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This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, press releases, and press clippings pertaining to logistical and other planning aspects of domestic trips of President Gerald Ford. Major topics include the Bicentennial celebrations and 1976 Presidential campaign.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
Domestic Trips Files … This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, press releases, and press clippings pertaining to logistical and other planning aspects of domestic trips of President Gerald Ford. Major topics include the Bicentennial celebrations and 1976 Presidential …
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, reports, polls, and maps. Topics include statewide results for the 1992 and 1996 Presidential elections, national exit polling data, the 1994 midterm elections, and the Pete Wilson for President campaign in 1996.
Collection: Frederick T. Steeper Papers
George H. W. Bush 1992 and 1996 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, reports, polls, and maps. Topics include statewide results for the 1992 and 1996 Presidential elections, national exit polling data, the 1994 midterm elections, and the Pete Wilson for President campaign in …
This series contains correspondence, pre-advance schedules, Advance Office manuals and forms, resumes, contact lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, aircraft manifests, and travel summary reports for domestic and international Presidential trips.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
General Files … This series contains correspondence, pre-advance schedules, Advance Office manuals and forms, resumes, contact lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, aircraft manifests, and travel summary reports for domestic and international Presidential trips. …
This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, press releases, and press clippings on topics ranging from passport numbers to recommendations, action items, and discussions surrounding diplomatic scheduling, security, and protocol concerns. The materials document President Gerald Ford's trips to Asia, Europe, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico international economic summit meetings.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
International Trips Files … This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, press releases, and press clippings on topics ranging from passport numbers to recommendations, action items, and discussions surrounding diplomatic scheduling, security, and protocol concerns. The materials document President Gerald Ford's trips to Asia, Europe, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico international economic summit …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, logs, charts, resumes, and lists. Topics include Presidential appointments in general (but not specific appointments), the appointments process, the organization and operation of the Presidential Personnel Office, and the appointment of minorities (especially Blacks, Hispanics, and women) to positions.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Director's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, logs, charts, resumes, and lists. Topics include Presidential appointments in general (but not specific appointments), the appointments process, the organization and operation of the Presidential Personnel Office, and the appointment of minorities (especially Blacks, Hispanics, and women) to …