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This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's materials documenting the work of the Gerald Ford administration's Intelligence Coordinating Group. Specific topics include the administration's response to requests from the congressional select committees on intelligence and the development of President Ford's plan to reform the intelligence community.
Collection: Michael Raoul-Duval Files
Michael Raoul-Duval's Intelligence Community Subject Files … This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's materials documenting the work of the Gerald Ford administration's Intelligence Coordinating Group. Specific topics include the administration's response to requests from the congressional select committees on intelligence and the development of President Ford's plan to reform the intelligence …
This series contains working papers, reports, and memos accumulated by Wesley Clark and Ray Waldmann in their work as assistants to Michael Raoul-Duval. The major focus of their work was White House interactions with the congressional select committees on intelligence.
Collection: Michael Raoul-Duval Files
Wesley Clark's and Ray Waldmann's Intelligence Files … This series contains working papers, reports, and memos accumulated by Wesley Clark and Ray Waldmann in their work as assistants to Michael Raoul-Duval. The major focus of their work was White House interactions with the congressional select committees on …
This series contains Lynn May's reports, handbooks, brochures, notes, memoranda, correspondence, talking points, statements, printed materials, and other information on the Department of Commerce and its programs, including fire, safety, minority business, and maritime shipping. Occasional items are to and from his supervisors Geoffrey Shepard and Richard Parsons.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Commerce Department Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's reports, handbooks, brochures, notes, memoranda, correspondence, talking points, statements, printed materials, and other information on the Department of Commerce and its programs, including fire, safety, minority business, and maritime shipping. Occasional items are to and from his supervisors Geoffrey Shepard and Richard …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, articles, brochures, reports, correspondence, statements, occasional agendas, schedule proposals, and other information concerning small business and the Small Business Administration.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Small Business Administration Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, articles, brochures, reports, correspondence, statements, occasional agendas, schedule proposals, and other information concerning small business and the Small Business …
This series contains press releases, calendars, logs, memoranda and printed materials collected as background materials for compiling President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary (a log of his activities) and for identifying individuals. It also contains lists, memoranda and reports produced by the Diary office either in response to questions regarding the President's work or as summaries of his activities. One presidential time allocation study for September 1974 is included, as is a small amount of administrative office files concerning access and computerization.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Daily Diary Subject Files … This series contains press releases, calendars, logs, memoranda and printed materials collected as background materials for compiling President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary (a log of his activities) and for identifying individuals. It also contains lists, memoranda and reports produced by the Diary office either in response to questions regarding the President's work or as summaries of his activities. One presidential time allocation study for September 1974 is included, as is a …
This series contains photocopies of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary (a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency) along with the originals of the source material used for its compilation. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and occasional briefing papers and notes between the Diary staff and other White House officials attempting to confirm details about a specific event.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary File Copy Files … This series contains photocopies of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary (a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency) along with the originals of the source material used for its compilation. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White …
This series contains correspondence, pre-advance schedules, Advance Office manuals and forms, resumes, contact lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, aircraft manifests, and travel summary reports for domestic and international Presidential trips.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
General Files … This series contains correspondence, pre-advance schedules, Advance Office manuals and forms, resumes, contact lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, aircraft manifests, and travel summary reports for domestic and international Presidential trips. …
Collection: Bobbie Greene Kilberg Files (Ford Administration)
Office Transition Book …
This series contains memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft agreements and annexes, briefing materials, proposals, letters, notes, talking papers, and press releases concerning Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East as he mediated the 1975 Sinai Disengagement Agreement between Egypt and Israel. Memcons and reports from the numerous meetings Secretary Kissinger held with Egyptian, Israeli, Syrian, Jordanian, and Saudi Arabian leaders, including President Anwar Sadat, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin, President Hafiz Al-Asad, King Hussein, and King Khalid are of particular interest.
Collection: Henry Kissinger Reports on U.S.S.R., China and Middle East Discussions (Ford Administration)
Middle East Memoranda of Conversations and Reports … This series contains memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft agreements and annexes, briefing materials, proposals, letters, notes, talking papers, and press releases concerning Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East as he mediated the 1975 Sinai Disengagement Agreement between Egypt and Israel. Memcons and reports from the numerous meetings Secretary Kissinger held with Egyptian, Israeli, Syrian, …
The series contains memoranda, agendas, briefing papers, minutes, telegrams and records of decisions. The materials relate to discussions of Nixon or Ford administration strategies for dealing with Congress on foreign affairs or national security matters involving legislative or budgetary issues or the ratification of treaties.
Collection: Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Legislative Interdepartmental Group Meetings Files … The series contains memoranda, agendas, briefing papers, minutes, telegrams and records of decisions. The materials relate to discussions of Nixon or Ford administration strategies for dealing with Congress on foreign affairs or national security matters involving legislative or budgetary issues or the ratification of …