Displaying 921 - 930 of 1890 results
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This series consists of meeting notes, letters, lists, interviews, speeches, invitations, and clippings. Although some documents date from the early years of Robert Anderson's Foreign Service career, the focus is on the period 1965 to 1970 when he served in the State Department Bureau of European Affairs and in France. Included is much on U.S. relations with France and other nations of Western Europe and briefing materials for Vice President Hubert Humphrey's visit to Europe in 1967.
Collection: Robert Anderson Papers
Foreign Service Subject Files … This series consists of meeting notes, letters, lists, interviews, speeches, invitations, and clippings. Although some documents date from the early years of Robert Anderson's Foreign Service career, the focus is on the period 1965 to 1970 when he served in the State Department Bureau of European Affairs and in France. Included is much on U.S. relations with France and other nations of Western Europe and briefing materials for Vice President Hubert Humphrey's visit to Europe …
This series consists of meeting notes, letters, lists, interviews, speeches, invitations, and clippings. Although some documents date from the early years of Robert Anderson's Foreign Service career, the focus is on the period 1965 to 1970 when he served in the State Department Bureau of European Affairs and in France. Included is much on U.S. relations with France and other nations of Western Europe and briefing materials for Vice President Hubert Humphrey's visit to Europe in 1967.
This series contains a student file including Gerald Ford's University of Michigan undergraduate transcript and his application for the 1937 summer session at the Law School.
Collection: Records of the University of Michigan Law School
Gerald R. Ford Student Application Files … This series contains a student file including Gerald Ford's University of Michigan undergraduate transcript and his application for the 1937 summer session at the Law School. …
This series contains a student file including Gerald Ford's University of Michigan undergraduate transcript and his application for the 1937 summer session at the Law School.
This series contains reports on interviews with various employers, friends, and associates of Gerald R. Ford conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence after Ford applied for a commission in the intelligence branch of the Naval Reserve in December 1941. The interviews focus on Ford's early life (including his parents' divorce), high school, college, and his subsequent work at Yale University and in Grand Rapids. The bulk of the file dates from 1941 and 1942, but it also contains some subsequent references to the original investigation.
Collection: General Records of the Department of the Navy
Investigatory Files on Gerald R. Ford's Application for a Commission … This series contains reports on interviews with various employers, friends, and associates of Gerald R. Ford conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence after Ford applied for a commission in the intelligence branch of the Naval Reserve in December 1941. The interviews focus on Ford's early life (including his parents' divorce), high school, college, and his subsequent work at Yale University and in Grand Rapids. The bulk of the file …
This series contains reports on interviews with various employers, friends, and associates of Gerald R. Ford conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence after Ford applied for a commission in the intelligence branch of the Naval Reserve in December 1941. The interviews focus on Ford's early life (including his parents' divorce), high school, college, and his subsequent work at Yale University and in Grand Rapids. The bulk of the file dates from 1941 and 1942, but it also contains some subsequent references to the original investigation.
Collection: Paul A. Miltich Files (Ford Administration)
Paul Miltich's Position Papers …
Collection: Ron Nessen Files (Ford Administration)
Ron Nessen's Press Briefing Transcripts …
Collection: Ron Nessen Files (Ford Administration)
Ron Nessen's Outgoing Correspondence with the Media …
Collection: Ron Nessen Files (Ford Administration)
Ron Nessen's Press Release Subject Files …
Collection: Ron Nessen Files (Ford Administration)
Ron Nessen's Draft Presidential News Releases …