Displaying 721 - 730 of 1890 results
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This series contains brief audio recordings of excerpts from campaign speeches that were made nationwide. Each recording consists of one to five cuts (audio segments) of one or multiple individuals making statements in support of President Ford or critical of Jimmy Carter. Speakers include President Ford, his running mate Bob Dole, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Carla Hills, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, Republican National Committee Chair Mary Louise Smith, Ronald Reagan, John Connally, and other members of Congress and Ford administration officials.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Actualities Audio Recordings … This series contains brief audio recordings of excerpts from campaign speeches that were made nationwide. Each recording consists of one to five cuts (audio segments) of one or multiple individuals making statements in support of President Ford or critical of Jimmy Carter. Speakers include President Ford, his running mate Bob Dole, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Carla Hills, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, …
This series contains images of selected Marine Corps documents relating the role of specific Marine units in various aspects of the Vietnam War.
Collection: Marine Corps History and Museums Division Collection
Vietnam War Operational Records of Marine Units … This series contains images of selected Marine Corps documents relating the role of specific Marine units in various aspects of the Vietnam War. …
This series contains drafts and the final form of the National Security Study Memoranda, background materials, and drafts and the final version of the study reports. The documents include input from concerned departments and agencies and cover a wide range of foreign affairs and national security issues. Topics include U.S. security assistance to Israel, South Korea, Taiwan, and South Vietnam; U.S. policy toward Japan, Greece, Oman, the Middle East, Southern Europe, Angola, Thailand, and the Persian Gulf; and issues such as uranium enrichment, arms transfers, the strategic stockpile, management of classified national security information, international energy policy, civil defense policy, and national defense policy and military posture.
Collection: National Security Council Institutional Files (Ford Administration)
National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM) Files … This series contains drafts and the final form of the National Security Study Memoranda, background materials, and drafts and the final version of the study reports. The documents include input from concerned departments and agencies and cover a wide range of foreign affairs and national security issues. Topics include U.S. security assistance to Israel, South Korea, Taiwan, and South Vietnam; U.S. policy toward Japan, Greece, Oman, the Middle East, Southern …
This series consists of a case file containing materials related to the application of Gerald R. Ford to become a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.). The case file includes his application and medical examination report, field investigation reports, and correspondence compiled by F.B.I. headquarters officials.
This case file also includes three memorandums from the Ford presidential period. Two of the memorandums describe storage and access to F.B.I. records on Gerald Ford, including this case file and his Vice Presidential nomination investigation. The other memorandum notes that the members of the press made inquiries into the reason why Gerald Ford was not offered a special agent position.
Collection: Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Special Agent Application Case File of Gerald R. Ford, Jr. … This series consists of a case file containing materials related to the application of Gerald R. Ford to become a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.). The case file includes his application and medical examination report, field investigation reports, and correspondence compiled by F.B.I. headquarters officials. This case file also includes three memorandums from the Ford presidential period. Two of the memorandums …
This series contains after-action reports, memoranda, correspondence, duty officers' logs, the announcement of death, a presidential proclamation, news releases, photographs, visitors logs, drawings, maps, and clippings concerning the death, funeral, interment, and reinterment of President John F. Kennedy. Included is information on the movement of President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital, the funeral ceremonies and processions, the support provided by various units of the United States Army, and the logistics involved. In addition, there is material on the administration of President Kennedy's gravesite. Included is information on visitors from 1964-65, plans and drawings for a permanent gravesite, the reinterment at the permanent site, the use of civilian and military guards, and standard operating procedures at the gravesite. There is also one file on a proposed memorial mass at the grave of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
Collection: Records of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington
President John F. Kennedy Funeral and Gravesite Files … This series contains after-action reports, memoranda, correspondence, duty officers' logs, the announcement of death, a presidential proclamation, news releases, photographs, visitors logs, drawings, maps, and clippings concerning the death, funeral, interment, and reinterment of President John F. Kennedy. Included is information on the movement of President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital, the funeral ceremonies and processions, …
This series contains correspondence, speeches, reports, agendas, interviews, and newsletters compiled following Arthur Burns' service at the Federal Reserve System, pertaining to his board service, consultancies, and other professional activities.
There are several subseries devoted to Burns’ board memberships with organizations such as the Tax Foundation, the Twentieth Century Fund, the Trilateral Commission, and the White Rose Foundation. These primarily consist of correspondence, meeting minutes, and annual reports. The series also includes records of his work as Distinguished Professorial Lecturer at Georgetown University, Director of Research at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and consultant for Lazard Freres & Co., including frequent correspondence with general partner Frank Zarb. Papers and reports related to Ronald Reagan’s economic policy taskforces, which were formed prior to his election in 1980, compose one of the Subject File’s more extensive subseries. Burns served as chairman of Reagan’s Task Force on International Monetary Policy and as a general member of the Economic Policy Coordinating Committee. Other topics include the Bergel-Hauptman Case concerning academic freedom at Rutgers University, Germany, the International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve, Richard Nixon’s transition into the White House, publishing opportunities and other requests, Burns’ bibliography and honorary degrees, and Burns’ monthly, weekly, and daily schedules.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
General Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, speeches, reports, agendas, interviews, and newsletters compiled following Arthur Burns' service at the Federal Reserve System, pertaining to his board service, consultancies, and other professional activities. There are several subseries devoted to Burns’ board memberships with organizations such as the Tax Foundation, the Twentieth Century Fund, the Trilateral Commission, and the White Rose Foundation. These primarily consist of correspondence, …
This series contains correspondence, background materials, and speech drafts written by Robert Orben as a political speechwriting consultant. The speeches he wrote for Gerald Ford before and after his presidency are included in this series. Orben's speeches for the following politicians are included in this series: Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, Barry Goldwater, Al Haig, and Ronald Reagan. Also included are materials related to Orben's contributions to “Congressional Chaff”, the humor section of the Republican Congressional Committee’s monthly newsletter, and to “Political Punchlines”, a compilation of political one-liners.
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
Political Files … This series contains correspondence, background materials, and speech drafts written by Robert Orben as a political speechwriting consultant. The speeches he wrote for Gerald Ford before and after his presidency are included in this series. Orben's speeches for the following politicians are included in this series: Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, Barry Goldwater, Al Haig, and Ronald Reagan. Also included are materials related to Orben's contributions to “Congressional Chaff”, the humor section of …
This series contains books, articles, and newsletters written by Robert Orben as well as other publications that concern his comedy career or incorporate his jokes and stories. In addition to the columns and articles he wrote for magic, business, and political publications, this series includes Orben’s "Current Comedy" and other newsletters published by the Comedy Center, Inc.
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
Publications Files … This series contains books, articles, and newsletters written by Robert Orben as well as other publications that concern his comedy career or incorporate his jokes and stories. In addition to the columns and articles he wrote for magic, business, and political publications, this series includes Orben’s "Current Comedy" and other newsletters published by the Comedy Center, …
This series contains letters and printed e-mails between Robert Orben and his friends and fans as well as media representatives, politicians, and other humorists. Frequent correspondents include, Herb Block, Jerry Lester, Phyllis Schlafly, J.P. Tarcher (Penguin Publishing), and President Gerald Ford. Prominent politicians such as Bill Clinton, James Baker, and Dick Cheney are also represented.
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
Correspondence Files … This series contains letters and printed e-mails between Robert Orben and his friends and fans as well as media representatives, politicians, and other humorists. Frequent correspondents include, Herb Block, Jerry Lester, Phyllis Schlafly, J.P. Tarcher (Penguin Publishing), and President Gerald Ford. Prominent politicians such as Bill Clinton, James Baker, and Dick Cheney are also …
This series consists primarily of name check requests for attendees at White House events. Also included are group appointment lists and administrative correspondence.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
Control Center Files … This series consists primarily of name check requests for attendees at White House events. Also included are group appointment lists and administrative correspondence. …