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This series consists of personal correspondence and miscellaneous records accumulated by Dr. Arthur Burns following his work at the Federal Reserve System. The “Correspondence” subseries primarily contains documents from the time Dr. Burns was serving as U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Some of the documents relate to his official work as ambassador, but are personal in nature. Additional correspondence, as well as documents pertaining to travel and speaking engagements, are included in the “General” subseries.
In addition to general correspondence with family, friends, and associates, this series includes a collection of birthday cards, his State Department personnel file, and a other documents, including letters, articles, and speeches, devoted to his memory. This series also contains some records related to Dr. Burns’ wife, Helen Burns, and their son, David Burns. A copy of the handwritten journal kept by Dr. Burns, January 1969 – July 1974, is also included in this series.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Personal Files … This series consists of personal correspondence and miscellaneous records accumulated by Dr. Arthur Burns following his work at the Federal Reserve System. The “Correspondence” subseries primarily contains documents from the time Dr. Burns was serving as U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Some of the documents relate to his official work as ambassador, but are personal in nature. Additional correspondence, as well as documents pertaining to travel and speaking engagements, are included in …
This series contains carbons of correspondence signed by Dr. Arthur F. Burns and, occasionally, members of the Federal Reserve Board staff. The series includes correspondence from Burns' service as Counsellor to President Richard M. Nixon. Correspondents include U.S. and foreign officials; colleagues in banking and academia; members of Congress; friends; and the general public. The correspondence includes replies to invitations, thank you notes, transmittals of speeches and papers, as well as substantive letters concerning domestic monetary policy and the international monetary system.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Chronological Files … This series contains carbons of correspondence signed by Dr. Arthur F. Burns and, occasionally, members of the Federal Reserve Board staff. The series includes correspondence from Burns' service as Counsellor to President Richard M. Nixon. Correspondents include U.S. and foreign officials; colleagues in banking and academia; members of Congress; friends; and the general public. The correspondence includes replies to invitations, thank you notes, transmittals of speeches and papers, as …
This series consists of newspaper clippings, largely from national publications. Topics include the Federal Reserve System and Chairman Arthur Burns, domestic and international economic matters, and West Germany.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Newspaper Clippings … This series consists of newspaper clippings, largely from national publications. Topics include the Federal Reserve System and Chairman Arthur Burns, domestic and international economic matters, and West Germany. …
This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and donors of Bicentennial gifts. It also includes background material concerning the gifts.
Collection: Milton E. Mitler Files
Correspondence With Control Numbers Regarding Bicentennial Gifts Received … This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and donors of Bicentennial gifts. It also includes background material concerning the gifts. …
This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and persons wishing to donate Bicentennial gifts.
Collection: Milton E. Mitler Files
Correspondence Regarding Bicentennial Gifts Offered … This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and persons wishing to donate Bicentennial gifts. …
This series contains briefing papers, speech drafts, agenda, schedule proposals, internal memoranda and background material. It concerns only First Lady Betty Ford's speeches that Frances K. Pullen wrote from February 1976 until the end of the administration. Many of the speeches relate to the presidential campaign, cancer, the Bicentennial, and the Equal Rights Amendment.
Collection: Frances K. Pullen Files
Frances Pullen's Working Files … This series contains briefing papers, speech drafts, agenda, schedule proposals, internal memoranda and background material. It concerns only First Lady Betty Ford's speeches that Frances K. Pullen wrote from February 1976 until the end of the administration. Many of the speeches relate to the presidential campaign, cancer, the Bicentennial, and the Equal Rights …
This series contains originals (and occasional copies) of detailed reports on the 1976 presidential campaign submitted to President Gerald R. Ford by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairmen Howard "Bo" Callaway and Rogers Morton. The reports cover such topics as organization and staffing of the PFC, state campaign organizations, legal matters, Republican Party national convention delegate selection, campaign fundraising, press contacts, advocate schedules, campaign advertising, and campaign leaflets.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
President Ford Committee Weekly Reports to the President … This series contains originals (and occasional copies) of detailed reports on the 1976 presidential campaign submitted to President Gerald R. Ford by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairmen Howard "Bo" Callaway and Rogers Morton. The reports cover such topics as organization and staffing of the PFC, state campaign organizations, legal matters, Republican Party national convention delegate selection, campaign fundraising, press contacts, advocate …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, lists, schedules, telephone call proposals, press releases and printed material. Files concern legislative liaison; presidential meetings with Senators, including the bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential travel; and routine matters such as White House social invitations and requests for presidential letters, photographs and White House tours. It also contains Tom Korologos' handwritten notes of telephone conversations with senators and aides regarding pending appointments and legislation, August - December 1974.
Collection: William T. Kendall Files
William Kendall's General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, lists, schedules, telephone call proposals, press releases and printed material. Files concern legislative liaison; presidential meetings with Senators, including the bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential travel; and routine matters such as White House social invitations and requests for presidential letters, photographs and White House tours. It also contains Tom Korologos' …
This series of the John G. Garlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on domestic and economic issues.
Collection: John G. Carlson Files
Domestic Press Guidance Files … This series of the John G. Garlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on domestic and economic issues. …
The series contains interview transcripts, research notes, and letters from Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. Cannon accumulated the material while conducting research for the writing of his 1994 book "Time and Chance: Gerald Ford's Appointment with History." The Cannon interview transcripts are rough transcripts created by Cannon for interviews that he conducted with President Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, and other members of the family.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Transcripts of James Cannon's Interviews with Gerald Ford and Family and Related Research Materials … The series contains interview transcripts, research notes, and letters from Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. Cannon accumulated the material while conducting research for the writing of his 1994 book "Time and Chance: Gerald Ford's Appointment with History." The Cannon interview transcripts are rough transcripts created by Cannon for interviews that he conducted with President Ford, First Lady …