Displaying 891 - 900 of 1890 results
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This series contains master audio recordings of general election radio spot pools one through four, as well as audio recordings of unmixed and unedited materials used to create radio commercials for President Gerald Ford’s 1976 general election campaign. The unmixed materials includes voice pools; unapproved versions of radio spots; “man on the street” interviews from Las Vegas, Nevada; and announcer tag lines. Among the music elements are both lyric and instrumental versions of “I’m Feeling Good About America,” the official Ford campaign song; long and short versions of Lionel Hampton’s “Mr. Sunshine” song for President Ford; University of Michigan songs performed by various University musical groups; and unofficial jingles supporting President Ford sent by their creators. This series also contains additional materials collected but not used in the campaign, such as demo tapes from potential announcers.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
General Election Master and Unmixed Radio Audio Recordings … This series contains master audio recordings of general election radio spot pools one through four, as well as audio recordings of unmixed and unedited materials used to create radio commercials for President Gerald Ford’s 1976 general election campaign. The unmixed materials includes voice pools; unapproved versions of radio spots; “man on the street” interviews from Las Vegas, Nevada; and announcer tag lines. Among the music elements are both …
This series contains master audio recordings of general election radio spot pools one through four, as well as audio recordings of unmixed and unedited materials used to create radio commercials for President Gerald Ford’s 1976 general election campaign. The unmixed materials includes voice pools; unapproved versions of radio spots; “man on the street” interviews from Las Vegas, Nevada; and announcer tag lines. Among the music elements are both lyric and instrumental versions of “I’m Feeling Good About America,” the official Ford campaign song; long and short versions of Lionel Hampton’s “Mr. Sunshine” song for President Ford; University of Michigan songs performed by various University musical groups; and unofficial jingles supporting President Ford sent by their creators. This series also contains additional materials collected but not used in the campaign, such as demo tapes from potential announcers.
The series contains samples retained from stocks of unused White House Christmas cards and envelopes sent out by President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford. Also included is a 1975 mailer with instructions on how to make ornaments similar to the ones used for the White House Christmas tree.
Collection: Russell H. Armentrout Files (Ford Administration)
Russell Armentrout's Samples of Outgoing Christmas Cards … The series contains samples retained from stocks of unused White House Christmas cards and envelopes sent out by President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford. Also included is a 1975 mailer with instructions on how to make ornaments similar to the ones used for the White House Christmas …
The series contains samples retained from stocks of unused White House Christmas cards and envelopes sent out by President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford. Also included is a 1975 mailer with instructions on how to make ornaments similar to the ones used for the White House Christmas tree.
The series contains lists of proposed Christmas card recipients submitted by various White House staffers.
Collection: Russell H. Armentrout Files (Ford Administration)
Russell Armentrout's Christmas Card Lists … The series contains lists of proposed Christmas card recipients submitted by various White House staffers. …
The series contains lists of proposed Christmas card recipients submitted by various White House staffers.
The series contains envelopes for Christmas cards returned to the White House due to insufficient addresses. Attached to most of the envelopes are Christmas card index cards.
Collection: Russell H. Armentrout Files (Ford Administration)
Russell Armentrout's Files of Envelopes for Christmas Cards Returned to the White House … The series contains envelopes for Christmas cards returned to the White House due to insufficient addresses. Attached to most of the envelopes are Christmas card index …
The series contains envelopes for Christmas cards returned to the White House due to insufficient addresses. Attached to most of the envelopes are Christmas card index cards.
The series contains samples of acknowledgment cards sent to the general public usually upon receipt of a letter or request. This series includes cards for events such as births, weddings, anniversaries, confirmations, birthdays, Eagle Scout ceremonies, and graduations.
Collection: Russell H. Armentrout Files (Ford Administration)
Russell Armentrout's Acknowledgment Card Files … The series contains samples of acknowledgment cards sent to the general public usually upon receipt of a letter or request. This series includes cards for events such as births, weddings, anniversaries, confirmations, birthdays, Eagle Scout ceremonies, and …
The series contains samples of acknowledgment cards sent to the general public usually upon receipt of a letter or request. This series includes cards for events such as births, weddings, anniversaries, confirmations, birthdays, Eagle Scout ceremonies, and graduations.
This series consists of memoranda, schedules, guest lists, programs, menus, and reports related to visits of foreign heads of state to the White House. Documents relate to gift exchange, decoration, and entertainment provided during the visits. Materials were provided to First Lady Betty Ford prior to the events for background information or for approval.
Collection: Betty Ford White House Papers
State Visits and Dinners Files … This series consists of memoranda, schedules, guest lists, programs, menus, and reports related to visits of foreign heads of state to the White House. Documents relate to gift exchange, decoration, and entertainment provided during the visits. Materials were provided to First Lady Betty Ford prior to the events for background information or for …
This series consists of memoranda, schedules, guest lists, programs, menus, and reports related to visits of foreign heads of state to the White House. Documents relate to gift exchange, decoration, and entertainment provided during the visits. Materials were provided to First Lady Betty Ford prior to the events for background information or for approval.
This series consists of carbon copies of typed, outgoing letters written by First Lady Betty Ford, many of which are of a personal nature to family and friends. An occasional photocopy of a handwritten letter from Mrs. Ford is included. Some letters were written by a member of Mrs. Ford’s staff on her behalf. Topics include moving into the White House and the transition to First Lady, Mrs. Ford’s cancer diagnosis and hospital stay, clothing designs, White House portraits, the 1976 presidential campaign, the Equal Rights Amendment, the 60 Minutes interview, and family and personal issues. It also includes a large number of thank you letters for gifts, hospitality during visits, birthday and other holiday cards.
Collection: Betty Ford White House Papers
First Lady Personal Outgoing Correspondence Files … This series consists of carbon copies of typed, outgoing letters written by First Lady Betty Ford, many of which are of a personal nature to family and friends. An occasional photocopy of a handwritten letter from Mrs. Ford is included. Some letters were written by a member of Mrs. Ford’s staff on her behalf. Topics include moving into the White House and the transition to First Lady, Mrs. Ford’s cancer diagnosis and hospital stay, clothing designs, White …
This series consists of carbon copies of typed, outgoing letters written by First Lady Betty Ford, many of which are of a personal nature to family and friends. An occasional photocopy of a handwritten letter from Mrs. Ford is included. Some letters were written by a member of Mrs. Ford’s staff on her behalf. Topics include moving into the White House and the transition to First Lady, Mrs. Ford’s cancer diagnosis and hospital stay, clothing designs, White House portraits, the 1976 presidential campaign, the Equal Rights Amendment, the 60 Minutes interview, and family and personal issues. It also includes a large number of thank you letters for gifts, hospitality during visits, birthday and other holiday cards.
This series consists of correspondence, memoranda, lists, invitations, lists, forms, publications, speech cards, and other materials related to Betty Ford’s activities while her husband Gerald Ford served as Vice President. Topics include abortion, arts and humanities, Mike and Gayle Ford’s wedding, recipes, speeches, travel, thank-you letters, and the operation of the Vice President’s office. It also includes a set of carbon copies of outgoing general and personal correspondence from Mrs. Ford and her personal assistant, Nancy Howe.
Collection: Betty Ford White House Papers
Second Lady General Subject Files … This series consists of correspondence, memoranda, lists, invitations, lists, forms, publications, speech cards, and other materials related to Betty Ford’s activities while her husband Gerald Ford served as Vice President. Topics include abortion, arts and humanities, Mike and Gayle Ford’s wedding, recipes, speeches, travel, thank-you letters, and the operation of the Vice President’s office. It also includes a set of carbon copies of outgoing general and personal …
This series consists of correspondence, memoranda, lists, invitations, lists, forms, publications, speech cards, and other materials related to Betty Ford’s activities while her husband Gerald Ford served as Vice President. Topics include abortion, arts and humanities, Mike and Gayle Ford’s wedding, recipes, speeches, travel, thank-you letters, and the operation of the Vice President’s office. It also includes a set of carbon copies of outgoing general and personal correspondence from Mrs. Ford and her personal assistant, Nancy Howe.
This series consists, for the most part, of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. It contains clippings, letters, invitations, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Social Office Subject Files
White House Social Office Subject Files … This series consists, for the most part, of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. It contains clippings, letters, invitations, and …
This series consists, for the most part, of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. It contains clippings, letters, invitations, and telegrams.
This series includes photographs, mostly black-amd-white, of U.S. Representative Gerald R. Ford making public appearances; attending meetings with fellow members of Congress, prominent individuals, constituents and the general public; and travelling abroad on official business. It also includes photographs of Mrs. Betty Ford and members of the Ford family and framed photographs that were removed from the walls of the Ford's Minority Leader office.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Gerald R. Ford Congressional Photographs … This series includes photographs, mostly black-amd-white, of U.S. Representative Gerald R. Ford making public appearances; attending meetings with fellow members of Congress, prominent individuals, constituents and the general public; and travelling abroad on official business. It also includes photographs of Mrs. Betty Ford and members of the Ford family and framed photographs that were removed from the walls of the Ford's Minority Leader …
This series includes photographs, mostly black-amd-white, of U.S. Representative Gerald R. Ford making public appearances; attending meetings with fellow members of Congress, prominent individuals, constituents and the general public; and travelling abroad on official business. It also includes photographs of Mrs. Betty Ford and members of the Ford family and framed photographs that were removed from the walls of the Ford's Minority Leader office.