Displaying 871 - 880 of 1890 results
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This series contains logs showing personnel appointments, congressional mail concerning appointments, resignations, and clearance of appointments with House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Patronage Logs … This series contains logs showing personnel appointments, congressional mail concerning appointments, resignations, and clearance of appointments with House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes. …
This series contains logs showing personnel appointments, congressional mail concerning appointments, resignations, and clearance of appointments with House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes.
This series contains memoranda and letters extending and maintaining William Timmons' personal contacts with professional associates and friends. Included are files of invitations and messages received and sent.
Collection: William E. Timmons Files
William Timmons' Personal Correspondence … This series contains memoranda and letters extending and maintaining William Timmons' personal contacts with professional associates and friends. Included are files of invitations and messages received and sent. …
This series contains memoranda and letters extending and maintaining William Timmons' personal contacts with professional associates and friends. Included are files of invitations and messages received and sent.
This series contains White House Communication Agency (WHCA) audio recordings of First Lady Betty Ford's public remarks at events held at the White House and a few other locations, press briefings, and in an interview.
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration)
Audio Recordings of First Lady Betty Ford's Public Remarks … This series contains White House Communication Agency (WHCA) audio recordings of First Lady Betty Ford's public remarks at events held at the White House and a few other locations, press briefings, and in an …
This series contains White House Communication Agency (WHCA) audio recordings of First Lady Betty Ford's public remarks at events held at the White House and a few other locations, press briefings, and in an interview.
This series contains correspondence exchanged with members of Congress concerning such topics as: legislation, executive orders, clemency and pardons, personnel matters, court cases and other legal matters, executive-legislative relations, and the Richard Nixon papers.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Files
Philip Buchen's Congressional Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence exchanged with members of Congress concerning such topics as: legislation, executive orders, clemency and pardons, personnel matters, court cases and other legal matters, executive-legislative relations, and the Richard Nixon …
This series contains correspondence exchanged with members of Congress concerning such topics as: legislation, executive orders, clemency and pardons, personnel matters, court cases and other legal matters, executive-legislative relations, and the Richard Nixon papers.
This series contains newspaper and magazine clippings, government publications, transcripts of speeches and television talk shows, wire service stories, travel brochures and maps, White House press releases, and occasional manuscript items collected and maintained for use by editorial office researchers. The materials concern programs, policies, and politics in the various states.
Collection: Charles H. McCall Files
Charles McCall's Research Files by State … This series contains newspaper and magazine clippings, government publications, transcripts of speeches and television talk shows, wire service stories, travel brochures and maps, White House press releases, and occasional manuscript items collected and maintained for use by editorial office researchers. The materials concern programs, policies, and politics in the various …
This series contains newspaper and magazine clippings, government publications, transcripts of speeches and television talk shows, wire service stories, travel brochures and maps, White House press releases, and occasional manuscript items collected and maintained for use by editorial office researchers. The materials concern programs, policies, and politics in the various states.
This series contains copies of incoming letters, telegrams, or mailgrams; White House referral forms; and copies of the outgoing responses. Occasionally there are supporting memoranda and notes. Glenn Schleede referred items primarily to Federal Energy Administration, Energy Research and Development Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Eenergy Resources Council. Subjects related to energy policy include oil prices, inventions, oil drilling problems, public utilities, and other issues. Correspondents included both members of the general public and prominent government officials.
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files
Glenn Schleede's Referrals … This series contains copies of incoming letters, telegrams, or mailgrams; White House referral forms; and copies of the outgoing responses. Occasionally there are supporting memoranda and notes. Glenn Schleede referred items primarily to Federal Energy Administration, Energy Research and Development Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Eenergy Resources Council. Subjects related to energy policy include oil prices, inventions, oil drilling problems, public …
This series contains copies of incoming letters, telegrams, or mailgrams; White House referral forms; and copies of the outgoing responses. Occasionally there are supporting memoranda and notes. Glenn Schleede referred items primarily to Federal Energy Administration, Energy Research and Development Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Eenergy Resources Council. Subjects related to energy policy include oil prices, inventions, oil drilling problems, public utilities, and other issues. Correspondents included both members of the general public and prominent government officials.
This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other Congressmen and labor and religious leaders endorsing Ford for Vice President.
Staff members often drafted acknowledgments to the correspondence for the Vice President's signature. On occasions when Ford was out of town, various staff members signed the responses. The staff also referred many letters to other Federal departments and agencies to draft a response for the Vice President's signature.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gerald Ford's Issues Files … This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other …
This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other Congressmen and labor and religious leaders endorsing Ford for Vice President.
Staff members often drafted acknowledgments to the correspondence for the Vice President's signature. On occasions when Ford was out of town, various staff members signed the responses. The staff also referred many letters to other Federal departments and agencies to draft a response for the Vice President's signature.
This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs appearing.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
John Marsh's Files on Vice Presidential Meetings with Foreign and Diplomatic Officials … This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs …
This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs appearing.
This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic Affairs.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Richard Burress' Subject Files … This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic …
This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic Affairs.
This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to privacy.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
William Casselman's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to …
This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to privacy.