Displaying 521 - 530 of 1890 results
Page 53 of 189
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Washington Office Subject Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Service Academy Administrative Subject Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Robert Hartmann's Business Luncheons Files …
Collection: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Hearings Files …
Collection: Records of the Council of Economic Advisers
Alan Greenspan's Internal Correspondence …
Collection: Robert E. Hampton Papers
Federal Labor Relations Council Meeting Files …
This series contains brief audio recordings of excerpts from campaign speeches that were made nationwide. Each recording consists of one to five cuts (audio segments) of one or multiple individuals making statements in support of President Ford or critical of Jimmy Carter. Speakers include President Ford, his running mate Bob Dole, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Carla Hills, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, Republican National Committee Chair Mary Louise Smith, Ronald Reagan, John Connally, and other members of Congress and Ford administration officials.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Actualities Audio Recordings … This series contains brief audio recordings of excerpts from campaign speeches that were made nationwide. Each recording consists of one to five cuts (audio segments) of one or multiple individuals making statements in support of President Ford or critical of Jimmy Carter. Speakers include President Ford, his running mate Bob Dole, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Carla Hills, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, …