Displaying 461 - 470 of 1890 results
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This series contains speeches, statements, transcripts, correspondence, printed materials and reports concerning Roderick Hills' appearances to testify before the U.S. Congress. In addition to formal transcripts of Hills' statements some file units contain multiple draft copies with annotations as well as items Hills referenced while composing his statements. The majority of the testimony concerns economic and finance issues, the largest portions of which focus on corporate disclosure in the securities industry and the reform of federal economic monitoring and regulation programs. Much of the testimony dates from his service as chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and concerns the work of that agency.
Collection: Roderick M. Hills Papers
Congressional Testimony Files … This series contains speeches, statements, transcripts, correspondence, printed materials and reports concerning Roderick Hills' appearances to testify before the U.S. Congress. In addition to formal transcripts of Hills' statements some file units contain multiple draft copies with annotations as well as items Hills referenced while composing his statements. The majority of the testimony concerns economic and finance issues, the largest portions of which focus on corporate …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, statements, biographies, platform drafts, lists, proceedings transcripts, reports, working papers, and press releases. The material concerns the work of Baroody as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird, who served as chairman of the Republican Platform Committee for the 1964 Republican National Convention. The files concern all aspects of the development of the platform for the 1964 presidential campaign -- organizing the committee, conducting hearings, developing a draft platform, and finalizing it.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
1964 Republican Platform Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, statements, biographies, platform drafts, lists, proceedings transcripts, reports, working papers, and press releases. The material concerns the work of Baroody as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird, who served as chairman of the Republican Platform Committee for the 1964 Republican National Convention. The files concern all aspects of the development of the platform for the 1964 presidential …
This series contains William J. Baroody's campaign materials, press releases, briefing books, and voting records. Some material relates to Melvin Laird's involvement in the campaigns of Nelson Rockefeller and William Scranton to obtain the Republican Party nomination, but the bulk of the series concerns William J. Baroody's work on the campaign of Barry Goldwater. Much of the series consists of research materials on specific issues documenting Goldwater's past views and actions.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
1964 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's campaign materials, press releases, briefing books, and voting records. Some material relates to Melvin Laird's involvement in the campaigns of Nelson Rockefeller and William Scranton to obtain the Republican Party nomination, but the bulk of the series concerns William J. Baroody's work on the campaign of Barry Goldwater. Much of the series consists of research materials on specific issues documenting Goldwater's past views and …
This series contains correspondence and attachments from or about specific individuals relating to defense and national security issues, Melvin Laird's work as Secretary of Defense, or Department of Defense personnel matters. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Name Files … This series contains correspondence and attachments from or about specific individuals relating to defense and national security issues, Melvin Laird's work as Secretary of Defense, or Department of Defense personnel matters. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. …
This series consists of memoranda prepared for Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird by the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs containing brief notes about articles on defense and national security matters (including the operation of the Department of Defense) and the Assistant Secretary's comments on the stories. A major topic is the Vietnamese War.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Secretary of Defense News Items of Special Interest … This series consists of memoranda prepared for Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird by the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs containing brief notes about articles on defense and national security matters (including the operation of the Department of Defense) and the Assistant Secretary's comments on the stories. A major topic is the Vietnamese …
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda to and from other members of the White House staff. The memos cover many aspects of the work of the second Nixon administration, although the focus is on the areas in which Baroody was most involved - especially liaison with interest groups. Some material concerns the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin Laird. The largest files are for Ken Clawson, H. R. Haldeman, Dick Howard, Jerry Jones, Bruce Kehrli, Dave Parker, and Dave Wimer.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Staff Memoranda … This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda to and from other members of the White House staff. The memos cover many aspects of the work of the second Nixon administration, although the focus is on the areas in which Baroody was most involved - especially liaison with interest groups. Some material concerns the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin Laird. The largest files are for Ken Clawson, H. R. Haldeman, Dick …
This series contains memoranda to and from other members of the Domestic Council staff, correspondence with individuals and organizations, press releases, a mail log, and publications. This series is basically administrative in nature and concerns such topics as the organization of the Domestic Council, invitations received by Ross, and the handling of mail he received.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from other members of the Domestic Council staff, correspondence with individuals and organizations, press releases, a mail log, and publications. This series is basically administrative in nature and concerns such topics as the organization of the Domestic Council, invitations received by Ross, and the handling of mail he …
This series contains memoranda, reports, briefing papers, schedule proposals, correspondence, and telegrams. Materials are primarily memoranda of National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, National Security Council staff memoranda, and cable traffic between the State Department and individual U.S. embassies in the region.
Materials filed under "Middle East - General" relate to a variety of topics including arms sales, economic and military assistance, reassessment period in American Middle East policy, Palestine Liberation Organization, Arab boycott of companies trading with Israel, and tensions between India and Pakistan. The Sinai Support Mission materials concern the establishment of the Mission and the appointment of C. William Kontos as its director.
Materials on several significant foreign policy events are found throughout the series under multiple country headings. These events include the Sinai II disengagement negotiations between Israel and Egypt, negotiations with Greece and Turkey to resolve the Cyprus partition crisis, and the emerging civil war in Lebanon. Other topics include Arab-Israeli relations in general, Palestinian representation in the Middle East peace process, arms sales, military cooperation, economic assistance, and concern about the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Several country headings merit special mention. Egypt and Israel are significant for materials on all aspects of the peace process and related topics such as U.S. military and economic assistance, the United Nations, monitoring stations in the Sinai, and transport of Israeli cargo through the Suez Canal. Files for Egypt also include material on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia files include materials relating to the Middle East peace process, Arab-Israeli relations, Lebanon, arms sales, and military training. Materials in Saudi Arabia files are also relevant for discussions about oil and the Arab boycott of businesses dealing with Israel. In addition to materials concerning Cyprus, files for Greece and Turkey also contain information about their conflict over territorial sea and continental shelf in the Aegean Sea, military base negotiations, and the U.S. arms embargo against Turkey. The Iran and Iraq files contain material on the conflict between these countries and their relations with the Kurds. Specific to Iran are materials on Iranian investment in the U.S., especially in Pan American Airways, U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreements, manufacturing co-production agreements, and uranium enrichment. Files for India and Pakistan have materials relating to their bilateral relations, Bangladesh, and development and proliferation of nuclear weapons. Materials for India also concern naval deployments in the Indian Ocean and naval facilities on Diego Garcia.
In addition, material on Afghanistan, Bhutan, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Sri Lanka, the Trucial States, and Yemen appears. Files for Egypt are included in this collection, but files for the other Arab nations of North Africa are located in the Presidential Country Files for Africa.
Throughout this series State Department telegrams provide an overview of communications between officials in Washington and staff at embassies across the region. They provide contemporaneous, on-the-scene reports and analyses of events and conversations. The telegrams also convey comments and analyses by host government officials and members of the diplomatic corps from other countries.
Collection: Presidential Country Files for Middle East and South Asia (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asia Country Files … This series contains memoranda, reports, briefing papers, schedule proposals, correspondence, and telegrams. Materials are primarily memoranda of National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, National Security Council staff memoranda, and cable traffic between the State Department and individual U.S. embassies in the region. Materials filed under "Middle East - General" relate to a variety of topics including arms sales, economic and military …
This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence and occasional briefing papers or question and answer briefing sheets. Included are copies of the responses to many of the letters from the public which Norman Ross referred to the departments and agencies for a draft response. Topics include predator control, dairy prices, beef imports, agricultural commodities, food stamps, the sugar tariff, public works projects, Indian affairs, forestry, and fisheries.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' Chronological Files … This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence and occasional briefing papers or question and answer briefing sheets. Included are copies of the responses to many of the letters from the public which Norman Ross referred to the departments and agencies for a draft response. Topics include predator control, dairy prices, beef imports, agricultural commodities, food stamps, the sugar tariff, public works projects, Indian affairs, forestry, and …
This series contains logs and lists of incoming materials, correspondence, memoranda, reference materials and rubber stamps used by Trudy Fry in administering the Special Files Unit of the Staff Secretary prior to its reorganization in June 1975.
Collection: White House Special Files Unit Files
Special Files Administration Files … This series contains logs and lists of incoming materials, correspondence, memoranda, reference materials and rubber stamps used by Trudy Fry in administering the Special Files Unit of the Staff Secretary prior to its reorganization in June …