Displaying 321 - 330 of 1890 results
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This series contains copies of Vice President Gerald Ford's speeches. Most are in press release form, but a few are copies of reading copies. Occasional speeches bear annotations showing changes made during delivery. This is not a complete file of all speeches. Most were given to non-political rather than political organizations.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gwen Anderson's Copies of Vice President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches … This series contains copies of Vice President Gerald Ford's speeches. Most are in press release form, but a few are copies of reading copies. Occasional speeches bear annotations showing changes made during delivery. This is not a complete file of all speeches. Most were given to non-political rather than political …
This series contains Gwen Anderson's correspondence, memoranda, notes, schedules, newspaper clippings and other material related to political events attended by Vice President Gerald R. Ford. The materials document her work as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Non-Governmental Organizations. Topics include arrangements for Ford appearances, the Republican National Committee share of fundraising proceeds, evaluations and comments on Ford speeches and activities, the political situation in the state visited, pending or actual political appointments, and other similar topics. The series contains some files on trips canceled or rearranged after Ford became President.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gwen Anderson's State Events Files … This series contains Gwen Anderson's correspondence, memoranda, notes, schedules, newspaper clippings and other material related to political events attended by Vice President Gerald R. Ford. The materials document her work as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Non-Governmental Organizations. Topics include arrangements for Ford appearances, the Republican National Committee share of fundraising proceeds, evaluations and comments on Ford speeches and activities, …
This series contains Warren Rustand's memoranda, correspondence, schedules, forms, agendas, handwritten notes, and lists. These materials illustrate the day-to-day operations of the Scheduling and Advance Office, including the formulation of schedules for Vice President Gerald R. Ford, logistical planning for trips and events, and administrative operations. The series documents Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and Appointments.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Warren Rustand's Subject Files … This series contains Warren Rustand's memoranda, correspondence, schedules, forms, agendas, handwritten notes, and lists. These materials illustrate the day-to-day operations of the Scheduling and Advance Office, including the formulation of schedules for Vice President Gerald R. Ford, logistical planning for trips and events, and administrative operations. The series documents Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and …
This series contains Warren Rustand's files of invitations, endorsements, letters of acceptance and thanks, other correspondence, memoranda, schedules, handwritten notes, programs, background material, and related items concerning scheduling and advance work for Vice President Gerald R. Ford's trips and appearances at events. Included are materials for acceptances made for events canceled or reevaluated when Ford became President. The series documents Rustand's role as Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Scheduling and Appointments.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Warren Rustand's Vice Presidential Events Files … This series contains Warren Rustand's files of invitations, endorsements, letters of acceptance and thanks, other correspondence, memoranda, schedules, handwritten notes, programs, background material, and related items concerning scheduling and advance work for Vice President Gerald R. Ford's trips and appearances at events. Included are materials for acceptances made for events canceled or reevaluated when Ford became President. The series documents …
This series primarily contains Robert Hartmann's copies of staff memoranda to Vice President Gerald R. Ford and others; correspondence with congressmen, government and party officials, constituents, and others; form letters and occasional newsletters received; background material for meetings, trips and social functions; White House press releases; speech texts; weekly Domestic Council issue summaries from Kenneth Cole; and miscellaneous printed and other matter. Much of it was sent to Hartmann for his information and not for action. Subjects reflect, in greater breadth than depth, concerns on political, housekeeping, scheduling, policy, courtesy, and personnel matters. Many files contain only a single item. This series documents Hartmann's work as Chief of Staff for Vice President Ford.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Robert Hartmann's Subject Files … This series primarily contains Robert Hartmann's copies of staff memoranda to Vice President Gerald R. Ford and others; correspondence with congressmen, government and party officials, constituents, and others; form letters and occasional newsletters received; background material for meetings, trips and social functions; White House press releases; speech texts; weekly Domestic Council issue summaries from Kenneth Cole; and miscellaneous printed and other matter. Much of …
This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of reference materials compiled by the confirmation team for each topic on which they anticipated questions during the confirmation hearings on President Richard Nixon's nomination of Gerald R. Ford to be Vice President. Subjects include but are not limited to: constituents in Ford's congressional district and corporations represented in the area; Nixon's 1972 Committee to Re-Elect the President; Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas; government agencies such as the General Services Administration, Civil Aeronautics Board, and the Interstate Commerce Commission; private bills sponsored by Ford; Robert Winter-Berger and his book "The Washington Payoff"; and various special interest groups who contributed to Ford's congressional campaigns. Also included here are files concerning Ford's voting record in the House of Representatives, his various business involvements, background information concerning the Twenty-fifth Amendment, and statements by the House Republican Policy Committee.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Robert Hartmann's General Subject Files on the Confirmation Hearings for Gerald R. Ford's Nomination as Vice President … This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of reference materials compiled by the confirmation team for each topic on which they anticipated questions during the confirmation hearings on President Richard Nixon's nomination of Gerald R. Ford to be Vice President. Subjects include but are not limited to: constituents in Ford's congressional district and corporations represented in the …
This series contains draft speeches and background materials prepared by President Richard Nixon's Office of Editorial Staff for use by Vice President Gerald Ford before the Vice President began using his own speechwriters in early 1974.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Vice President Gerald Ford's Speech Files … This series contains draft speeches and background materials prepared by President Richard Nixon's Office of Editorial Staff for use by Vice President Gerald Ford before the Vice President began using his own speechwriters in early …
This series contains David Gergen's file of background material concerning presidential candidate Jimmy Carter's views on a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues. It was compiled by Gergen's staff for use in preparing President Gerald Ford for the 1976 presidential campaign debates. Included are clippings, press wire stories, media pool reports, and speeches. Also included are occasional suggested responses to possible Carter challenges.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Debate Background Files … This series contains David Gergen's file of background material concerning presidential candidate Jimmy Carter's views on a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues. It was compiled by Gergen's staff for use in preparing President Gerald Ford for the 1976 presidential campaign debates. Included are clippings, press wire stories, media pool reports, and speeches. Also included are occasional suggested responses to possible Carter …
This series contains David Gergen's copies of briefing books prepared for President Gerald Ford by members of the Press Office staff in conjunction with press conferences, media interviews, and trips. The briefing materials include question and answer briefing sheets, memoranda and guidance provided by the White House staff. Annotations by President Ford appear occasionally.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Presidential Briefing Books Files … This series contains David Gergen's copies of briefing books prepared for President Gerald Ford by members of the Press Office staff in conjunction with press conferences, media interviews, and trips. The briefing materials include question and answer briefing sheets, memoranda and guidance provided by the White House staff. Annotations by President Ford appear …
This series contains Bruce Wagner's copies of correspondence, memoranda, strategy papers, state media plans, reports, and advertising copy for his role as executive vice president for the state primaries for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee. Topics include organization, creative direction, advertising planning and strategy, budgeting, cash flow, and the production of campaign materials used in the 1976 presidential campaign. Much of the documentation relates to the early primary contests. Also present are scripts and drafts of television and radio commercials, newspaper ads, campaign brochures, and market test results for several television commercials.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Bruce Wagner's Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Bruce Wagner's copies of correspondence, memoranda, strategy papers, state media plans, reports, and advertising copy for his role as executive vice president for the state primaries for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee. Topics include organization, creative direction, advertising planning and strategy, budgeting, cash flow, and the production of campaign materials used in the 1976 …