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This series consists primarily of photographs related to Shirley Peck Barnes’s involvement with the group Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN) and “Operation Babylift,” the evacuation of orphans from Saigon during April 1975. Subjects include Vietnamese children, FCVN members, and World Airways airplanes. This series also includes an audio CD “Waking Up American” with music by Jared Rehberg as well as six audio cassettes with recordings of meetings and other audio related to projects about children.
Collection: Shirley Peck Barnes Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists primarily of photographs related to Shirley Peck Barnes’s involvement with the group Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN) and “Operation Babylift,” the evacuation of orphans from Saigon during April 1975. Subjects include Vietnamese children, FCVN members, and World Airways airplanes. This series also includes an audio CD “Waking Up American” with music by Jared Rehberg as well as six audio cassettes with recordings of meetings and other audio related to …
This series consists of photographs primarily related to Charles E. Goodell’s service as chairman of the Presidential Clemency Board, which carried out President Gerald Ford’s plans for clemency for Vietnam War draft evaders and military absence offenders in 1974 and 1975. Other photographs pertain to the architectural rendering of the new National Visitor Center in Washington, DC.
Collection: Charles E. Goodell Papers
Photographs … This series consists of photographs primarily related to Charles E. Goodell’s service as chairman of the Presidential Clemency Board, which carried out President Gerald Ford’s plans for clemency for Vietnam War draft evaders and military absence offenders in 1974 and 1975. Other photographs pertain to the architectural rendering of the new National Visitor Center in Washington, …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, directories, board meeting materials, financial reports, and published quarterly and annual reports of corporations for which former President Gerald Ford served on the board of directors.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Corporate Directorships Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, directories, board meeting materials, financial reports, and published quarterly and annual reports of corporations for which former President Gerald Ford served on the board of …
This series contains letters of recommendation written by former President Gerald Ford and incoming requests for recommendations. The bulk of the series concerns recommendations for positions in the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations, but recommendations for college and other types of recommendations appear.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Recommendations Written by Former President Gerald Ford … This series contains letters of recommendation written by former President Gerald Ford and incoming requests for recommendations. The bulk of the series concerns recommendations for positions in the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations, but recommendations for college and other types of recommendations …
This series contains telephone bills for the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford. There are no bills for 1984 and 1995 through 2001 in this series.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Office Telephone Bills … This series contains telephone bills for the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford. There are no bills for 1984 and 1995 through 2001 in this series. …
This series contains manuscripts and page proofs sent to former President Gerald Ford with a request that he either read or endorse the work. Also included are requests to read papers from students, many of which are from the University of Michigan.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Book, Article, and Student Paper Manuscripts Sent to Former President Gerald Ford … This series contains manuscripts and page proofs sent to former President Gerald Ford with a request that he either read or endorse the work. Also included are requests to read papers from students, many of which are from the University of …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, lists, press releases, notes, clippings, and other materials used by Penny Circle in her role as staff assistant and chief of staff of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. It includes material for various events in Ford’s post presidential life such as birthday parties, Gerald R Ford Foundation Dinners, speaking invitations and engagements, interview requests, media relations, as well as solicitations and requests by various publishers and other companies.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Penny Circle General Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, lists, press releases, notes, clippings, and other materials used by Penny Circle in her role as staff assistant and chief of staff of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. It includes material for various events in Ford’s post presidential life such as birthday parties, Gerald R Ford Foundation Dinners, speaking invitations and engagements, interview requests, media relations, as well …
This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former First Lady Betty Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also included are events held at or near her home in Rancho Mirage, California.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Trip and Event Files … This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former First Lady Betty Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also included are events held at or near her home in Rancho Mirage, …
This series consists of correspondence, invitations, and regrets regarding former First Lady Betty Ford’s attendance at various functions and events. The 1978 correspondence consists only of photocopies of outgoing responses to invitations, but later material contains of carbons of outgoing letters attached to originals of incoming invitations. The invitations in this series were almost all declined.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Scheduling Correspondence Files … This series consists of correspondence, invitations, and regrets regarding former First Lady Betty Ford’s attendance at various functions and events. The 1978 correspondence consists only of photocopies of outgoing responses to invitations, but later material contains of carbons of outgoing letters attached to originals of incoming invitations. The invitations in this series were almost all …
This series consists of scrapbook materials concerning former First Lady Betty Ford's activities and the Betty Ford Center.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Clippings Files … This series consists of scrapbook materials concerning former First Lady Betty Ford's activities and the Betty Ford Center. …