Displaying 531 - 540 of 1890 results
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This series contains Denise Considine's copies of memoranda, correspondence, lists, newspaper contracts and tear sheets, invoices, payee lists, routine billing correspondence, publications, master newspaper lists and insertion orders used in her role as the media planning supervisor during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). A small chronological file and the "Pilas Plan Book" provide unique documentation of meetings and strategic planning. Other topics related to the 1976 presidential campaign include creative decision-making, Illinois and North Carolina political issues, project assignments and schedules, procedures, media buying in Texas by the Ronald Reagan campaign, and Republican national convention plans.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Denise Considine's Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Denise Considine's copies of memoranda, correspondence, lists, newspaper contracts and tear sheets, invoices, payee lists, routine billing correspondence, publications, master newspaper lists and insertion orders used in her role as the media planning supervisor during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). A small chronological file and the "Pilas Plan …
This series contains correspondence and reference material compiled by Robert Goldwin from his contacts with White House staff during the Gerald Ford administration, academic colleagues, the media, prominent intellectuals, and the public. Subjects include such topics as education, crime, jobs and unemployment.
Collection: Robert A. Goldwin Papers
Name Files … This series contains correspondence and reference material compiled by Robert Goldwin from his contacts with White House staff during the Gerald Ford administration, academic colleagues, the media, prominent intellectuals, and the public. Subjects include such topics as education, crime, jobs and …
This series contains minutes, correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, reports, statements, studies, press releases, clippings, and other records that document the work of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico in determining the applicability of federal laws and regulations to Puerto Rico, in light of its commonwealth status. Included in this series are the Ad Hoc Group's charter, meeting minutes and transcripts, proposals by the Puerto Rican delegation, questions posed by the U.S. delegation, drafts of a compact of permanent union between Puerto Rico and the United States, comments from various federal agencies regarding Puerto Rico, the final report (the compact) of the Group, and written statements of independent views of Group members. Also included are notices of public meetings and hearings held in the United States and Puerto Rico and written statements of numerous witnesses at the hearings. This series documents views toward the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico and the possibility of statehood. Some of the documents appear in both English and Spanish.
Collection: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Public Record of Deliberations … This series contains minutes, correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, reports, statements, studies, press releases, clippings, and other records that document the work of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico in determining the applicability of federal laws and regulations to Puerto Rico, in light of its commonwealth status. Included in this series are the Ad Hoc Group's charter, meeting minutes and transcripts, proposals by the Puerto Rican delegation, questions posed …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, transcripts, resumes, publications, and lists. The series contains materials concerning Melvin Laird's confirmation as Secretary of Defense in 1969 and his transition from Congress to that office. A major focus is Department of Defense personnel matters.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Transition Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, transcripts, resumes, publications, and lists. The series contains materials concerning Melvin Laird's confirmation as Secretary of Defense in 1969 and his transition from Congress to that office. A major focus is Department of Defense personnel …
This series contains minutes and background material for Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird's weekly staff meetings. The materials concern a wide variety of national security and defense issues such as the Vietnam War, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the defense budget, weapons procurement, legislation, and the operation of the Department of Defense.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Staff Meeting Minutes … This series contains minutes and background material for Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird's weekly staff meetings. The materials concern a wide variety of national security and defense issues such as the Vietnam War, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the defense budget, weapons procurement, legislation, and the operation of the Department of …
This series contains speeches, speech drafts, article drafts, correspondence, transcripts, notes, publications, and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's speeches, articles, interviews, and statements along with articles and profiles about Laird. Although many of Laird's speeches and articles concern national security and defense issues, others concern international relations, energy policy, and other matters.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Post-Government Interviews, Articles, Profiles, and Statements Files … This series contains speeches, speech drafts, article drafts, correspondence, transcripts, notes, publications, and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's speeches, articles, interviews, and statements along with articles and profiles about Laird. Although many of Laird's speeches and articles concern national security and defense issues, others concern international relations, energy policy, and other …
This series contains transcripts of interviews with Melvin Laird and his friends and colleagues conducted by journalist and author Dale Van Atta under contract with Mr. Laird to assist with a memoir about Laird's life and career.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Biography Interview Files … This series contains transcripts of interviews with Melvin Laird and his friends and colleagues conducted by journalist and author Dale Van Atta under contract with Mr. Laird to assist with a memoir about Laird's life and career. …
This series contains copies of selected files documenting various public aspects of Melvin Laird's congressional career in the U.S. House of Representatives and his service as Secretary of Defense. Included for the congressional years are his speeches, press releases, voting record in Congress, weekly newspaper columns, newsletters, scrapbooks, and publications. From his Department of Defense years, the series includes speeches and public statements, daily press briefings, daily calendars, scrapbooks, and several reports and lists. The scrapbooks include some material predating Mr. Laird's career in Congress.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Selected Unclassified Files on Melvin Laird's Career … This series contains copies of selected files documenting various public aspects of Melvin Laird's congressional career in the U.S. House of Representatives and his service as Secretary of Defense. Included for the congressional years are his speeches, press releases, voting record in Congress, weekly newspaper columns, newsletters, scrapbooks, and publications. From his Department of Defense years, the series includes speeches and public statements, …
This series contains newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and programs for events. The material concerns Melvin Laird and his activities while serving briefly as Counsellor to President Richard Nixon and after leaving government service.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Scrapbooks … This series contains newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and programs for events. The material concerns Melvin Laird and his activities while serving briefly as Counsellor to President Richard Nixon and after leaving government service. …
This series contains primarily copies of meeting minutes and briefing books concerning a variety of national security and international relations topics from Henry Kissinger's work as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Secretary of State during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford.
Collection: Henry A. Kissinger Papers
Subject Files … This series contains primarily copies of meeting minutes and briefing books concerning a variety of national security and international relations topics from Henry Kissinger's work as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Secretary of State during the presidency of Gerald R. …