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Finding Aid
This collection contains material used by Jonathan D. Hoornstra in the course of his work on President Gerald Ford's daily news summary staff.
Finding Aid
Materials concerning the compilation and publication of "News & Comment," a daily news summary of articles editorials and political cartoons from the national print and television press. Also included is a small research file on 1976 campaign issues, coverage and Ford opponents.
Finding Aid
Phelan maintained research files for the 1976 campaign concerning Jimmy Carter's background and statements, editorial opinions and endorsements, and columnist opinion from various newspapers.
Finding Aid
The Press Advance Office handled logistical planning and support for media covering the President's foreign and domestic trips. A small subject file includes useful folders on the 1976 campaign and advance procedures. Case files for foreign trips are occasionally substantive. Domestic trip files are very routine with rare exceptions, e.g. New Hampshire, 1976.
Finding Aid
Position papers on issues and administration accomplishments released to the news media and routine correspondence concerning press relations and the production of the White House news summary.
Finding Aid
Materials include August 1974 - July 1976 issues of "News and Comment", the President's daily news summary, plus draft news summaries and clippings. Also briefing books for the President's press conferences, media interviews and trips.
Finding Aid
TerHorst, in preparation for his press briefings, August 9-September 6, 1974, gathered such material as schedules, draft announcements, and guidance prepared by the National Security Council and other staff. Also included is courtesy correspondence with well-wishers. There is no documentation concerning the Nixon pardon or terHorst's resignation over it. Some office files from the period are in the Ron Nessen Files and the Ron Nessen Papers.
Finding Aid
Gergen served in the Ford administration as special counsel to the president for communications and subsequently as director of the Office of Communications. His files reflect a broad spectrum of responsibilities including speechwriting, preparing the president for the campaign debates, overseeing the preparation of the president's question and answer briefing books, scheduling surrogate campaign speakers, handling media relations and various campaign-related special assignments.
Finding Aid
Fairly routine files concerning various foreign policy issues, President Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office. Also includes more substantive briefing materials for Ford's meetings with heads of foreign governments, but these are currently security classified and closed.
Finding Aid
Materials concerning White House liaison with the news media, excluding the White House Press Corps. Included is information on media briefings and receptions, press interviews with the President, local and regional press conferences, and coordination of Federal Government public relations efforts.