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This series contains book drafts, correspondence with publishers and authors of individual chapters, and galley proofs. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. Laird published three books in this time period - "A House Divided", "Conservative Papers", and "Republican Papers". The first was a statement of Laird's views. The other two were compilations of papers by various authors presenting alternatives to the policies of President Lyndon Johnson's administration.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Congressional Files on Melvin Laird's Books … This series contains book drafts, correspondence with publishers and authors of individual chapters, and galley proofs. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. Laird published three books in this time period - "A House Divided", "Conservative Papers", and "Republican Papers". The first was a statement of Laird's views. The other two were compilations of papers by various authors …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, testimony, speeches, briefing papers, transcripts, press releases, reports, notes, desk calendars, publications, and newspaper clippings. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird. Important national security topics include: anti-ballistic missiles, military aircraft, Nixon Doctrine, Baroody and Laird correspondence and speeches, Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, defense budget, George McGovern's defense posture in the 1972 presidential campaign; congressional relations, annual defense report, Vietnam War and the Vietnamization program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), personnel matters, public affairs activities and plans, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), transition from Congress to the Department, Baroody trips to military installations, and all volunteer armed forces.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, testimony, speeches, briefing papers, transcripts, press releases, reports, notes, desk calendars, publications, and newspaper clippings. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird. Important national security topics include: anti-ballistic missiles, military aircraft, Nixon Doctrine, Baroody and Laird correspondence and speeches, Blue Ribbon Defense …
This series contains Melvin Laird's speeches, remarks, and testimony during most of his tenure as Secretary of Defense. The statements concern the operation of the Department of Defense and a wide variety of defense and national security issues, including many on the Vietnamese War.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Secretary of Defense Public Statements … This series contains Melvin Laird's speeches, remarks, and testimony during most of his tenure as Secretary of Defense. The statements concern the operation of the Department of Defense and a wide variety of defense and national security issues, including many on the Vietnamese …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence and memoranda from or about specific Federal government agencies. The material concerns his work as Assistant to the President in the Richard Nixon White House, including the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin Laird.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Agency Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence and memoranda from or about specific Federal government agencies. The material concerns his work as Assistant to the President in the Richard Nixon White House, including the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin …
This series contains memoranda exchanged between David Gergen and White House staff concerning the selection of Medal of Freedom award nominees and eventual award winners. Included are compilations of the votes each of the nominees received and transmittals to President Gerald Ford for final selection. Also included is extensive background information on the Medal of Freedom award itself.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Medal of Freedom Chronological Files … This series contains memoranda exchanged between David Gergen and White House staff concerning the selection of Medal of Freedom award nominees and eventual award winners. Included are compilations of the votes each of the nominees received and transmittals to President Gerald Ford for final selection. Also included is extensive background information on the Medal of Freedom award …
This series contains David Gergen's files compiled during the 1976 presidential campaign concerning media opportunities extended to President Gerald Ford in selected states. Included are requests from television, radio, and the print media.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Selected States Media Files … This series contains David Gergen's files compiled during the 1976 presidential campaign concerning media opportunities extended to President Gerald Ford in selected states. Included are requests from television, radio, and the print …
This series contains correspondence to and from Philip and Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen. Recipients and senders include President Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Iran Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi, Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton, Senator Bob Dole, Vice President and Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller, Justice Lewis Powell, Reverend Duncan Littlefair (the Buchen's minister), and the Buchen children, among others. Two folders contain correspondence related to the Nixon pardon and the amnesty program for Vietnam War draft evaders.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Papers
Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence to and from Philip and Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen. Recipients and senders include President Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Iran Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi, Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton, Senator Bob Dole, Vice President and Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller, Justice Lewis Powell, Reverend Duncan Littlefair (the Buchen's minister), and the Buchen children, among others. Two folders contain correspondence related to the Nixon pardon and the …
This series contains copies of memoranda, question and asnwer briefing papers, and background information submitted by Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye to the White House Press Secretary. The series basically ends in August 1976, although material for one day in September appears. There are occasional unexplained gaps of several days duration for which the series contains no materials. The material covers a wide range of foreign affairs and defense issues and events from the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
Janka prepared his briefing information in the form of virtually daily memoranda to White House Press Secretaries Ron Ziegler, Jerald terHorst, and Ron Nessen with the subject line "Morning Press Items." Included are questions likely to be asked by the news media, guidance on suggested answers, background information provided to give the Press Secretary a better understanding (with the provision that it not be shared with the press), and announcements to be made. Vanderhye continued the formal memoranda for a short time after assuming the position in February 1975, but eventually switched to a form cover memo with attached briefing sheets. Foreign policy issues that receive significant attention include the Vietnamese War and the Paris Peace Accords, Middle East conflicts including the Arab oil embargo and the civil war in Lebanon, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and the civil war in Angola.
Collection: National Security Council Press and Congressional Relations Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's Press Guidance Files … This series contains copies of memoranda, question and asnwer briefing papers, and background information submitted by Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye to the White House Press Secretary. The series basically ends in August 1976, although material for one day in September appears. There are occasional unexplained gaps of several days duration for which the series contains no materials. The material covers a wide range of foreign affairs and …
This series contains Leslie Janka's memoranda, briefing papers, and questions and answer briefing sheets. The series concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, congressional relations, legislative liaison, and foreign affairs and defense issues.
Collection: National Security Council Press and Congressional Relations Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Leslie Janka's Subject Files … This series contains Leslie Janka's memoranda, briefing papers, and questions and answer briefing sheets. The series concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, congressional relations, legislative liaison, and foreign affairs and defense …
This series contains computer tabulations, detailed and summary reports, and supplementary analyses of national public opinion telephone surveys taken during the 1972 presidential campaign. Proportional random samples of about 1000 prospective voters were gathered in three waves of face-to-face interviews (January, June, and September 1972), testing perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the Democratic Party candidates, and attitudes toward national issues. Also included are results from election night telephone polling and the first draft of an article written by Market Opinion Research staff summarizing findings from the 1972 election vote. Tabular presentations show issue attitudes and voting intentions by a variety of demographic characteristics and regional variations.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
1972 Presidential Campaign National Polls … This series contains computer tabulations, detailed and summary reports, and supplementary analyses of national public opinion telephone surveys taken during the 1972 presidential campaign. Proportional random samples of about 1000 prospective voters were gathered in three waves of face-to-face interviews (January, June, and September 1972), testing perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the Democratic Party candidates, and attitudes toward national issues. …