary Collins provided day-to-day production support for Presidential television appearances, assisting Ford's television advisors Robert Mead and William Carruthers. The file is largely routine, but contains a few items on 1976 campaign media evaluations and strategy. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Photographs, 1974-76. Subject File, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed …
Finding Aid
This collection contains letters, memoranda, published articles and drafts, clippings, publications, planning calendars, and press releases compiled by Frederic Slight during his service as staff assistant to Counsellor to the President Anne Armstrong and as a special assistant in the Office of Communications. The files contain very few documents from the period Slight served in the Office of…
Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Press Secretary's Office; and Assistant to Counsellor to the President Anne L. Armstrong This collection contains material prepared or compiled by Slight documenting his work assisting Counsellor to the President Anne Armstrong and in communications office activities. There are extensive materials related to Spanish speaking Americans and White House communications. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All …
Finding Aid
History of the Presidential Handwriting FilePresident Lyndon Johnson's staff started the practice of maintaining a separate handwriting file. Gertrude Fry copied the practices of the Johnson White House when she joined the Nixon staff and continued to be responsible for the file under President Ford.Ms. Fry and her staff filed the documents chronologically by the date of the latest item in…
Staff Secretary's Office This file contains occasional documents in President Ford's handwriting along with numerous memoranda, briefing papers, and reports submitted to the President and bearing his annotations (rarely extensive), signature, or initials. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Chronological File, 1974-77. Index File - Names, 1974-75. Index File - Subjects, 1974-75. Subject File, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed …
Finding Aid
The Gerald Warren Papers concern his work as Deputy Press Secretary and Director of the White House Communications Office between August 1974 and August 1975. He joined the White House Communications Office in 1969 as Deputy Press Secretary to Ron Ziegler in the Nixon administration, often delivering the daily press briefings as the Watergate scandal intensified in 1974. Following the resignation…
Deputy Press Secretary; Director of Communications Office Press clippings, interview and press briefing transcripts, speech texts, press releases, and briefing books used by the White House Communications Office, as well as subject files of newspaper articles on the post-presidency of Richard Nixon and on Congress' investigation in 1975 of Northrop Corporation's foreign arms sales. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Subject File - Ford, …