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Finding Aid
The Outside the System Chronological File is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.When National Archives staff received this collection at the end of the Ford administration, the boxes were labeled “Outside the System.” The exact office of origin is uncertain.The collection consists almost entirely of photocopies, with occasional carbon and ribbon copies,…
A set of documents, primarily photocopies, that were not logged into the NSC computer control number tracking system. Many items had very high sensitivity for content or timeliness, but many others are unexceptional or even routine. The documents cover a wide range of topics, including nuclear test ban and arms control treaty negotiations, arms sales, military assistance to Israel, the Middle East peace process, Angola, U.S. relations with the Soviet Union and Cuba, and reorganization of the intelligence …
Finding Aid
The Presidential Country Files for the Middle East and South Asia is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.This particular subcollection concerns U.S. relations with all countries in the Middle East and South Asia, encompassing both regional and bilateral matters. In arrangement, the first folders concern the Middle East in general or the United States Sinai…
This collection concerns high-level U.S. diplomatic relations with all countries of the Middle East and South Asia. The topical scope is broad, involving, for example, Indo-Pakistani relations, Lebanon's collapse into civil war, Sinai disengagement discussions between Egypt and Israel, military and economic assistance programs, oil exports and prices, the partition of Cyprus and Greek-Turkish tensions, the Rabat Summit of Arab leaders, and the Arab-Israeli conflict generally. Materials are primarily …
Finding Aid
The Presidential Name File is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.The Name File comprises material filed by the name of an individual. Most of the documents were sent or received by either Henry Kissinger, as National Security Adviser to the President, or Brent Scowcroft, as Kissinger's deputy and then National Security Adviser himself. It is not apparent…
Materials created or received by National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or person discussed. This collection contains two main categories of material: correspondence with people outside the Ford administration relating to national security or foreign affairs questions; and internal government memos or letters on administrative matters, such as personnel, rather than national security policy. View in NARA catalog Series Description …
Finding Aid
NSC Press and Congressional Liaison Staff Files is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.Duties of Janka and VanderhyeLeslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye handled National Security Council (NSC) press and congressional liaison during the Ford administration. Janka served as staff assistant for press liaison from 1971 until February 1975, working out of an…
Materials concerning the work of NSC staff members Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye on NSC press and congressional relations. Included is foreign affairs press guidance provided to the White House Press Secretary, outgoing letters and memoranda, a small subject file, and memoranda of conversations and briefing papers for presidential meetings with members of Congress on foreign affairs and defense matters. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All …
Finding Aid
The Program Analysis staff provided analysis and background information for the President, Secretary Kissinger, and the NSC on a broad range of defense and national security topics, particularly the SALT treaty and other arms control and nuclear energy issues. The files contain materials from both the Nixon and Ford administrations. Most of this collection is unprocessed and closed to research. The container list shows what is currently open. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List …
Finding Aid
The Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford National Security Adviser Files and an explanation of the designations “Presidential” and “Institutional” are provided in Appendix A.The role of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG) was to coordinate administration efforts in dealing…
Materials on the activities of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG), which coordinated congressional liaison activities on foreign affairs and defense matters for the White House, NSC, CIA, and the Departments of State, Justice, and Defense. The files for many LIG meetings contain both briefing papers and minutes or a record of decisions. The bulk of the collection dates from 1971 and 1972, with fewer meetings and less documentation for later periods. View in NARA catalog Series Description and …
Finding Aid
The Office of Middle East and South Asian Affairs provided the primary staff support to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs on foreign policy and defense issues for thirty countries ranging geographically from Morocco to Saudi Arabia to India. As with the National Security Council's other geographic offices, the Office of Middle East and South Asian Affairs had a wide…
Substantive materials on foreign policy and defense issues for thirty countries ranging geographically from Morocco to Saudi Arabia to India. The materials provide information about such topics as military and economic assistance, regional alliances, territorial disputes, Soviet interests and activities, the Middle East peace negotiations, the Arab economic boycott of companies trading with Israel, US security interests in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the United …
Finding Aid
The "NSC East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files" is a subcollection of the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford Library's National Security Adviser Files is described in Appendix A.The NSC East Asia and Pacific staff provided foreign policy support to the President, Vice President, and National Security Adviser on bilateral and multilateral relations in the region…
Materials of Richard Solomon and his staff concerning U.S. relations with and events in specific countries in the Far East and Pacific Ocean; trips there by American officials; visits to the U.S. by Asian and Pacific leaders; U.S. territories in the Pacific; and meetings of the National Security Council, Washington Special Actions Group, and Senior Review Group. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Country File, 1969-76. Indochina …
Finding Aid
The Presidential Subject File is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford National Security Adviser Files and an explanation of the designations “Presidential” and “Institutional” are provided in Appendix A.This collection contains the originals of many documents addressed to President Ford and to National Security Advisers Henry…
A collection of briefing papers, memoranda, correspondence, reports, and speeches concerning policy decisions, meetings, and other matters in which President Ford actively participated. The materials cover a wide array of foreign policy and national security issues including SALT and other arms control topics, foreign aid, White House-Congressional relations, military exercises, energy, investigations of the intelligence community, and U.S.-Soviet trade. View in NARA catalog Series Description and …
Finding Aid
The "Trip Cables of Brent Scowcroft" is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford National Security Adviser Files and an explanation of the designations “Presidential” and “Institutional” are provided in Appendix A.These files are for trips on which National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft accompanied the President and consist…
Cables exchanged between Brent Scowcroft and National Security Council and White House staff members while he was traveling with the President. Files contain White House Situation Room reports and memoranda concerning the ongoing work of the NSC. Subject content relates to a wide variety of foreign policy and national security matters including Lebanon, the Korean tree incident, the Middle East, and Africa. The collection also includes material relating to the 1976 presidential campaign. View in NARA …