Displaying 781 - 790 of 1890 results
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This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, press releases, and press clippings on topics ranging from passport numbers to recommendations, action items, and discussions surrounding diplomatic scheduling, security, and protocol concerns. The materials document President Gerald Ford's trips to Asia, Europe, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico international economic summit meetings.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
International Trips Files … This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, press releases, and press clippings on topics ranging from passport numbers to recommendations, action items, and discussions surrounding diplomatic scheduling, security, and protocol concerns. The materials document President Gerald Ford's trips to Asia, Europe, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico international economic summit …
This series consists of audio recordings of news stories related to contemporary events and U.S. Presidential politics taped from radio broadcasts and television programs, covering from the Dwight Eisenhower through Ronald Reagan administrations. Programs were taped primarily from NBC (National Broadcasting Company) and CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), with a smaller portion from ABC (American Broadcasting Company) or local stations.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Audio Public Affairs Tapes … This series consists of audio recordings of news stories related to contemporary events and U.S. Presidential politics taped from radio broadcasts and television programs, covering from the Dwight Eisenhower through Ronald Reagan administrations. Programs were taped primarily from NBC (National Broadcasting Company) and CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), with a smaller portion from ABC (American Broadcasting Company) or local …
This series consists of video recordings related to German politics and news, as well as Bundestag elections in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2009. Also included is coverage of the 1999 Hessian state election and the 2005 Schleswig-Holstein state election.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
German Politics & Elections Video Recordings … This series consists of video recordings related to German politics and news, as well as Bundestag elections in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2009. Also included is coverage of the 1999 Hessian state election and the 2005 Schleswig-Holstein state …
This series consists of bulk public opinion mail from children related to the pardon of Richard Nixon. The series contains letters and telegrams, occasionally with clippings attached.
Collection: White House Central Files Bulk Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Nixon Pardon Children’s Correspondence Files … This series consists of bulk public opinion mail from children related to the pardon of Richard Nixon. The series contains letters and telegrams, occasionally with clippings attached. …
This series contains letters, post cards, and petitions in support of President Gerald Ford's pardon of former President Richard Nixon. Occasionally, related newspaper clippings are enclosed with the correspondence. There are instances within the series where respondents also included their opinions on other issues like abortion, amnesty for Vietnam deserters and draft dodgers, the Vice Presidential nomination, state of the economy, crime, and others.
Collection: White House Central Files Bulk Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Acknowledged Nixon Pardon Pro Files … This series contains letters, post cards, and petitions in support of President Gerald Ford's pardon of former President Richard Nixon. Occasionally, related newspaper clippings are enclosed with the correspondence. There are instances within the series where respondents also included their opinions on other issues like abortion, amnesty for Vietnam deserters and draft dodgers, the Vice Presidential nomination, state of the economy, crime, and …
This series contains reports of personnel changes, security office procedures and forms, materials related to clearance re-investigations, lists of attendees at White House social events, completed FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) investigation request forms, security violation files, Watergate Special Prosecutor clearance checks on White House staff, and information on Presidential appointments. Also included in the series is a list of White House Personnel by office indicating investigation type and date received.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
General Files … This series contains reports of personnel changes, security office procedures and forms, materials related to clearance re-investigations, lists of attendees at White House social events, completed FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) investigation request forms, security violation files, Watergate Special Prosecutor clearance checks on White House staff, and information on Presidential appointments. Also included in the series is a list of White House Personnel by office indicating …
This series contains material related to Presidential nominees to serve in positions in Federal departments, agencies, boards, commissions, committees, and councils. Often the file will include correspondence, press releases announcing Presidential nominations and Presidential appointments, clearance investigation tracking forms, documents related to retirements and resignations, and appointment clearance request forms. In some cases background information on nominees is included.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
Organization Files … This series contains material related to Presidential nominees to serve in positions in Federal departments, agencies, boards, commissions, committees, and councils. Often the file will include correspondence, press releases announcing Presidential nominations and Presidential appointments, clearance investigation tracking forms, documents related to retirements and resignations, and appointment clearance request forms. In some cases background information on nominees is …
This series consists of records related to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) background investigation of President Gerald Ford’s Vice Presidential nominee Nelson Rockefeller. Included in the FBI report are interview reports and summaries, memoranda, correspondence, legal documents, financial statements and news clippings.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
Vice Presidential Nominee Nelson Rockefeller Background Investigation Files … This series consists of records related to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) background investigation of President Gerald Ford’s Vice Presidential nominee Nelson Rockefeller. Included in the FBI report are interview reports and summaries, memoranda, correspondence, legal documents, financial statements and news …
This series consists of a card file of Presidential appointees, listing the name, position, investigation release date, date received from the Presidential Personnel Office, and dates of conflicts, security, special clearance, and National Security Council clearance approvals.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
Presidential Appointment Clearance Tracking Card Files … This series consists of a card file of Presidential appointees, listing the name, position, investigation release date, date received from the Presidential Personnel Office, and dates of conflicts, security, special clearance, and National Security Council clearance …
The series contains correspondence, Christmas cars, invitations, publications, and other materials related to Gerald Ford, other presidents, presidential campaigns, inaugurations, and Michigan political figures.
Collection: William Beute Papers
General Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, Christmas cars, invitations, publications, and other materials related to Gerald Ford, other presidents, presidential campaigns, inaugurations, and Michigan political figures. …