Displaying 41 - 50 of 254 results
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Finding Aid
Cable messages between the White House and foreign service posts transmitted outside of normal State Department channels. They are usually between Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft and U.S. ambassadors (or, occasionally, to other officials visiting those posts). Included are some “hotline” communications between President Ford or Secretary Kissinger and foreign heads of state. Subject matter ranges from routine travel arrangements to high-level foreign policy issues.
Finding Aid
Scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, magazine articles and some speeches and interview transcripts concerning his activities with the Untied States Postal Service and one speech about postal matters delivered to the Economic Club of Detroit on March 8, 1976.
Finding Aid
Material primarily on earthquake preparedness, energy issues, and National Medal of Science awards. Small amount of material concern the space shuttle, Space Exploration Day, and Office of Science and Technology.
Finding Aid
The collection contains correspondence, newsletters, newspaper clippings, research materials, and artifacts relating to Shirley Peck-Barnes' involvement with Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN) and "Operation Babylift," (the evacuation of orphans from Saigon during the closing weeks of the Vietnam War). After the 1975 Babylift, Barnes remained active in Babylift adoptee matters and eventually wrote The War Cradle: The Untold Story of "Operation Babylift."
Finding Aid
A fragmentary collection of campaign literature, press releases, correspondence, and central Texas newspapers and news clippings from the 1976 Texas primary and general election.
Finding Aid
Materials reflecting the work of Burch and his staff from August to December 1974 on White House liaison with the Republican National Committee and other party organizations, political advice to the President on such topics as legislation and appointments to positions, and the President's involvement in the 1974 election campaign.
Finding Aid
Gerald Ford joined this Grand Rapids firm upon discharge from the Navy in 1946. Most of the collection is Ford's correspondence with friend Philip Buchen and others in the firm, 194552. The correspondence, most concerning routine matters, was donated by a successor firm. Also included is a 1998 history of Law, Weathers & Richardson - the successor firm - that includes information on the work of both Ford and Buchen with the firm.
Finding Aid
Primarily correspondence prepared by Calkins documenting his contacts with local, state, and national Republican Party officials and members of the general public.
Finding Aid
Miscellaneous very small collections of papers, audiovisual media and/or artifacts donated by various individuals. The collections were solicited by Ford Library staff, obtained by the design firm of Staples & Charles in the course of planning exhibits for the Ford Museum, or received at the Ford Library unsolicited. Audiovisual materials were transferred to the audiovisual department and objects were transferred to the Ford Museum. Collections are arranged in order of receipt. New collections are added as they are received and processed.
Finding Aid
Domestic Council administrative staff tracked memoranda, letters, and enrolled bills by computer after November 1975. Document inventories (print-outs) in box 1 provide awkward access to succeeding boxes of material arranged by control number. Much of this material is duplicated in collections of Domestic Council staff.