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This series contains memoranda, correspondence, sporadic diary notes, and memorabilia accumulated by Philip and Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen primarily during Philip's tenure as Counsel to the President in the administration of President Gerald Ford and shortly thereafter. Also included are certificates Buchen acquired while serving as Counsel to the President, several desk calendars used by Bunny Buchen from 1976 to 1977 (however, not every month is represented), and several pages which appear to have been torn from a scrapbook.
A sizable portion of this series is made up of clippings, mainly from more prominent news organizations, but one will find clippings interspersed from local news sources. While some clippings document President Richard Nixon's resignation and pardon, much of the rest is social (i.e. state dinners, embassy dinners, gatherings, etc.) in nature. Some files also reflect the Buchen's social standing in Washington, DC, and include place cards, menus, and programs, among other items.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Papers
Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, sporadic diary notes, and memorabilia accumulated by Philip and Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen primarily during Philip's tenure as Counsel to the President in the administration of President Gerald Ford and shortly thereafter. Also included are certificates Buchen acquired while serving as Counsel to the President, several desk calendars used by Bunny Buchen from 1976 to 1977 (however, not every month is represented), and several pages which appear …
This series contains a small and fragmentary file of memoranda, reports, speech drafts, maps, a memorandum of conversation, and publications. The material relates to various foreign policy matters during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Hafiz Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, 1975 and original maps associated with the negotiation of the 1975 Sinai Accords.
Collection: Peter W. Rodman Files
Peter Rodman's Subject Files … This series contains a small and fragmentary file of memoranda, reports, speech drafts, maps, a memorandum of conversation, and publications. The material relates to various foreign policy matters during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Hafiz Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, 1975 and original maps associated with the negotiation of the 1975 Sinai …
This series contains drafts and reading copies of James M. Wilson's speeches and remarks with occasional background information, programs, and correspondence. His earliest speeches almost all concern the foreign aid program. About half of the series dates from his service in Thailand and the Philippines. In these speeches he addressed such topics as the management of foreign affairs in overseas posts, U.S. policy in Southeast Asia, and U.S. political and economic relations with the two countries. After returning to the United States in 1970 he spoke to groups on the Vietnamese War, the Nixon Doctrine in East Asia, Micronesian status negotiations, refugee policies, and human rights.
Collection: James M. Wilson Papers
Speeches and Remarks Files … This series contains drafts and reading copies of James M. Wilson's speeches and remarks with occasional background information, programs, and correspondence. His earliest speeches almost all concern the foreign aid program. About half of the series dates from his service in Thailand and the Philippines. In these speeches he addressed such topics as the management of foreign affairs in overseas posts, U.S. policy in Southeast Asia, and U.S. political and economic relations with …
This series contains index cards of approximately 15,000 individuals who wrote to President Ford Committee (PFC) headquarters during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign and received a response from Committee staff. For each correspondent, the staff prepared an index card with the individual's address, date of response, and an annotation concerning the topic of the contact.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Correspondence Card Index … This series contains index cards of approximately 15,000 individuals who wrote to President Ford Committee (PFC) headquarters during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign and received a response from Committee staff. For each correspondent, the staff prepared an index card with the individual's address, date of response, and an annotation concerning the topic of the …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, administrative forms, clippings, and printed material compiled by Norman Watts, President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinator, for reference during the Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign. The materials concern such topics as legal guidance, the People for Ford volunteer program, special voter group activities, PFC organization, the Republican National Committee phone bank program, polling results, delegate tallies, and state gubernatorial and congressional contests. The series includes small correspondence files for Haley Barbour and Jack Inesco, two of the regional coordinators reporting to Watts during the general campaign.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Norman Watts' Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, administrative forms, clippings, and printed material compiled by Norman Watts, President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinator, for reference during the Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign. The materials concern such topics as legal guidance, the People for Ford volunteer program, special voter group activities, PFC organization, the Republican National Committee phone bank program, polling results, delegate …
This series contains correspondence, speeches, transcripts, background and position papers, schedules, press kits, and lists. The materials concern the work of the President Ford Committee staff assigned to Vice Presidential candidate Robert Dole during the 1976 presidential election campaign. Included are the transcripts of selected Dole speeches and television interviews, campaign schedules for Elizabeth Dole, airplane manifests from campaign trips, and position papers on numerous legislative and campaign topics. Also included is a detailed comparison of Senator Dole's voting record and that of Senator Walter Mondale, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, and routine constituent campaign correspondence.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Vice Presidential Campaign Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, speeches, transcripts, background and position papers, schedules, press kits, and lists. The materials concern the work of the President Ford Committee staff assigned to Vice Presidential candidate Robert Dole during the 1976 presidential election campaign. Included are the transcripts of selected Dole speeches and television interviews, campaign schedules for Elizabeth Dole, airplane manifests from campaign trips, and position …
This series contains a card file of quotes by Jimmy Carter, often from campaign speeches, on a wide variety of domestic, foreign, economic and political events and issues. There is no indication as to which staff member compiled and maintained this file or how it was used in the 1976 presidential election campaign.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Jimmy Carter Quotes Files … This series contains a card file of quotes by Jimmy Carter, often from campaign speeches, on a wide variety of domestic, foreign, economic and political events and issues. There is no indication as to which staff member compiled and maintained this file or how it was used in the 1976 presidential election …
This series contains routine cover memoranda from the General Counsel's Office to state Secretaries of State that were compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The recipients removed any attachments, annotated the memoranda to indicate the material had been received, and returned them to the PFC as receipts.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Robert Visser's State Receipt Files … This series contains routine cover memoranda from the General Counsel's Office to state Secretaries of State that were compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The recipients removed any attachments, annotated the memoranda to indicate the material had been received, and returned them to the PFC as …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, printed material, and press clippings compiled during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. Newspaper clippings submitted by various President Ford Committee staff to Assistant Press Secretary Ned Greene form the bulk of the file. The material forms a reference file of campaign information used by the Press Office to create media messages.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Clippings Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, printed material, and press clippings compiled during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. Newspaper clippings submitted by various President Ford Committee staff to Assistant Press Secretary Ned Greene form the bulk of the file. The material forms a reference file of campaign information used by the Press Office to create media …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, speeches, resumes, notes, mailings lists, press releases, fact sheets, surveys, statistical data, budget proposals, reports, travel itineraries, and news clippings. The material concerns Robert Keyes' work as Special Consultant and deputy to Elly Peterson and co-director of the Black Desk of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Most of the series documents Keyes' responsibility for the Black Desk. Materials concern African-American issues and the Black Desk's daily operation. Of particular interest is a list of all high-level African-American appointments in the Ford administration. Other materials include correspondence with key figures and records of Keyes' PFF and PFC administrative activities.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Robert Keyes' Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, speeches, resumes, notes, mailings lists, press releases, fact sheets, surveys, statistical data, budget proposals, reports, travel itineraries, and news clippings. The material concerns Robert Keyes' work as Special Consultant and deputy to Elly Peterson and co-director of the Black Desk of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Most of …