Displaying 681 - 690 of 1890 results
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This series consists of black and white and color event photographs and portraits related to Myron Kuropas and other ethnic leaders, including the National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, and the swearing-in of Mitchell Kobelinski as Small Business Administration Administrator. It also includes portraits of William Baroody, Mike Balzano, Kobelinski, Kuropas, and President and Mrs. Richard Nixon.
Collection: Myron B. Kuropas Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of black and white and color event photographs and portraits related to Myron Kuropas and other ethnic leaders, including the National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, and the swearing-in of Mitchell Kobelinski as Small Business Administration Administrator. It also includes portraits of William Baroody, Mike Balzano, Kobelinski, Kuropas, and President and Mrs. Richard …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to international relations or in connection with the plans, policies, procedures and programs, regarding foreign countries or governments... (including) matters relating to the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security; and foreign information and exchange activities." It also includes material related to U.S. ambassadors to other countries, international fishing disputes, and the Panama Canal.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Foreign Affairs … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to international relations or in connection with the plans, policies, procedures and programs, regarding foreign countries or governments... (including) matters relating to the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security; and foreign information and exchange activities." It also includes material related to …
The series contains agendas, background materials, and notes or memcons (memoranda of conversations). It concerns meetings of the Washington Special Actions Group, Senior Review Group, and National Security Council dealing with specific incidents and crises (especially the Vietnam War, Mayaguez seizure, and the August 1976 incident involving North Korean and American soldiers in the demilitarized zone), and one meeting concerned with "National Security Study Memorandum 235" (U.S. Interests and Objectives in the Asia-Pacific Area).
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Meetings Files … The series contains agendas, background materials, and notes or memcons (memoranda of conversations). It concerns meetings of the Washington Special Actions Group, Senior Review Group, and National Security Council dealing with specific incidents and crises (especially the Vietnam War, Mayaguez seizure, and the August 1976 incident involving North Korean and American soldiers in the demilitarized zone), and one meeting concerned with "National Security Study Memorandum 235" (U.S. Interests …
The series contains photographs of Gerald R. Ford's day-to-day activities as Vice President. Also included are photographs of the public activities of his wife Betty Ford. The White House photographic office did not assign one single photographer to the Vice President, so significant numbers of photographs were taken by Ollie Atkins, Karl Schumacher, Robert Knudsen, Jack Kightlinger, Robert Moore, Ricardo Thomas, and Bill Fitz-Patrick.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration)
Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Photographs … The series contains photographs of Gerald R. Ford's day-to-day activities as Vice President. Also included are photographs of the public activities of his wife Betty Ford. The White House photographic office did not assign one single photographer to the Vice President, so significant numbers of photographs were taken by Ollie Atkins, Karl Schumacher, Robert Knudsen, Jack Kightlinger, Robert Moore, Ricardo Thomas, and Bill …
This series contains former President Gerald Ford's correspondence with politicians, journalists, businessmen, family friends and the general public concerning a wide variety of topics. For the years 1977-1979 bulk items were separated and filed by a cross-reference number.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Correspondence Files … This series contains former President Gerald Ford's correspondence with politicians, journalists, businessmen, family friends and the general public concerning a wide variety of topics. For the years 1977-1979 bulk items were separated and filed by a cross-reference …
This series contains agendas, correspondence, briefing papers, invitations, lists of participants, proceedings, press releases, reports, schedules, and other material concerning the annual American Enterprise Institute (AEI) World Forum meetings of world leaders, former world leaders, and business and financial executives that were hosted by former President Gerald Ford. The series documents activities during the forums as well as the original planning and post-meeting follow-up.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
American Enterprise Institute World Forum Files … This series contains agendas, correspondence, briefing papers, invitations, lists of participants, proceedings, press releases, reports, schedules, and other material concerning the annual American Enterprise Institute (AEI) World Forum meetings of world leaders, former world leaders, and business and financial executives that were hosted by former President Gerald Ford. The series documents activities during the forums as well as the original planning and …
This series contains bank statements, canceled checks, correspondence, invoices, lists, publications, reports, and other material concerning the raising and distribution of funds by the New Leadership Committee, a political action committee (PAC) founded by former President Gerald Ford to assist political candidates in their campaigns. The PAC was the legal successor to the President Ford Committee, and the name was officially changed in October 1980.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
New Leadership Committee Files … This series contains bank statements, canceled checks, correspondence, invoices, lists, publications, reports, and other material concerning the raising and distribution of funds by the New Leadership Committee, a political action committee (PAC) founded by former President Gerald Ford to assist political candidates in their campaigns. The PAC was the legal successor to the President Ford Committee, and the name was officially changed in October …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, financial statements, newsletters, notes, reports, and other material concerning the historical materials of former President Gerald Ford and the operation of his Presidential Library and Museum, the Gerald R. Ford Foundation and the Gerald R. Ford Commemorative Committee.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, financial statements, newsletters, notes, reports, and other material concerning the historical materials of former President Gerald Ford and the operation of his Presidential Library and Museum, the Gerald R. Ford Foundation and the Gerald R. Ford Commemorative …
This series contains invitations addressed to former President Gerald Ford that he declined. Responses were made by letter, card, telephone call, and some invitations received no response. There are no regretted invitations for 1987 through 1989.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Invitations Regretted Files … This series contains invitations addressed to former President Gerald Ford that he declined. Responses were made by letter, card, telephone call, and some invitations received no response. There are no regretted invitations for 1987 through …
This series contains articles, speeches, memoranda, correspondence, clippings, and press releases used as background material for former President Gerald Ford's speeches and articles. Topics include childcare, health care, foreign policy, Jimmy Carter, privacy, Puerto Rican statehood, and the Jewish community.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Speech and Articles Background Materials Files … This series contains articles, speeches, memoranda, correspondence, clippings, and press releases used as background material for former President Gerald Ford's speeches and articles. Topics include childcare, health care, foreign policy, Jimmy Carter, privacy, Puerto Rican statehood, and the Jewish …