Displaying 1811 - 1820 of 1890 results
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This series contains lists of Christmas gifts received by Gerald and Betty Ford and copies of Gerald Ford’s handwritten thank you notes. A gift register for the years 1981-89 is included in the series.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Christmas Gift Lists and Thank You Notes Files … This series contains lists of Christmas gifts received by Gerald and Betty Ford and copies of Gerald Ford’s handwritten thank you notes. A gift register for the years 1981-89 is included in the series. …
This series contains Penny Circle’s correspondence in her role as staff assistant and chief of staff of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. It contains correspondence sent in response to a wide range of inquiries and requests as well as thank you letters in response to invitations and gifts.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Penny Circle Correspondence Files … This series contains Penny Circle’s correspondence in her role as staff assistant and chief of staff of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. It contains correspondence sent in response to a wide range of inquiries and requests as well as thank you letters in response to invitations and …
This series contains applications, requests for employment, personnel forms, recommendation letters, and insurance documents related to the personnel employed by the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. This material was maintained by Penny Circle in her role as chief of staff.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Penny Circle Personnel Files … This series contains applications, requests for employment, personnel forms, recommendation letters, and insurance documents related to the personnel employed by the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California. This material was maintained by Penny Circle in her role as chief of …
This series contains a sample of routine mail sent by the general public to former President Gerald Ford. It includes appreciation letters received by the Fords after leaving the White House; crank mail; and requests for Eagle Scout letters, autographs, auction items, school report information, and birthday, anniversary, or retirement greetings.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Bulk Mail Sample … This series contains a sample of routine mail sent by the general public to former President Gerald Ford. It includes appreciation letters received by the Fords after leaving the White House; crank mail; and requests for Eagle Scout letters, autographs, auction items, school report information, and birthday, anniversary, or retirement …
This series consists of invitations, seating charts, entertainment programs, guest lists, and news clippings related to state dinners and other social events hosted by President Gerald Ford and/or First Lady Betty Ford that were originally housed in scrapbooks.
Collection: Gerald and Betty Ford Special Materials
Scrapbooks Related to White House Social Events … This series consists of invitations, seating charts, entertainment programs, guest lists, and news clippings related to state dinners and other social events hosted by President Gerald Ford and/or First Lady Betty Ford that were originally housed in …
This series contains a sample of routine mail sent by the general public to former First Lady Betty Ford. It includes mail regarding her medical treatment, interviews on television and in publications, "A Glad Awakening," "The Betty Ford Story," and requests for autograph, photographs and recipes. Some letters include a copy of the response from Mrs. Ford or her staff.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Bulk Mail Sample … This series contains a sample of routine mail sent by the general public to former First Lady Betty Ford. It includes mail regarding her medical treatment, interviews on television and in publications, "A Glad Awakening," "The Betty Ford Story," and requests for autograph, photographs and recipes. Some letters include a copy of the response from Mrs. Ford or her …
This series consists of correspondence with former First Lady Betty Ford or her staff on a variety of topics.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Chronological Files … This series consists of correspondence with former First Lady Betty Ford or her staff on a variety of topics. …
This series consists of reading copies and note cards from former First Lady Betty Ford’s remarks on various occasions after she left the White House.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Speeches … This series consists of reading copies and note cards from former First Lady Betty Ford’s remarks on various occasions after she left the White House. …
The series primarily contains marine telegrams between Charles T. Miller, captain of the merchant ship SS Mayaguez, and officials from Sea-Land Service, Inc., the ship's parent company. The messages were exchanged shortly before the ship and crew were seized by Khmer Rouge Armed Forces and after they were recovered by U.S. Armed Forces in May 1975. The majority of the telegrams discuss business matters after the rescue, including reports on the ship and crew; requests for interviews; and concerns about a lawsuit filed by some crew members against Sea-Land Service, Inc. and Captain Miller.
Collection: Charles T. Miller Mayaguez Telegrams
Mayaguez Telegrams … The series primarily contains marine telegrams between Charles T. Miller, captain of the merchant ship SS Mayaguez, and officials from Sea-Land Service, Inc., the ship's parent company. The messages were exchanged shortly before the ship and crew were seized by Khmer Rouge Armed Forces and after they were recovered by U.S. Armed Forces in May 1975. The majority of the telegrams discuss business matters after the rescue, including reports on the ship and crew; requests for interviews; …
This series primarily contains correspondence with occasional speeches and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's interactions with former government colleagues, Department of Defense officials, Cabinet members, Gerald R. Ford, Henry Kissinger, the Postmaster General, the White House, and DeWitt and Lila Wallace of the "Readers' Digest".
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Post-Government Correspondence Files … This series primarily contains correspondence with occasional speeches and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's interactions with former government colleagues, Department of Defense officials, Cabinet members, Gerald R. Ford, Henry Kissinger, the Postmaster General, the White House, and DeWitt and Lila Wallace of the "Readers' …