Displaying 1521 - 1530 of 1890 results
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This series consists of black and white and color photographs related to Robert Ingersoll’s career activities as Ambassador to Japan (1972-1973), Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs (1974) and Deputy Secretary of State (1974-1976). Among them are State Department, White House, and other photos on topics such as Japan, Vietnam, and Ambassador Graham Martin. It also includes auto-penned signature photos of Ronald Reagan, George W. and Laura Bush, and a photo signed by George H.W. Bush.
Collection: Robert S. Ingersoll Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of black and white and color photographs related to Robert Ingersoll’s career activities as Ambassador to Japan (1972-1973), Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs (1974) and Deputy Secretary of State (1974-1976). Among them are State Department, White House, and other photos on topics such as Japan, Vietnam, and Ambassador Graham Martin. It also includes auto-penned signature photos of Ronald Reagan, George W. and Laura Bush, and a photo signed by …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material which covers national security functions including the safeguarding of classified information; restrictions on the use of military aircraft; troop transportation and military operations which involve the planning, preparation and conduct of warfare; the planning, mobilization and management of resources and production for defense needs; and for material pertaining to the protection of life and property by preparing for and carrying out nonmilitary functions to prevent, minimize, repair and recover from damage caused by enemy attack, including post-attack mobilization plans." It also includes records related to intelligence, the 1975 investigation of abuses by the intelligence community, attempts to determine the fate of the missing in action from the Vietnam War, military weapons and weapon systems, military bases, and Vietnamese refugees admitted to the United States after the end of the war.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on National Security and Defense … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material which covers national security functions including the safeguarding of classified information; restrictions on the use of military aircraft; troop transportation and military operations which involve the planning, preparation and conduct of warfare; the planning, mobilization and management of resources and production for defense …
The series contains photographs of Gerald R. Ford and his wife Elizabeth "Betty" Bloomer Ford from their childhood years, through their marriage, and through his service in the House of Representatives and as Vice President of the United States. Also included are some earlier photographs of their parent and other family members, and many that show their own children as they grew up.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration)
Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs … The series contains photographs of Gerald R. Ford and his wife Elizabeth "Betty" Bloomer Ford from their childhood years, through their marriage, and through his service in the House of Representatives and as Vice President of the United States. Also included are some earlier photographs of their parent and other family members, and many that show their own children as they grew …
This series consists of documents that the White House Central Files staff considered too bulky to include in the regular Subject Files. Cross reference sheets in the Subject Files show the appropriate Oversize Attachment number to consult.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files Confidential Files Oversize Attachments … This series consists of documents that the White House Central Files staff considered too bulky to include in the regular Subject Files. Cross reference sheets in the Subject Files show the appropriate Oversize Attachment number to consult. This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, correspondence, reports, and foreign policy speeches relating to national security and foreign policy issues. The materials concern policy decisions, meetings, and other matters in which President Gerald R. Ford actively participated. Significant topics include international arms control negotiations (including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), energy policy, trade policy, foreign aid, and investigations of the intelligence community.
Collection: Presidential Subject Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Subject Files … The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, correspondence, reports, and foreign policy speeches relating to national security and foreign policy issues. The materials concern policy decisions, meetings, and other matters in which President Gerald R. Ford actively participated. Significant topics include international arms control negotiations (including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), energy policy, trade policy, foreign aid, and investigations of the intelligence …
This series consists of various certificates presented (primarily) to Arthur Burns. A few items pertain to Helen Burns. Some of the documents relate to the White House, including Arthur Burns' Presidential appointment to various posts, and flying aboard Presidential aircraft.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Certificates … This series consists of various certificates presented (primarily) to Arthur Burns. A few items pertain to Helen Burns. Some of the documents relate to the White House, including Arthur Burns' Presidential appointment to various posts, and flying aboard Presidential …
This series consists of scrapbooks associated with specific events and those of a general nature. The majority of scrapbooks consist of clippings related to Arthur Burns featured in major U.S. newspapers.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Scrapbooks … This series consists of scrapbooks associated with specific events and those of a general nature. The majority of scrapbooks consist of clippings related to Arthur Burns featured in major U.S. newspapers. …
This series consists of audio recordings of news stories related to various political and public affairs topics, including political campaigns and speeches by elected officials.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Sundry Public Affairs Audio Recordings … This series consists of audio recordings of news stories related to various political and public affairs topics, including political campaigns and speeches by elected officials. …
This series consists of video recordings related to various political and public affairs topics, primarily during the Ronald Reagan administration. Subjects include the federal budget, the economy, relations with the USSR, President Reagan’s trips, Edwin Meese, the Supreme Court, and relations with Iran. Three recordings cover the George H. W. Bush administration, with topics including abortion, racial issues, and relations with Iran.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Sundry Public Affairs Video Recordings … This series consists of video recordings related to various political and public affairs topics, primarily during the Ronald Reagan administration. Subjects include the federal budget, the economy, relations with the USSR, President Reagan’s trips, Edwin Meese, the Supreme Court, and relations with Iran. Three recordings cover the George H. W. Bush administration, with topics including abortion, racial issues, and relations with …
This series consists of video recordings related primarily to the U.S. Presidential elections from 1976 to 2008, including political news programs, primary races, Democratic and Republican conventions, and general election night coverage. Most materials were recorded from National Broadcasting Company (NBC), CBS, American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Cable News Network (CNN), or Fox News; a smaller portion came from Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), MSNBC, or local news channels. This series also covers major political events during Presidential administrations. Topics include Watergate; the Iran-Contra affair; Gulf War; 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics bombing; Monica Lewinsky scandal; September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
U.S. Presidential Politics and Elections Video Recordings … This series consists of video recordings related primarily to the U.S. Presidential elections from 1976 to 2008, including political news programs, primary races, Democratic and Republican conventions, and general election night coverage. Most materials were recorded from National Broadcasting Company (NBC), CBS, American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Cable News Network (CNN), or Fox News; a smaller portion came from Public Broadcasting Service …