Displaying 251 - 260 of 1890 results
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This series consists of the working files related to Presidential appointments within security- and justice-related departments and agencies. The files include notes on candidates, decision memorandums, position descriptions, background information on the organization and positions, biographical information, resumes, and letters, and recommendations and assessments of candidates from White House, Republican Party, and Members of Congress.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Security and Justice Presidential Appointments to Departments Files … This series consists of the working files related to Presidential appointments within security- and justice-related departments and agencies. The files include notes on candidates, decision memorandums, position descriptions, background information on the organization and positions, biographical information, resumes, and letters, and recommendations and assessments of candidates from White House, Republican Party, and Members of …
This series consists of correspondence and resumes, primarily related to individuals seeking, recommended, or under consideration for a Presidential appointment.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Security and Justice Name Files … This series consists of correspondence and resumes, primarily related to individuals seeking, recommended, or under consideration for a Presidential appointment. …
This series consists of correspondence, resumes, and letters of recommendation related to individuals seeking Presidential appointments.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Boards and Commissions Talent Bank Files … This series consists of correspondence, resumes, and letters of recommendation related to individuals seeking Presidential appointments. …
The William J. Baroody Files audiovisual series consists of photographs, transparencies, and audio recordings related to Baroody's work as the head of the Office of Public Liaison (OPL). Visual materials include portrait photographs of various Ford Administration Cabinet members and other government officials; transparencies outlining the goals and functions of the OPL; and photographs documenting the first year of the Ford Administration and meetings held by the OPL. It also contains audio recordings of a briefing Baroody gave for the Business-Government Relations Council; an appearance by Wayne Alderson and Samuel Piccolo on the Jim Robert Show on WHBC of Canton, Ohio; and a ?HELP? consumer information phonograph record narrated by Virginia Knauer, Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs.
Collection: William J. Baroody Files (Ford Administration)
William Baroody's Audiovisual Materials … The William J. Baroody Files audiovisual series consists of photographs, transparencies, and audio recordings related to Baroody's work as the head of the Office of Public Liaison (OPL). Visual materials include portrait photographs of various Ford Administration Cabinet members and other government officials; transparencies outlining the goals and functions of the OPL; and photographs documenting the first year of the Ford Administration and meetings held by the …
This series consists of two photographs from a White House meeting between Federal Energy Administrator Frank Zarb and women business leaders and a 45 rpm record from the Office of Consumer Affairs "HELP" series.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of two photographs from a White House meeting between Federal Energy Administrator Frank Zarb and women business leaders and a 45 rpm record from the Office of Consumer Affairs "HELP" …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. Major themes within this series are related to railroad reorganization, specifically as it pertains to the design of the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) under the auspices of the United States Railway Association. A large portion of this series focuses on the formulation and implementation of the Final System Plan for the northeast railroads, and the controlled transfer of some services to Amtrak, as well as the railroad nationalization debate. Other materials address a wide variety of topics, including: other rail legislation, rail litigation, seaway and waterway management, administration of the U.S. Coast Guard by the department, energy conservation, fuel economy standards for motor vehicles, no-fault vehicle insurance, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and regulatory reform.
Collection: John W. Barnum Papers
Transportation Department Surface Transit Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. Major themes within this series are related to railroad reorganization, specifically as it pertains to the design of the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) under the auspices of the United States Railway Association. A large portion of this series focuses on the formulation and implementation of the Final System Plan for the northeast …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, statistics, internship applications, copies and transcripts of speeches and testimonies given by Martin Gerry and Peter Holmes. The materials document some aspects of Gerry's work as Deputy Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights. These materials appear to be only a fragment of what was once a larger sequence as the files only cover the letters S-W. The surviving materials focus less on the civil rights issues of the times, and more on the administration of the Office of Civil Rights (management, training, interns, team building).
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Health, Education and Welfare Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, statistics, internship applications, copies and transcripts of speeches and testimonies given by Martin Gerry and Peter Holmes. The materials document some aspects of Gerry's work as Deputy Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights. These materials appear to be only a fragment of what was once a larger sequence as the files only cover the letters S-W. The …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, drafts of letters and speeches, reports, agendas, notes, telegrams, press clippings, court record documents, transcripts of hearings, speeches, and press releases. The material documents Stanley Pottinger's work as Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Civil Rights Division. Topics include civil rights, Native American occupation of Wounded Knee, Spanish Speaking Americans Task Force, Kent State University riot, sex discrimination, busing, voting rights, and the organization and operation of the Civil Rights Division.
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Justice Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, drafts of letters and speeches, reports, agendas, notes, telegrams, press clippings, court record documents, transcripts of hearings, speeches, and press releases. The material documents Stanley Pottinger's work as Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Civil Rights Division. Topics include civil rights, Native American occupation of Wounded Knee, Spanish Speaking Americans Task Force, Kent State University riot, sex …
This series contains correspondence, lists of donors, financial records, and reports. The materials concern former First Lady Betty Ford's work with the Eisenhower Medical Center, fundraising for the Betty Ford Center (a drug abuse treatment facility), and the operation of the Center.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Betty Ford Center Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, lists of donors, financial records, and reports. The materials concern former First Lady Betty Ford's work with the Eisenhower Medical Center, fundraising for the Betty Ford Center (a drug abuse treatment facility), and the operation of the …
This series contains letters, cards, and telegrams written opposing President Gerald R. Ford’s pardon of former President Richard Nixon that were acknowledged by the White House using form letters. The mail was sent to the President in the weeks leading up to and immediately following the pardon. Occasionally, related newspaper clippings are enclosed and opinions on other issues are expressed.
Collection: White House Central Files Bulk Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Acknowledged President Richard Nixon Pardon Con Files … This series contains letters, cards, and telegrams written opposing President Gerald R. Ford’s pardon of former President Richard Nixon that were acknowledged by the White House using form letters. The mail was sent to the President in the weeks leading up to and immediately following the pardon. Occasionally, related newspaper clippings are enclosed and opinions on other issues are …