Displaying 401 - 410 of 1890 results
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This series contains draft and published articles and other writings by individuals other than William Hyland. Often these works were submitted to Hyland for review or possible publication in the publication ,"Foreign Affairs." Areas of particular strength include works relating to Cold War strategy, Soviet Union politics, and arms control. Authors represented include: Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Collection: William G. Hyland Papers
Writings by Other Authors Files … This series contains draft and published articles and other writings by individuals other than William Hyland. Often these works were submitted to Hyland for review or possible publication in the publication ,"Foreign Affairs." Areas of particular strength include works relating to Cold War strategy, Soviet Union politics, and arms control. Authors represented include: Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and Zbigniew …
This series contains foreign relations-related journals, government reports, news bulletins, news digest, and newsletters. Publications include "International Institute for Strategic Studies" (IISS), State Department’s "Bulletin" and Defense Department’s "Current News," "Current Digest of the Soviet Press," Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) news summaries, "The German Tribune," "News and Views from the USSR," and Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty (RFE-RL) "Research Bulletin."
Collection: William G. Hyland Papers
Publications … This series contains foreign relations-related journals, government reports, news bulletins, news digest, and newsletters. Publications include "International Institute for Strategic Studies" (IISS), State Department’s "Bulletin" and Defense Department’s "Current News," "Current Digest of the Soviet Press," Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) news summaries, "The German Tribune," "News and Views from the USSR," and Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty (RFE-RL) "Research …
This series consists of letters of invitation and invitation cards sent to former First Lady Betty Ford for events which she declined to attend.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Regretting Invitations Files … This series consists of letters of invitation and invitation cards sent to former First Lady Betty Ford for events which she declined to attend. …
This series consists of former First Lady Betty Ford's correspondence with politicians, journalists, leaders of women's organizations, family, friends, and the general public concerning a wide variety of topics.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Correspondence Name Files … This series consists of former First Lady Betty Ford's correspondence with politicians, journalists, leaders of women's organizations, family, friends, and the general public concerning a wide variety of topics. …
This series consists of periodicals, articles, and other materials pertaining to the research and writing of remarks made by former First Lady Betty Ford. Topics include alcohol and drug abuse, addiction treatment, cancer, and women’s issues.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Speech Background Files … This series consists of periodicals, articles, and other materials pertaining to the research and writing of remarks made by former First Lady Betty Ford. Topics include alcohol and drug abuse, addiction treatment, cancer, and women’s …
This series contains memorandums, letters, reports, speeches, press releases, clippings, and invitations from James Lynn service as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates primarily to the Federal budget process, the White House Summit Conference on Inflation, Lynn’s confirmation hearings for the post of OMB Director, Federal housing programs, and the President Gerald Ford's State of the Union address.
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
General Files … This series contains memorandums, letters, reports, speeches, press releases, clippings, and invitations from James Lynn service as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates primarily to the Federal budget process, the White House Summit Conference on Inflation, Lynn’s confirmation hearings for the post of OMB Director, Federal housing programs, and the President Gerald Ford's State of the Union …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. Major themes within this series are related to Civil Aeronautics Board air carrier investigations, international air carrier policy, and Concorde supersonic transport flying and landing rights within the United States. Other materials address a wide variety of aviation topics, including: aviation legislation and litigation, noise abatement, regulatory reform, hijacking and sabotage, and labor-management relations.
Collection: John W. Barnum Papers
Transportation Department Air Transit Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. Major themes within this series are related to Civil Aeronautics Board air carrier investigations, international air carrier policy, and Concorde supersonic transport flying and landing rights within the United States. Other materials address a wide variety of aviation topics, including: aviation legislation and litigation, noise abatement, …
This series consists of files related to Presidential appointments within Federal agencies, boards, and commissions. The files contain appointment clearance requests, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), biographical statements, requests to the President to appoint, letters of recommendation, background information on boards and commissions, and presidential decision memorandums.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Personnel Central Files Job Files for Agencies, Boards, and Commissions … This series consists of files related to Presidential appointments within Federal agencies, boards, and commissions. The files contain appointment clearance requests, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), biographical statements, requests to the President to appoint, letters of recommendation, background information on boards and commissions, and …
This series consists of files related to individuals appointed to Presidentially-appointed positions during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. The files include appointment clearance requests, resumes, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), and biographical statements.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Personnel Office Central File Name Files … This series consists of files related to individuals appointed to Presidentially-appointed positions during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. The files include appointment clearance requests, resumes, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), and biographical …
This series consists of files, containing mostly correspondence, related to persons requested by U.S. Members of Congress and Republican Party officials to be considered for Presidential appointments. The files contain summary reports of personnel appointed and not appointed and occasionally letters of recommendation.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Operations Congressional and National Committeemen Requests … This series consists of files, containing mostly correspondence, related to persons requested by U.S. Members of Congress and Republican Party officials to be considered for Presidential appointments. The files contain summary reports of personnel appointed and not appointed and occasionally letters of …