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This series contains invitations, name identification cards, correspondence, and memoranda related to a "homestate reception" (Michigan friends and family) at the Capitol Hill Club for Gerald Ford following his swearing-in as Vice President on December 6, 1973.
Collection: Peter H. Sorum Papers
Gerald Ford Vice Presidential Reception Files … This series contains invitations, name identification cards, correspondence, and memoranda related to a "homestate reception" (Michigan friends and family) at the Capitol Hill Club for Gerald Ford following his swearing-in as Vice President on December 6, …
This series contains invitations, name identification cards, correspondence, and memoranda related to a "homestate reception" (Michigan friends and family) at the Capitol Hill Club for Gerald Ford following his swearing-in as Vice President on December 6, 1973.
This series contains memoranda and telegrams related to U.S. relations with countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. It includes especially substantive materials on the Vietnam War (including Laos and Cambodia), U.S. and refugee evacuations from South Vietnam, the Mayaguez incident, and the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China. There are separate files for National Security Study memorandums concerning individual countries.
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Country Files … This series contains memoranda and telegrams related to U.S. relations with countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. It includes especially substantive materials on the Vietnam War (including Laos and Cambodia), U.S. and refugee evacuations from South Vietnam, the Mayaguez incident, and the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China. There are separate files for National Security Study memorandums concerning individual …
This series contains memoranda and telegrams related to U.S. relations with countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. It includes especially substantive materials on the Vietnam War (including Laos and Cambodia), U.S. and refugee evacuations from South Vietnam, the Mayaguez incident, and the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China. There are separate files for National Security Study memorandums concerning individual countries.
This series contains National Security Council staff member Richard Solomon's working files of memoranda and background materials concerning U.S. relations with the People's Republic of China.
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Richard Solomon's Subject Files … This series contains National Security Council staff member Richard Solomon's working files of memoranda and background materials concerning U.S. relations with the People's Republic of China. …
This series contains National Security Council staff member Richard Solomon's working files of memoranda and background materials concerning U.S. relations with the People's Republic of China.
This series contains logs, invoices and purchase orders for Campaign '76 Media Communications (the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee). It contains accumulated charges and invoices for the production of all television, radio and newspaper ads produced in the 1976 presidential primary campaign. Also present are job number logs and purchase orders for print and campaign material production.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Production Accounts Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains logs, invoices and purchase orders for Campaign '76 Media Communications (the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee). It contains accumulated charges and invoices for the production of all television, radio and newspaper ads produced in the 1976 presidential primary campaign. Also present are job number logs and purchase orders for print and campaign material …
This series contains logs, invoices and purchase orders for Campaign '76 Media Communications (the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee). It contains accumulated charges and invoices for the production of all television, radio and newspaper ads produced in the 1976 presidential primary campaign. Also present are job number logs and purchase orders for print and campaign material production.
This series contains Dodie Kazanjian's copies of memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, lists, proofs, samples, invoices and order forms related to the production, cost, and distribution of campaign materials (including campaign literature, buttons, and stickers) to state President Ford Committee (PFC) organizations. Included are unique handwritten notes of Bruce Wagner and staff memoranda on topics including efficient ordering and distribution systems, production and shipping costs, and unit prices required for Federal Election Commission reports. Also included are vendor correspondence, state allocation tables, inventory control reports, sample buttons, stickers, posters and signs, and brochure proofs.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Dodie Kazanjian's Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Dodie Kazanjian's copies of memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, lists, proofs, samples, invoices and order forms related to the production, cost, and distribution of campaign materials (including campaign literature, buttons, and stickers) to state President Ford Committee (PFC) organizations. Included are unique handwritten notes of Bruce Wagner and staff memoranda on topics including efficient ordering and distribution systems, …
This series contains Dodie Kazanjian's copies of memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, lists, proofs, samples, invoices and order forms related to the production, cost, and distribution of campaign materials (including campaign literature, buttons, and stickers) to state President Ford Committee (PFC) organizations. Included are unique handwritten notes of Bruce Wagner and staff memoranda on topics including efficient ordering and distribution systems, production and shipping costs, and unit prices required for Federal Election Commission reports. Also included are vendor correspondence, state allocation tables, inventory control reports, sample buttons, stickers, posters and signs, and brochure proofs.
This series contains lists and media buying forms related to payment and reconciliation of discrepancies between billings and charges for actual broadcast of campaign commercials during the 1976 presidential primaries. Included are spot television and radio buysheets, invoices, weekly media expenditure summaries, and political broadcast agreements. Also filed here are budget recaps of total effective dollars spent by locality for newspaper advertising. SFM Media, Inc. was the media buying service contracted by Campaign '76 Media Communications (the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee) to place spot television and radio ads for the state primaries and general election.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
SFM Media, Inc. Primary Elections Files … This series contains lists and media buying forms related to payment and reconciliation of discrepancies between billings and charges for actual broadcast of campaign commercials during the 1976 presidential primaries. Included are spot television and radio buysheets, invoices, weekly media expenditure summaries, and political broadcast agreements. Also filed here are budget recaps of total effective dollars spent by locality for newspaper advertising. SFM Media, …
This series contains lists and media buying forms related to payment and reconciliation of discrepancies between billings and charges for actual broadcast of campaign commercials during the 1976 presidential primaries. Included are spot television and radio buysheets, invoices, weekly media expenditure summaries, and political broadcast agreements. Also filed here are budget recaps of total effective dollars spent by locality for newspaper advertising. SFM Media, Inc. was the media buying service contracted by Campaign '76 Media Communications (the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee) to place spot television and radio ads for the state primaries and general election.
This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, tables, charts, lists, worksheets, ledgers, Federal Election Commission input reports, state media plans, correspondence, invoices, contracts, and photocopied checks. Topics include budgeting and cash flow, changes in state media plans, adherence to legal spending limitations, personnel matters, and convention advertising. Also filed here are quantitative analyses of pre-convention allocations and spending, President Ford Committee budget reports, and monthly itemized expenditure reports.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Barry Lafer's General Subject Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, tables, charts, lists, worksheets, ledgers, Federal Election Commission input reports, state media plans, correspondence, invoices, contracts, and photocopied checks. Topics include budgeting and cash flow, changes in state media plans, adherence to legal spending limitations, personnel matters, and convention advertising. Also filed here are quantitative analyses of pre-convention allocations and …
This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, tables, charts, lists, worksheets, ledgers, Federal Election Commission input reports, state media plans, correspondence, invoices, contracts, and photocopied checks. Topics include budgeting and cash flow, changes in state media plans, adherence to legal spending limitations, personnel matters, and convention advertising. Also filed here are quantitative analyses of pre-convention allocations and spending, President Ford Committee budget reports, and monthly itemized expenditure reports.
This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, ledgers, computer printouts, lists, schedules, contracts, resumes, employment and tax forms. Topics include budget analysis, occasional meeting summaries, Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations and other legal matters, fiscal systems and procedures, media buying, account reconciliation, personnel, and routine office administration. The series also includes some primary campaign material brought forward for use during the fall campaign period, such as budget memoranda, staffing and organization plans, and resumes. Also present are network television schedules, media payroll printouts, a cash disbursement ledger and recaps, monthly itemized expenditure FEC report inputs, Campaign '76 corporate income tax returns, and routine personnel forms.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Barry Lafer's General Subject Files on the General Election … This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, ledgers, computer printouts, lists, schedules, contracts, resumes, employment and tax forms. Topics include budget analysis, occasional meeting summaries, Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations and other legal matters, fiscal systems and procedures, media buying, account reconciliation, personnel, and routine office administration. The series also includes some …
This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, correspondence, worksheets, ledgers, computer printouts, lists, schedules, contracts, resumes, employment and tax forms. Topics include budget analysis, occasional meeting summaries, Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations and other legal matters, fiscal systems and procedures, media buying, account reconciliation, personnel, and routine office administration. The series also includes some primary campaign material brought forward for use during the fall campaign period, such as budget memoranda, staffing and organization plans, and resumes. Also present are network television schedules, media payroll printouts, a cash disbursement ledger and recaps, monthly itemized expenditure FEC report inputs, Campaign '76 corporate income tax returns, and routine personnel forms.
This series contains Barry Lafer's correspondence, memoranda, job applications, invoices, tabulations, and computer printouts related to vendor payments and staff reimbursements for costs incurred in the production and placement of advertising. The invoices, employment agreements, and reimbursement claims provide unique data related to specific staff and vendor activity. Also filed here are routine billing and payment correspondence, purchase and work orders, check requisitions, media buysheets, and photocopied checks.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Barry Lafer's Paid Invoice Files on the General Election … This series contains Barry Lafer's correspondence, memoranda, job applications, invoices, tabulations, and computer printouts related to vendor payments and staff reimbursements for costs incurred in the production and placement of advertising. The invoices, employment agreements, and reimbursement claims provide unique data related to specific staff and vendor activity. Also filed here are routine billing and payment correspondence, purchase and …
This series contains Barry Lafer's correspondence, memoranda, job applications, invoices, tabulations, and computer printouts related to vendor payments and staff reimbursements for costs incurred in the production and placement of advertising. The invoices, employment agreements, and reimbursement claims provide unique data related to specific staff and vendor activity. Also filed here are routine billing and payment correspondence, purchase and work orders, check requisitions, media buysheets, and photocopied checks.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, strategy papers, agendas, schedule proposals, clippings, and printed material compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairman Howard "Bo" Callaway and his assistants, Mimi Austin and Judy Harbaugh during the 1976 presidential campaign. Prominent topics include early organizational efforts at the national and state level, liaison with White House staff, administrative and personnel matters, support for President Gerald R. Ford among members of Congress, and campaign finance. Included is material created by Bryce Harlow, an informal advisor to the President, during the period before Ford formally announced his candidacy.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Howard H. "Bo" Callaway's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, strategy papers, agendas, schedule proposals, clippings, and printed material compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairman Howard "Bo" Callaway and his assistants, Mimi Austin and Judy Harbaugh during the 1976 presidential campaign. Prominent topics include early organizational efforts at the national and state level, liaison with White House staff, administrative and personnel matters, support for President …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, strategy papers, agendas, schedule proposals, clippings, and printed material compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairman Howard "Bo" Callaway and his assistants, Mimi Austin and Judy Harbaugh during the 1976 presidential campaign. Prominent topics include early organizational efforts at the national and state level, liaison with White House staff, administrative and personnel matters, support for President Gerald R. Ford among members of Congress, and campaign finance. Included is material created by Bryce Harlow, an informal advisor to the President, during the period before Ford formally announced his candidacy.