Displaying 281 - 290 of 1890 results
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This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the research, development, use and control of atomic and nuclear energy for non-defense and peaceful purposes such as improving the general welfare, increasing the standard of living and strengthening free competition in private enterprise." It also contains records related to international agreements related to atomic energy, nuclear energy production, and uranium enrichment.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Atomic Energy … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the research, development, use and control of atomic and nuclear energy for non-defense and peaceful purposes such as improving the general welfare, increasing the standard of living and strengthening free competition in private enterprise." It also contains records related to international agreements related to atomic energy, nuclear …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to specific commodities or equipment and supply items such as grain, meat, automobiles, file cabinets. Include commodity weights, measures and standards." It contains extensive material related to the oil industry and other energy concerns.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Commodities … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to specific commodities or equipment and supply items such as grain, meat, automobiles, file cabinets. Include commodity weights, measures and standards." It contains extensive material related to the oil industry and other energy concerns. This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the establishment, organization and reorganization of the Federal Government as a whole; related subjects pertaining to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Executive Orders, Proclamations and other matters such as heraldry, historical matters and records." Included is material on the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and Government in the Sunshine Act.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Federal Government (General) … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the establishment, organization and reorganization of the Federal Government as a whole; related subjects pertaining to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Executive Orders, Proclamations and other matters such as heraldry, historical matters and records." Included is material on the Freedom of Information Act, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to superintending and managing the national finance, including collections, disbursements and accounting, taxation, credit and loans, federal budget, securities, investments, and related finance subjects."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Finance … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to superintending and managing the national finance, including collections, disbursements and accounting, taxation, credit and loans, federal budget, securities, investments, and related finance subjects." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to postal affairs such as controlled circulation of publications; rates and fees; penalty, franked and official mail, and free mail for the blind."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Postal Service … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to postal affairs such as controlled circulation of publications; rates and fees; penalty, franked and official mail, and free mail for the blind." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material pertaining to the preparation, printing, reproducing, distribution, and revision of published materials. This includes bulletins, leaflets, periodicals, published articles, directories, newspaper - magazine and other clippings, and material pertaining to published documents of Federal and non-Federal agencies."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Publications … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material pertaining to the preparation, printing, reproducing, distribution, and revision of published materials. This includes bulletins, leaflets, periodicals, published articles, directories, newspaper - magazine and other clippings, and material pertaining to published documents of Federal and non-Federal agencies." This series contains clippings, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to fire prevention; standards of industrial safety; hazardous occupations; safety codes; studies; services; search and rescue; demonstrations and technical assistance in research programs to determine the extent and cause of accidents, their prevention and control." The series includes material on highway safety.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Safety and Accident Prevention … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to fire prevention; standards of industrial safety; hazardous occupations; safety codes; studies; services; search and rescue; demonstrations and technical assistance in research programs to determine the extent and cause of accidents, their prevention and control." The series includes material on highway safety. This …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material concerned with all phases of scientific study, research and development."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Sciences … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material concerned with all phases of scientific study, research and development." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "veteran benefits and assistance such as pensions, education, housing, and medical care."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Veterans Affairs … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "veteran benefits and assistance such as pensions, education, housing, and medical care." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to Local Governments in the states and territories such as Counties, Parishes, Cities, Municipalities, and townships. Include officials elected or appointed to posts of authority in these governments and matters such as civil defense relations and other Federal-Local government relations." It contains records related to the New York City financial crisis.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Local Governments … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to Local Governments in the states and territories such as Counties, Parishes, Cities, Municipalities, and townships. Include officials elected or appointed to posts of authority in these governments and matters such as civil defense relations and other Federal-Local government relations." It contains records related to the New York …