Displaying 1841 - 1850 of 1890 results
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This series contains outgoing correspondence from Arthur F. Burns and some Federal Reserve Board staff to members of Congress, especially members of House and Senate committees on banking and the Joint Economic Committee. Prominent correspondents include Wright Patman, William Proxmire, Henry Reuss, Charles Percy, Jacob Javits, John Sparkman, Hubert Humphrey, and Fernand St. Germain. The letters are occasionally accompanied by staff memoranda, incoming letters, and outgoing enclosures. Also included are a few copies of congressional speeches and press releases and occasional printed material. The correspondence includes solicitations of Federal Reserve opinions on legislation before Congress, referrals of constituent mail, personnel recommendations, and congressional requests for information.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Congressional Correspondence … This series contains outgoing correspondence from Arthur F. Burns and some Federal Reserve Board staff to members of Congress, especially members of House and Senate committees on banking and the Joint Economic Committee. Prominent correspondents include Wright Patman, William Proxmire, Henry Reuss, Charles Percy, Jacob Javits, John Sparkman, Hubert Humphrey, and Fernand St. Germain. The letters are occasionally accompanied by staff memoranda, incoming letters, and outgoing …
This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and various interest groups and their leaders, memoranda, agendas, attendee lists, invitations, reports and other materials created for meetings. It includes material on various bill signings and briefings. It also includes background information on some of these organizations.
Collection: Milton E. Mitler Files
Events Files … This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and various interest groups and their leaders, memoranda, agendas, attendee lists, invitations, reports and other materials created for meetings. It includes material on various bill signings and briefings. It also includes background information on some of these …
This series contains correspondence and memoranda of Edward J. Savage, plus briefing papers, press guidance, press releases, and printed materials. The material relates to various foreign policy issues, President Gerald R. Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office.
Collection: Edward J. Savage Files
Subject Files … This series contains correspondence and memoranda of Edward J. Savage, plus briefing papers, press guidance, press releases, and printed materials. The material relates to various foreign policy issues, President Gerald R. Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes from President Gerald R. Ford to Richard Cheney, briefing papers, option papers, decision memoranda, recommended telephone call forms, reports, testimony, hearing transcripts, press releases, schedules, and clippings. These materials concern a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy issues and personnel appointments. Almost 20 per cent of the material relates to the 1975 investigations of the intelligence community. Other topics include: federal budgets, common situs picketing legislation, organization and operation of the Domestic Council, economic and energy policy issues, Panama Canal treaty negotiations, role of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in the administration, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, nomination of John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court, 1974 and 1977 presidential transitions, and the final weeks of the war in Vietnam.
Materials on the intelligence investigations concern such topics as William Colby's report to the President in December 1974 on alleged abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency, the establishment and operation of the Rockefeller Commission (Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States), congressional investigations, and proposed presidential actions to reform the intelligence community.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
Richard Cheney's General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes from President Gerald R. Ford to Richard Cheney, briefing papers, option papers, decision memoranda, recommended telephone call forms, reports, testimony, hearing transcripts, press releases, schedules, and clippings. These materials concern a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy issues and personnel appointments. Almost 20 per cent of the material relates to the 1975 investigations of the …
This series contains John Carlson's minutes of Cabinet meetings and presidential meetings with congressional leaders and others, correspondence, memoranda, press releases, briefing papers, clippings, resumes of job applicants, contacts with news media, and printed material relating to various domestic policy issues and the operation of the press office.
Collection: John G. Carlson Files
Subject Files … This series contains John Carlson's minutes of Cabinet meetings and presidential meetings with congressional leaders and others, correspondence, memoranda, press releases, briefing papers, clippings, resumes of job applicants, contacts with news media, and printed material relating to various domestic policy issues and the operation of the press …
This series of the John G. Carlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on foreign policy issues.
Collection: John G. Carlson Files
Foreign Press Guidance Files … This series of the John G. Carlson Files contains question and answer sheets which gave guidance in answering press inquiries on foreign policy issues. …
This series contains material compiled by James Connor, including biographical information on Cabinet members, memoranda concerning presidential meetings with individual Cabinet members, background memoranda on selected issues discussed in Cabinet meetings, lists of presidential meetings with the Cabinet, and other information. The series also concerns the organization of Cabinet meetings and Cabinet members' legislative liaison contacts with Congress on policy issues. The series contains numerous memoranda and notes exchanged between Connor and Chiefs of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Cabinet Secretary's Subject Files … This series contains material compiled by James Connor, including biographical information on Cabinet members, memoranda concerning presidential meetings with individual Cabinet members, background memoranda on selected issues discussed in Cabinet meetings, lists of presidential meetings with the Cabinet, and other information. The series also concerns the organization of Cabinet meetings and Cabinet members' legislative liaison contacts with Congress on policy issues. …
This series contains James Connors' copies of memoranda from the White House Personnel Office to President Gerald R. Ford recommending appointments to a wide variety of Executive branch agencies, boards and commissions, with Ford's decisions. Also included is information on Ford's appointments to federal district and circuit judgeships and on various ambassadorial appointments.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Presidential Personnel Appointments Files … This series contains James Connors' copies of memoranda from the White House Personnel Office to President Gerald R. Ford recommending appointments to a wide variety of Executive branch agencies, boards and commissions, with Ford's decisions. Also included is information on Ford's appointments to federal district and circuit judgeships and on various ambassadorial …
This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence between Norman E. Ross and individual citizens or organizations; briefing papers; notes on meetings; press releases; and publications. Among the topics are agricultural policy, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, milk prices, grain sales to the Soviet Union, and a timber policy study.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' Agriculture Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence between Norman E. Ross and individual citizens or organizations; briefing papers; notes on meetings; press releases; and publications. Among the topics are agricultural policy, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, milk prices, grain sales to the Soviet Union, and a timber …
This series contains memoranda, maps, schedules, souvenirs, and correspondence collected by Larry and Pauline Asmus before, during, and following their participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train Pilgrimage to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania in 1976. A sizable portion of this series is made up of clippings and periodicals from a variety of news sources, especially local newspapers en route.
Collection: Larry and Pauline Asmus Papers
Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, maps, schedules, souvenirs, and correspondence collected by Larry and Pauline Asmus before, during, and following their participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train Pilgrimage to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania in 1976. A sizable portion of this series is made up of clippings and periodicals from a variety of news sources, especially local newspapers en …