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This series contains originals (and occasional copies) of detailed reports on the 1976 presidential campaign submitted to President Gerald R. Ford by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairmen Howard "Bo" Callaway and Rogers Morton. The reports cover such topics as organization and staffing of the PFC, state campaign organizations, legal matters, Republican Party national convention delegate selection, campaign fundraising, press contacts, advocate schedules, campaign advertising, and campaign leaflets.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
President Ford Committee Weekly Reports to the President … This series contains originals (and occasional copies) of detailed reports on the 1976 presidential campaign submitted to President Gerald R. Ford by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairmen Howard "Bo" Callaway and Rogers Morton. The reports cover such topics as organization and staffing of the PFC, state campaign organizations, legal matters, Republican Party national convention delegate selection, campaign fundraising, press contacts, advocate …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, lists, schedules, telephone call proposals, press releases and printed material. Files concern legislative liaison; presidential meetings with Senators, including the bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential travel; and routine matters such as White House social invitations and requests for presidential letters, photographs and White House tours. It also contains Tom Korologos' handwritten notes of telephone conversations with senators and aides regarding pending appointments and legislation, August - December 1974.
Collection: William T. Kendall Files
William Kendall's General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, lists, schedules, telephone call proposals, press releases and printed material. Files concern legislative liaison; presidential meetings with Senators, including the bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential travel; and routine matters such as White House social invitations and requests for presidential letters, photographs and White House tours. It also contains Tom Korologos' …
This series of the John G. Garlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on domestic and economic issues.
Collection: John G. Carlson Files
Domestic Press Guidance Files … This series of the John G. Garlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on domestic and economic issues. …
The series contains interview transcripts, research notes, and letters from Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. Cannon accumulated the material while conducting research for the writing of his 1994 book "Time and Chance: Gerald Ford's Appointment with History." The Cannon interview transcripts are rough transcripts created by Cannon for interviews that he conducted with President Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, and other members of the family.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Transcripts of James Cannon's Interviews with Gerald Ford and Family and Related Research Materials … The series contains interview transcripts, research notes, and letters from Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. Cannon accumulated the material while conducting research for the writing of his 1994 book "Time and Chance: Gerald Ford's Appointment with History." The Cannon interview transcripts are rough transcripts created by Cannon for interviews that he conducted with President Ford, First Lady …
This series contains memoranda between John G. Carlson and other White House staff members relating to the operation of the press office and routine administrative matters such as requests for staff, assignment of parking spaces, and mess privileges.
Collection: John G. Carlson Files
Memoranda … This series contains memoranda between John G. Carlson and other White House staff members relating to the operation of the press office and routine administrative matters such as requests for staff, assignment of parking spaces, and mess privileges. …
This series contains photocopies and carbons of James Connors' outgoing memoranda to White House staff and occasional correspondence with government officials, friends, and professional associates. This series consists mostly of memos reporting presidential decisions and comments on papers submitted to President Gerald R. Ford. Sometimes copies of presidential handwritten notes are attached, especially if they help clarify a presidential decision or comment.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Chronological Files … This series contains photocopies and carbons of James Connors' outgoing memoranda to White House staff and occasional correspondence with government officials, friends, and professional associates. This series consists mostly of memos reporting presidential decisions and comments on papers submitted to President Gerald R. Ford. Sometimes copies of presidential handwritten notes are attached, especially if they help clarify a presidential decision or …
This series contains photocopies of memoranda from James Connor or his predecessor Jerry Jones to White House staff, Cabinet officials and political advisers informing them of presidential decisions or comments on documents they had submitted to President Gerald R. Ford. Also included are comments and directives originating with the president which Connor or Jones routed to appropriate individuals. The series provides an overview of the extent to which Ford directed and responded to the work of his advisers.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Presidential Decisions and Comments Files … This series contains photocopies of memoranda from James Connor or his predecessor Jerry Jones to White House staff, Cabinet officials and political advisers informing them of presidential decisions or comments on documents they had submitted to President Gerald R. Ford. Also included are comments and directives originating with the president which Connor or Jones routed to appropriate individuals. The series provides an overview of the extent to which Ford …
This series contains Action Memoranda, mostly from 1974 and 1975, from Staff Secretary James Connor to selected White House staff requesting comments on policy memoranda, congressional bills, correspondence to non-federal government officials, and other documents. Attached to each Action Memorandum is a copy of the item upon which staff comments were requested and the comments themselves. The original memoranda and original staff comments are typically filed here. This series also includes copies of memos routed to White House staff for informal comment outside the Action Memoranda system.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Staff Comments Files … This series contains Action Memoranda, mostly from 1974 and 1975, from Staff Secretary James Connor to selected White House staff requesting comments on policy memoranda, congressional bills, correspondence to non-federal government officials, and other documents. Attached to each Action Memorandum is a copy of the item upon which staff comments were requested and the comments themselves. The original memoranda and original staff comments are typically filed here. This series also …
This series contains James Connors' material concerning foreign intelligence matters, especially the 1975 intelligence investigations and White House attempts to reform the intelligence community. James Connor was most heavily involved in these matters from July to October 1975. Although the series contains scattered reports, presidential decision memoranda, and briefing books from other time periods, few Connor working papers fall outside that four month span. A major focus of the series is White House attempts to review and implement Rockefeller Commission (Commisssion on Central Intelligence Agency Activities Within the United States) recommendations, July-September 1975. Some material concerns the creation of the White House Intelligence Coordinating Group in September 1975, its operation in the first month or so, the House Select Committees on Intelligence (Nedzi and Pike Committees), and the Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Intelligence Community Subject Files … This series contains James Connors' material concerning foreign intelligence matters, especially the 1975 intelligence investigations and White House attempts to reform the intelligence community. James Connor was most heavily involved in these matters from July to October 1975. Although the series contains scattered reports, presidential decision memoranda, and briefing books from other time periods, few Connor working papers fall outside that four month span. A …
This series contains memoranda to and from other members of the Domestic Council staff, correspondence with individuals and organizations, press releases, a mail log, and publications. This series is basically administrative in nature and concerns such topics as the organization of the Domestic Council, invitations received by Ross, and the handling of mail he received.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from other members of the Domestic Council staff, correspondence with individuals and organizations, press releases, a mail log, and publications. This series is basically administrative in nature and concerns such topics as the organization of the Domestic Council, invitations received by Ross, and the handling of mail he …