Displaying 831 - 840 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic Affairs.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Richard Burress' Subject Files … This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic …
This series contains correspondence (including copies of letters sent by Vice President Gerald Ford), internal memoranda, proposals, pamphlets, statements of purpose, briefing papers, and printed materials on such domestic affairs topics as legislation, health care, the role of minorities, energy, the economy, and administrative matters. It documents Richard Burress' role as the Vice President's Assistant for Legislative and Domestic Affairs.
This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to privacy.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
William Casselman's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to …
This series contains correspondence and memoranda to and from Vice President Gerald Ford's staff, federal officials and the public; and draft speeches and reports, studies, court cases and other papers reflecting William Casselman's responsibilities as Legal Counsel to the Vice President. Also included are materials on Casselman's activities concerning domestic affairs, including drafting legislation on health policy, energy policy and right to privacy.
This series contains L. William Seidman's correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts, gift lists, charts and other papers exchanged between Seidman and Vice President Gerald R. Ford, other federal officials and the public. It relates both to his supervision of administrative services, scheduling policy, personnel, and gift accessioning and to his personal interests in the nation's economy and speechwriting. Included are the chronological files of staff assistant Ruth Kilmer and materials compiled by Frank Pagnotta, James Brown and Frank Townsend, some of which pre-date Seidman's government service. This series documents Seidman's role on the Vice President's staff as a management and budget consultant and later as Assistant for Administration and Services.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
L. William Seidman's Subject Files … This series contains L. William Seidman's correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts, gift lists, charts and other papers exchanged between Seidman and Vice President Gerald R. Ford, other federal officials and the public. It relates both to his supervision of administrative services, scheduling policy, personnel, and gift accessioning and to his personal interests in the nation's economy and speechwriting. Included are the chronological files of staff assistant Ruth …
This series contains L. William Seidman's correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts, gift lists, charts and other papers exchanged between Seidman and Vice President Gerald R. Ford, other federal officials and the public. It relates both to his supervision of administrative services, scheduling policy, personnel, and gift accessioning and to his personal interests in the nation's economy and speechwriting. Included are the chronological files of staff assistant Ruth Kilmer and materials compiled by Frank Pagnotta, James Brown and Frank Townsend, some of which pre-date Seidman's government service. This series documents Seidman's role on the Vice President's staff as a management and budget consultant and later as Assistant for Administration and Services.
This series contains invitations to Vice President Gerald R. Ford, many having a carbon copy of a regret letter signed by Warren Rustand, or occasionally signed by Gerald Ford, Mildred Leonard, Gwen Anderson, or other staff. The series also contains occasional memoranda, birth announcements, and other related materials. The series documents one aspect of Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and Appointments - the handling of invitations considered for inclusion on the Vice President's schedule.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Warren Rustand's Invitation Regrets Chronological Files … This series contains invitations to Vice President Gerald R. Ford, many having a carbon copy of a regret letter signed by Warren Rustand, or occasionally signed by Gerald Ford, Mildred Leonard, Gwen Anderson, or other staff. The series also contains occasional memoranda, birth announcements, and other related materials. The series documents one aspect of Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and Appointments - the …
This series contains invitations to Vice President Gerald R. Ford, many having a carbon copy of a regret letter signed by Warren Rustand, or occasionally signed by Gerald Ford, Mildred Leonard, Gwen Anderson, or other staff. The series also contains occasional memoranda, birth announcements, and other related materials. The series documents one aspect of Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and Appointments - the handling of invitations considered for inclusion on the Vice President's schedule.
This series primarily contains Robert Hartmann's copies of routine memoranda from the Richard Nixon White House Personnel Office to Vice President Gerald R. Ford for his information or comment on proposed Presidential appointments to various executive branch positions. Also included are: Executive Level Vacancy Reports, appointment announcements, payroll information for the Office of the Vice President, security clearance forms, resumes, and miscellaneous other items relating to Presidential appointments and to personnel matters within the Vice President's office. This series documents Hartmann's work as Chief of Staff for Vice President Ford.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Robert Hartmann's Personnel Files … This series primarily contains Robert Hartmann's copies of routine memoranda from the Richard Nixon White House Personnel Office to Vice President Gerald R. Ford for his information or comment on proposed Presidential appointments to various executive branch positions. Also included are: Executive Level Vacancy Reports, appointment announcements, payroll information for the Office of the Vice President, security clearance forms, resumes, and miscellaneous other items …
This series primarily contains Robert Hartmann's copies of routine memoranda from the Richard Nixon White House Personnel Office to Vice President Gerald R. Ford for his information or comment on proposed Presidential appointments to various executive branch positions. Also included are: Executive Level Vacancy Reports, appointment announcements, payroll information for the Office of the Vice President, security clearance forms, resumes, and miscellaneous other items relating to Presidential appointments and to personnel matters within the Vice President's office. This series documents Hartmann's work as Chief of Staff for Vice President Ford.
This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of detailed financial information related to each of Gerald Ford's congressional campaigns and his campaign committees. The material was compiled for use in answering questions during the congressional hearings on President Richard Nixon's nomination of Gerald R. Ford as Vice President. Included are letters of thanks for contributions; receipts for expenditures; federal, state and local filing forms, and beginning in 1968, material concerning Ford's involvement in the distribution of funds to Republican candidates through the National Republican Congressional Committee Booster Fund.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Robert Hartmann's Files on Gerald Ford's Campaign Finances for the Confirmation Hearings on Ford's Nomination as Vice President … This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of detailed financial information related to each of Gerald Ford's congressional campaigns and his campaign committees. The material was compiled for use in answering questions during the congressional hearings on President Richard Nixon's nomination of Gerald R. Ford as Vice President. Included are letters of thanks for …
This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of detailed financial information related to each of Gerald Ford's congressional campaigns and his campaign committees. The material was compiled for use in answering questions during the congressional hearings on President Richard Nixon's nomination of Gerald R. Ford as Vice President. Included are letters of thanks for contributions; receipts for expenditures; federal, state and local filing forms, and beginning in 1968, material concerning Ford's involvement in the distribution of funds to Republican candidates through the National Republican Congressional Committee Booster Fund.
This series contains David Gergen's memoranda to and from White House staff members; schedules and schedule proposals; reports; briefing papers; occasional drafts of speeches, statements and articles; correspondence with publishers of newspapers and magazines; press releases; question and answer briefing sheets; and publications and clippings. These materials concern President Gerald Ford's views on domestic and foreign policy topics during the 1976 presidential campaign; planning for the campaign and debates; compilation of the booklet "The Ford Presidency: A Portrait of the First Two Years"; administration of the Office of Communications (a division of the Press Secretary's office) and liaison with various media representatives. Major topics include defense, the 1976 Democratic and Republican national conventions, economic policy, the Federal Election Commission, 1976 State of the Union Address, and proposed legislation.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's General Subject Files … This series contains David Gergen's memoranda to and from White House staff members; schedules and schedule proposals; reports; briefing papers; occasional drafts of speeches, statements and articles; correspondence with publishers of newspapers and magazines; press releases; question and answer briefing sheets; and publications and clippings. These materials concern President Gerald Ford's views on domestic and foreign policy topics during the 1976 presidential …
This series contains David Gergen's memoranda to and from White House staff members; schedules and schedule proposals; reports; briefing papers; occasional drafts of speeches, statements and articles; correspondence with publishers of newspapers and magazines; press releases; question and answer briefing sheets; and publications and clippings. These materials concern President Gerald Ford's views on domestic and foreign policy topics during the 1976 presidential campaign; planning for the campaign and debates; compilation of the booklet "The Ford Presidency: A Portrait of the First Two Years"; administration of the Office of Communications (a division of the Press Secretary's office) and liaison with various media representatives. Major topics include defense, the 1976 Democratic and Republican national conventions, economic policy, the Federal Election Commission, 1976 State of the Union Address, and proposed legislation.
This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own signature, Janka and Vanderhye often drafted items for Brent Scowcroft or Henry Kissinger to sign (including some items addressed to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, but also many responding to letters from the media or the general public). Copies or originals of incoming items are often attached to the carbons of outgoing letters. Sometimes originals of outgoing items addressed to other NSC staff members were returned to Janka and Vanderhye with comments and are filed here.
Much of the series concerns interactions by Janka and Vanderhye with Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and members of the NSC staff; preparation of briefing materials for press conferences; handling of media interview requests; contacts with agency public affairs officers; and answering questions for the White House Press Secretary's office. The series concerns a wide range of foreign affairs and defense issues. Significant items in the file include a translation of a Le Duc Tho press conference (June 14, 1973), memoranda of conversations covering a Kissinger dinner meeting with members of the State Department press corps (September 14, 1973) and a Scowcroft interview by Ann Compton of ABC (December 13, 1975), notes from a Kissinger deep backgrounder with the press about Vietnam and the Vietnamese War (April 10, 1975), and the ribbon copy of a Scowcroft memo to the President (marked "The President has seen" concerning Ronald Reagan's statements about grain sales to the Soviet Union (March 24, 1976).
Collection: National Security Council Press and Congressional Relations Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's Chronological Files … This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own …
This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own signature, Janka and Vanderhye often drafted items for Brent Scowcroft or Henry Kissinger to sign (including some items addressed to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, but also many responding to letters from the media or the general public). Copies or originals of incoming items are often attached to the carbons of outgoing letters. Sometimes originals of outgoing items addressed to other NSC staff members were returned to Janka and Vanderhye with comments and are filed here.
Much of the series concerns interactions by Janka and Vanderhye with Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and members of the NSC staff; preparation of briefing materials for press conferences; handling of media interview requests; contacts with agency public affairs officers; and answering questions for the White House Press Secretary's office. The series concerns a wide range of foreign affairs and defense issues. Significant items in the file include a translation of a Le Duc Tho press conference (June 14, 1973), memoranda of conversations covering a Kissinger dinner meeting with members of the State Department press corps (September 14, 1973) and a Scowcroft interview by Ann Compton of ABC (December 13, 1975), notes from a Kissinger deep backgrounder with the press about Vietnam and the Vietnamese War (April 10, 1975), and the ribbon copy of a Scowcroft memo to the President (marked "The President has seen" concerning Ronald Reagan's statements about grain sales to the Soviet Union (March 24, 1976).
This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and voting intentions. Polling in some states was limited to the primary campaign, while certain key states were surveyed in waves throughout 1972.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
1972 Presidential Campaign State Polls … This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and …
This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and voting intentions. Polling in some states was limited to the primary campaign, while certain key states were surveyed in waves throughout 1972.
This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and broadcasters.
Collection: Gerald L. Warren and Margita E. White Files
Gerald Warren's and Margita White's State Media Files … This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and …
This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and broadcasters.