Displaying 761 - 770 of 1890 results
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The series contains correspondence, Christmas cars, invitations, publications, and other materials related to Gerald Ford, other presidents, presidential campaigns, inaugurations, and Michigan political figures.
Collection: William Beute Papers
General Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, Christmas cars, invitations, publications, and other materials related to Gerald Ford, other presidents, presidential campaigns, inaugurations, and Michigan political figures. …
The series contains telephone logs, section management materials, press clippings and accolades. Also included are copies of a number of speeches given by Attorney General Edward Levi.
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Justice Administrative Files … The series contains telephone logs, section management materials, press clippings and accolades. Also included are copies of a number of speeches given by Attorney General Edward Levi. …
The series contains copies of outgoing letters and memoranda written by Stanley Pottinger. Topics range from civil rights issues and cases being investigated to the organization and operation of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to personal matters.
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Justice Chronological Files … The series contains copies of outgoing letters and memoranda written by Stanley Pottinger. Topics range from civil rights issues and cases being investigated to the organization and operation of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to personal …
This series consists primarily of color and black and white photographs documenting the Asmus family?s participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train, especially along the Santa Fe Trail. It includes the Asmus family's scrapbook that contains photographs and textual material such as newspaper clippings and itineraries from the trip. Also included are a collection of lithographs of presidential portraits, and a VHS tape of home video taken on the Bicentennial Wagon Train.
Collection: Larry and Pauline Asmus Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists primarily of color and black and white photographs documenting the Asmus family?s participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train, especially along the Santa Fe Trail. It includes the Asmus family's scrapbook that contains photographs and textual material such as newspaper clippings and itineraries from the trip. Also included are a collection of lithographs of presidential portraits, and a VHS tape of home video taken on the Bicentennial Wagon …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, briefing papers, reports, lists, press releases, publications, clippings, and occasional meeting minutes concerning issues, meetings, and events. The primary focus is on military and veterans affairs, including such topics as President Gerald Ford's amnesty program and the military personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia. Another major topic is the Indochina refugee resettlement program. The series contains smaller amounts of material on most subject areas of interest to Theodore Marrs: health, ethnic affairs, religious matters, aging, etc.
Collection: Theodore C. Marrs Files (Ford Administration)
Theodore Marrs' General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, briefing papers, reports, lists, press releases, publications, clippings, and occasional meeting minutes concerning issues, meetings, and events. The primary focus is on military and veterans affairs, including such topics as President Gerald Ford's amnesty program and the military personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia. Another major topic is the Indochina refugee resettlement program. The series contains …
This series contains primarily typed transcripts of discussions from President Gerald Ford's meetings with heads of state and other foreign officials, American ambassadors, senior intelligence and national security officials, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors. Also included are meeting notes on which the transcripts are based. Files contain substantive information on U.S. foreign policy and relations with numerous countries, including Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Soviet Union, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, China, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Angola, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Canada, Cuba, Chile, Panama, and Mexico. There is substantive information on a multitude of topics, including the Middle East peace process, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO, the European Community, foreign aid, energy policy, oil, foreign economic affairs, trade policy, arms control, military arms sales, mutual defense agreements, Law of the Sea, the economic summit meetings, the Mayaguez Incident, military base negotiations, the intelligence investigations, and atomic energy.
Collection: Memoranda of Conversations (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Ford Administration Memoranda of Conversations … This series contains primarily typed transcripts of discussions from President Gerald Ford's meetings with heads of state and other foreign officials, American ambassadors, senior intelligence and national security officials, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors. Also included are meeting notes on which the transcripts are based. Files contain substantive information on U.S. foreign policy and relations …
This series consists of correspondence, financial reports, meeting minutes, and publications concerning such topics as alcoholism, arthritis, family, the Equal Rights Amendment, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, Martha Graham Dance Company, and the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). It also includes materials concerning the writing and publishing of former First Lady Betty Ford's books, "The Times of My Life" and "A Glad Awakening" and the production of the television movie, "A Betty Ford Story."
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Subject Files … This series consists of correspondence, financial reports, meeting minutes, and publications concerning such topics as alcoholism, arthritis, family, the Equal Rights Amendment, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, Martha Graham Dance Company, and the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). It also includes materials concerning the writing and publishing of former First Lady Betty Ford's books, "The Times of My Life" and "A Glad Awakening" and the production of the …
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, and reports. Topics include the 1984 Presidential election, 1990 mid-term elections, 1992 Presidential elections, and national attitudes on the Persian Gulf War, politics, gun control, environmental protection, the economy, and Washington, DC.
Collection: Frederick T. Steeper Papers
Republican National Committee (RNC) National Survey Research Files … This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, and reports. Topics include the 1984 Presidential election, 1990 mid-term elections, 1992 Presidential elections, and national attitudes on the Persian Gulf War, politics, gun control, environmental protection, the economy, and Washington, …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, personnel forms, press releases, and clippings. The materials concern Presidential Personnel Office organization and operation and a variety of Presidential appointments to positions.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Deputy Director's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, personnel forms, press releases, and clippings. The materials concern Presidential Personnel Office organization and operation and a variety of Presidential appointments to …
This series consists of letters from Members of Congress, primarily related to recommendations for Presidential appointments, and includes resumes and biographical information during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. Occasionally, the letters relate to personnel matters in general.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Personnel Central Files Congressional Correspondence … This series consists of letters from Members of Congress, primarily related to recommendations for Presidential appointments, and includes resumes and biographical information during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. Occasionally, the letters relate to personnel matters in …