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Finding Aid
John Stiles, a longtime friend of President Ford from Grand Rapids, served as Mr. Ford's campaign manager during the 1948 campaign for Congress and helped him during the Warren Commission's investigation of the Kennedy assassination.Soon after Gerald Ford became President, Stiles began working part-time in the White House. Working under the supervision of White House Counsellor John Marsh,…
Consultants, Counsellors to the President The bulk of this collection relates to fundraising for and construction of a new White House swimming pool. Stiles and Mueller served as the White House coordinators for this project. The collection also includes materials on Stiles' responsibilities and interests in the areas of housing and the Bicentennial celebration. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series General Subject File (Stiles), 1974-75. …
Finding Aid
Gwen A. Anderson, Washington State Republican Party official and former Republican National Committeewoman, joined Vice President Ford's staff in January 1974. In this capacity her major duties were to coordinate Ford's appearances at political events and fundraisers; to act as liaison with Republican groups; and to handle requests for messages, photographs and auction items. Upon Ford's…
Deputy Assistant to Counsellor Robert T. Hartmann; Director of Presidential Messages and Research, Editorial Staff Primarily material prepared or accumulated by Anderson documenting her work scheduling presidential appearances, acting as liaison with local, state and national Republican party organizations, and responding to requests for presidential assistance. Extensive materials relate to the 1976 presidential campaign. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter …
Finding Aid
The Dean Burch Files reflect the work of Burch and his staff from August to December 1974 on White House liaison with the Republican National Committee and other party organizations, political advice to the President on such topics as legislation and appointments to positions, and the President's involvement in the 1974 election campaign.Burch joined the White House staff as Counsellor to the…
Counsellor to the President for Political Affairs, Counsellors to the President Materials reflecting the work of Burch and his staff from August to December 1974 on White House liaison with the Republican National Committee and other party organizations, political advice to the President on such topics as legislation and appointments to positions, and the President's involvement in the 1974 election campaign. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All …
Finding Aid
The John T. Calkins Files consist primarily of correspondence prepared by him during his one year tenure as executive assistant to presidential counsellor Robert T. Hartmann. The files document his numerous contacts with local, state, and national Republican Party officials and members of the general public. The files are arranged as subject and general correspondence series.Calkins,…
Executive Assistant to Robert T. Hartmann, Counsellors to the President Primarily correspondence prepared by Calkins documenting his contacts with local, state, and national Republican Party officials and members of the general public. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series General Correspondence, 1975-76. Photographs, 1975-76. Political Affairs Subject File, 1975-76. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container …
Finding Aid
Discussed below under separate headings are: Robert Hartmann's role in the Ford White House, the scope and content of the Hartmann files, and related collections at the Ford Library.Hartmann's Role in the Ford White HouseGerald R. Ford appointed his long-time aide Robert Hartmann as Counsellor to the President (with Cabinet status) as one of the first official acts of his Presidency. In this…
Counsellor to the President Hartmann, a senior adviser to the President, oversaw the work of the White House Editorial Staff and White House liaison with Republican Party organizations. His files concern the drafting of presidential speeches, statements, messages, and correspondence; political affairs, especially Republican Party liaison and the 1976 presidential election; presidential appointments to federal government positions; the appointment of a new Vice President in 1974; and a wide variety of …
Finding Aid
Theodore Marrs' Files document his 1974-76 work on White House liaison with approximately 160 special interest groups and associations and include material on the government programs and issues that most interested them.Marrs' Role in the Ford White HouseMany of Marrs' colleagues in the Public Liaison Office specialized in liaison with groups representing only particular segments of society.…
Special Assistant to the President for Human Resources, Public Liaison Office Marrs handled White House liaison with interest groups not specifically assigned to other staff members of the Public Liaison Office. These associations were interested in veterans affairs, military matters, Indian affairs, medicine and health, education, religion, ethnic affairs, old age, and business. Among the issues he handled were Vietnam War amnesty, military personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia, and Indochina …
Finding Aid
John O. "Jack" Marsh served in Congress with Gerald Ford from 1963 to 1971. Although a Democrat, his conservative political philosophy led President Richard Nixon to appoint him Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs in 1972. He later joined Vice President Ford's staff as an advisor on defense and foreign affairs matters. When Gerald Ford became President in August…
Counsellor to the President Marsh was a senior advisor who oversaw the White House Congressional Relations and Public Liaison Offices. He had additional responsibilities relating to the 1975 investigations of the intelligence community, the Bicentennial celebration, various matters relating to former President Richard Nixon, and the 1977 transition. His files also span a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy matters, but only occasional items concern political affairs. View in NARA catalog Series …
Finding Aid
As Counsellor for Economic Policy to President Nixon, a position of Cabinet rank, Rush became the President's "primary adviser for and the coordinator of foreign and domestic economic policy". He was often called upon to mediate disputes between other presidential economic advisers, particularly Secretary of the Treasury William E. Simon and Office of Management and Budget Director Roy L.…
Counsellor to the President for Economic Affairs, Counsellors to the President Fragmentary files concerning his work in coordinating economic policy and advising President Ford on economic matters in the first three weeks of the Ford administration. Topics include: food production and pricing, crude oil price equalization, wage and price policies, and the FY1975 budget. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Subject File, 1974. Filter …
Finding Aid
Anne Armstrong was named Counsellor to the President with Cabinet rank by Richard Nixon in 1973, becoming the first woman to hold that position. She remained as Counsellor when Ford took office, providing assistance in established areas of responsibility as well as assuming new roles in the Ford White House. She resigned in December, 1974 because of family health problems which…
Counsellor to the President Fragmentary office files of speeches and memoranda of Armstrong and her administrative assistant Beth Gordon, August-December 1974; and routine personal correspondence, 1973-74. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Office Files, Aug.-Dec. 1974. Personal Correspondence, 1973-74. Photographs, 1973-74. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview Scope and Content …
Finding Aid
In September and October 1974, Paul W. McCracken served a three-week appointment as consultant to Kenneth Rush, Counsellor to the President for Economic Policy. Rush was also Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Conference on Inflation, formed jointly from the executive and congressional branches. L. William Seidman was executive director of the Conference on Inflation and became the…
Consultant to Counsellor Rush, Counsellors to the President Materials on economic policy and conditions accumulated during McCracken's three-week appointment to help with the 1974 Conference on Inflation and Ford's subsequent special economic address. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Conference on Inflation Subject File, 1974. Filter Folders by Status Open Closed Digitized Reset Filters Container List Collection Overview Scope and …