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Finding Aid
Geoffrey Shepard served during the Nixon administration and a portion of the Ford administration as Domestic Council associate director primarily handling general government issues requiring liaison with the Justice Department, especially campaign finance reform, civil rights, drug abuse law enforcement, and Vietnam War amnesty. The materials described consist largely of files produced and…
Associate Director for General Government, Domestic Council Files concerning his work on coordinating policy formulation, monitoring legislation in Congress, attending interagency meetings, and preparing statements and briefing papers for the President in the areas of justice, civil rights, and drug abuse. Topics include: busing, campaign finance reform, the Vietnam War amnesty program, illegal aliens, and crime. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series …
Finding Aid
Richard D. Parsons was a native of New York City and a 1971 graduate of Union University's Albany Law School. Following law school he served as an assistant counsel to Governor Nelson Rockefeller and, commencing in 1973, as First Assistant Counsel. In 1975, soon after Rockefeller's confirmation as Vice President, Parsons became Deputy Counsel to the Vice President. After the end of…
Counsel and Associate Director for Justice, Civil Rights, Drugs, and Consumer Affairs, Domestic Council Material on the development of the Ford administration's domestic policies in the areas of justice, crime, civil rights, and drugs. Of special note are his files on the Domestic Council Drug Review Task Force, illegal aliens, the President's crime message of June 19, 1975, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration reauthorization bill, extension of the Voting Rights Act, and the drafting and approval …