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Finding Aid
The NSC Planning and Coordination Staff Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The Planning and Coordination Staff, headed by Richard Kennedy from 1973 to 1975, dealt primarily with politico-military matters but also handled an array of issues including foreign assistance and arms transfer policy. Its officers were responsible for a…
A small series concerns contingency planning for possible developments in several countries (especially Chile, Peru, Portugal, and Spain). A larger series concerns Security Assistance during Fiscal Year 1974, primarily budget planning, budget decisions, and legislation (authorizations and appropriations). All documents in the latter series date from the Nixon administration. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Contingency Plan File, …
Finding Aid
The NSC International Economic Affairs Staff Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files and is a valuable source of materials on a wide range of international economic issues.Scope and Content of the CollectionGerald Ford became President as the United States and numerous other countries were experiencing severe economic problems. These problems were…
Materials of Robert Hormats and his staff, mostly from 1976, on U.S. international economic policy, economic relations with foreign countries, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico economic summits. Specific topics include foreign aid, monetary affairs, foreign investment, trade, commodities, energy, oil, civil aviation, and maritime affairs. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Institutional Subject File, (1974) 1975-76. Presidential …
Finding Aid
United States Air Force Captain John K. Matheny was detailed to the National Security Council staff in July 1975 and served until the end of the Ford administration. Although his official job title was Staff Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the position was sometimes called “junior military assistant.” He worked closely with Robert C. “Bud” McFarlane,…
Material concerning his work as an assistant to Robert C. McFarlane, primarily in the area of NSC interactions with the congressional select committees on intelligence and Ford administration efforts to reform the intelligence community. Some materials on other topics appear, including a significant file on the administration's self-evaluation of the handling of the Mayaguez incident. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Subject File, …
Finding Aid
The Staff Assistant Peter W. Rodman Files is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.Peter Rodman served as a staff assistant to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft from 1969 to 1977. His duties ranged from the routine (drafting farewell and thank you letters for Kissinger and Scowcroft) to the important (creating memoranda of…
A chronological file documenting handling of letters addressed to Kissinger or Scowcroft and reminders to the National Security Adviser about matters requiring his attention, and a fragmentary subject file concerning several foreign policy issues. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, 1975 and original maps associated with the negotiation of the Sinai Accords. Most memoranda of …
Finding Aid
The Saigon Embassy Files Kept by Ambassador Graham Martin is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.In January 1978, the North Carolina State Police found a cache of classified documents in the trunk of a car that had been stolen from former U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam Graham A. Martin. They turned the documents over to the FBI. The documents were…
Copies of State Department telegrams and White House backchannel messages between U.S. ambassadors in Saigon and White House national security advisers, talking points for meetings with South Vietnamese officials, intelligence reports, drafts of peace agreements, and military status reports. Subjects include the Diem coup, the Paris peace negotiations, the fall of South Vietnam, and other U.S./South Vietnam relations topics, 1963 to 1975. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by …
Finding Aid
The White House Situation Room: Noon and Evening Notes is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files.Most of the files in this collection are for foreign trips, but files for travel to speaking engagements in the United States, consultations at the United Nations, and vacations are also included. The materials relate to much more than each individual trip…
This rich collection has two distinct facets. The first relates directly to Kissinger’s trips, including briefing materials for meetings with foreign leaders and reports to the President on those meetings. The second relates to cable traffic, on myriad foreign affairs topics, exchanged during the trip between Kissinger and his travel staff on one hand, and State Department and White House officials on the other hand. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by …
Finding Aid
The White House Situation Room: Former President Nixon's Intelligence Briefings is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford National Security Adviser Files and an explanation of the designations “Presidential” and “Institutional” are provided in Appendix A.Soon after the August 9, 1974 transition, President Gerald Ford decided that…
… 0.8 linear feet (ca. 1,600 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession number 77-118) Last Modified Date 2024-10-30 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name National Security Adviser/NSC Staff Access Open, but …
Finding Aid
The Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. These files were maintained in the National Security Adviser's West Wing Office or in offices by the Situation Room in the White House basement. They were kept available for ready access because they contained sensitive, high level material involving ongoing…
An unusually rich file of material from the White House West Wing office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Included are communications at the highest levels between the United States and countries such as the Soviet Union, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Great Britain, France, West Germany, and China. Topics include the Vietnam War, arms control negotiations, détente, the Cyprus crisis, the process of normalizing relations with China, Middle East peace negotiations, status of Berlin, …
Finding Aid
Material compiled by NSC Staff Secretary Jeanne Davis in response to requests by congressional committees and presidential commissions for access to documents held by the NSC, CIA, Department of Defense, Department of State, and other agencies. The major focus is the 1975-1976 investigations of abuses by the intelligence community, but other series concern the Murphy Commission and the General Accounting Office investigation of the Mayaguez incident. Most of this collection is unprocessed and closed to …
Finding Aid
Originals and photocopies of documents handled and logged by the NSC Secretariat and designated for filing in the Institutional File (IF) or the NSC File (NS). Because the IF and NS files were part of the permanent institutional files retained by the NSC at the end of the administration, the Secretariat routinely photocopied these documents for inclusion in the President's papers. Years later the NSC turned over some originals of IF and NS documents to the Library. Each series is arranged by NSC document …