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Finding Aid
Permanent Operating Offices This collection consists of official statements of departing White House staff on the disposition of their files, records of changes and additions made by White House Central Files staff to their filing manual, and a collection of White House staff rubber name stamps. Also included in the collection are copies of the White House Central Files Subject Files filing manual and the White House East Wing / Social Office filing manual. The log books for oversized attachments, …
Finding Aid
RELATED MATERIALS (October 2015)Additional material related to the Executive Residence are found primarily in the White House Central Files Subject File, category WH (White House), as well as FG-100 (Committee for the Preservation of the White House) and FG-180 (National Park Foundation) categories. Materials pertaining to the swimming pool specifically can be found in the John Stiles and Merrill…
Permanent Operating Offices The White House Usher's Office, headed by Rex Scouten, was responsible for White House Executive Residence operations. This collection includes materials pertaining to staff appointments, events, swimming pool construction, Christmas preparations, budgets and expenditures, and construction of a warehouse for storage of furnishings. Also included in the collection is material related to the production of a film on the history of the White House. View in NARA catalog Series …
Finding Aid
As a permanent operating unit of the Office of the Chief Executive Clerk [1], the White House Telegraph and Travel Section arranged travel for White House staff, assisted with travel arrangements for the White House press corps, and received and dispatched all telegrams for the White House Office. The collection has no information on these duties, but does contain a sample of telegrams taken from…
Office of the Chief Executive Clerk A random 3% sample of carbon copies of telegrams received and dispatched by the White House Telegraph and Travel Section. The collection contains no information on the operation of the Telegraph and Travel Section. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Incoming Telegrams File, 1974-77. Outgoing Telegrams File, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection …
Finding Aid
The White House Press Release Unit is one of the permanent White House support operations which serve each President. Supervised during the Ford administration by Mary E. Hooper, Editorial Clerk, the unit worked with the Office of the Press Secretary, receiving draft press releases, reproducing, and distributing them. They compiled a keyword index to presidential speeches, announcements,…
Permanent Operating Offices White House volunteers created this detailed card index to press releases from Ford's speeches, announcements, interviews, statements, press conferences, and messages. Over 200,000 entries give keyword or phrase, the context phrase, and full text citation. The entries cover subjects from Mass Assured Destruction to broomcorn imports, and places from China to Latvia. Researchers can easily acquire photocopies of entries by mail or telephone inquiry. View in NARA catalog Series …
Finding Aid
RELATED MATERIALS (December 2012)Individual staff office files document the activities of the First Lady’s staff. These include the files of: Russell Armentrout, Maria Downs, Elizabeth O’Neill, Susan Porter, Frances Pullen, and Sheila Weidenfeld. The Library also holds the personal papers of Betty Ford, Maria Downs, Peter Sorum, and Sheila Weidenfeld (unprocessed).The White House Social Office…
Permanent Operating Offices This collection consists primarily of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized …
Finding Aid
The office provided still-photographic coverage of Gerald Ford's day-to-day activities as Vice President and President. David Kennerly, a photojournalist whom Ford met while Vice President, and four other photographers, shot approximately 290,000 photos of Mr. Ford and his staff and family. They took the photos in White House meeting rooms, offices, and the family residence; at Camp David and…
View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs, 1884-1974. Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Photographs, 1973-74. Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs, 1974‑77. Nelson Rockefeller Vice Presidential Photographs, 1974-1977. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview Scope and Content Note The office provided still-photographic coverage of Gerald Ford's …
Finding Aid
RELATED MATERIALS (December 2012)Individual staff office files document the activities of the First Lady’s staff. These include the files of: Russell Armentrout, Maria Downs, Elizabeth O’Neill, Susan Porter, Frances Pullen, and Sheila Weidenfeld. The Library also holds the personal papers of Betty Ford, Maria Downs, Peter Sorum, and Sheila Weidenfeld (unprocessed).The White House Social Office…
Permanent Operating Offices This collection consists primarily of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford's East Wing staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters …
Finding Aid
The White House Social Files contain materials that relate to the activities of First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. They were maintained in a designated filing scheme under the supervision of the Chief of Files and the White House Central Files staff. Included was over 500 cubic feet of mail addressed to Mrs. Ford, or both President and Mrs. Ford, from the general public that became the White…
Permanent Operating Offices Mail from the general public sent to First Lady Betty Ford, or to both President and Mrs. Ford, on a variety of topics. It includes public opinion mail related to Betty Ford's 60 Minutes interview, her breast cancer surgery, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the Nixon pardon, and Mrs. Ford's prayer for Dr. Maurice Sage. It also includes holiday and occasion cards addressed to the Fords and requests for greetings for special occasions. View in NARA catalog Series Description and …
Finding Aid
The White House Press Release Collection contains both the press releases published and distributed by the White House Press Release Unit and most of the press releases issued informally by the Press Secretary's office. The collection originally included only press releases distributed by the Press Release Unit, but a partial set of press releases collected by the National Archives have…
A chronological set of press releases issued by either the White House Press Release Unit or the Press Secretary's office covering all aspects of the Ford White House. Included are transcripts of speeches, briefings, and press conferences; schedules; biographies; proposed legislation; press pool reports; etc. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Duplicate Press Releases, 1974-77. Press Releases, 1974-77. Filter Folders by Status Open …
Finding Aid
During the Ford administration the primary mission of the White House Photographic Office was to supply all the photographic needs of the President, the Vice‑President, and the White House staff, especially the Press Secretary. Oliver Atkins headed the Office until his December 1, 1974 resignation; immediately upon his departure David Kennerly, the President's personal photographer and…
Collection Finding Aid and Links to Digital Files The bulk of the materials are routine requests for photographs, slides, and other photo related services; administrative concerns of budget, workload, office policy, staffing, facilities, and equipment are also documented. Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Box 1: Administrative Files, 1974‑76. (0.4 linear feet) Boxes 2‑4: Requests for Photographs, 1974‑75. (1.2 linear feet) Filter Folders by Status Open …