Displaying 1481 - 1490 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence, bumper stickers, political posters, pamphlets, matchbooks, newsletters, political party platforms, sheet music, political cartoons, form letters, clippings, and periodicals related to nominees for the Democratic and Republican Party in presidential elections from 1896 to 2008. The series is strongest on the years 1960 to 2000. Areas of particular strength include material on candidates Barry Goldwater, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson, Michael Dukakis, Bob Dole, and John McCain. Also documented are the issues and tactics presidential nominees used during the 1952, 1956, 1964, 1968, 1988, and 1996 general elections.
Collection: Michael Kelly Political Campaign Ephemera Collection
Presidential Nominees Files … This series contains correspondence, bumper stickers, political posters, pamphlets, matchbooks, newsletters, political party platforms, sheet music, political cartoons, form letters, clippings, and periodicals related to nominees for the Democratic and Republican Party in presidential elections from 1896 to 2008. The series is strongest on the years 1960 to 2000. Areas of particular strength include material on candidates Barry Goldwater, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson, …
This series contains press briefs, news clippings, news wire reports, opinion polls, polling data, transcripts, and other materials related to the Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan presidential administrations. Included are media coverage of remarks by various political figures, their responses to presidential campaign issues, and news stories pertaining to the respective administrations and presidential elections. The materials address a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues and events, including civil rights, unemployment, and the Vietnam War.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Presidential Administrations Files … This series contains press briefs, news clippings, news wire reports, opinion polls, polling data, transcripts, and other materials related to the Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan presidential administrations. Included are media coverage of remarks by various political figures, their responses to presidential campaign issues, and news stories pertaining to the respective administrations …
This series contains gifts given to President Gerald Ford as part of America’s Bicentennial celebrations in 1976. They were from a broad spectrum of individuals and organizations, and President Ford accepted them on behalf of the American people. They include handmade, commemorative, celebratory, mass-produced, artistic, and patriotic items.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Museum Collection
Bicentennial Gifts Given to President Gerald R. Ford … This series contains gifts given to President Gerald Ford as part of America’s Bicentennial celebrations in 1976. They were from a broad spectrum of individuals and organizations, and President Ford accepted them on behalf of the American people. They include handmade, commemorative, celebratory, mass-produced, artistic, and patriotic …
This series contains artifacts that document the period after President Gerald R. Ford left the White House. Subjects include travel, awards, philanthropy, and legacy. Many of the items are condolences and memorials from the general public sent after Ford’s death in 2006.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Museum Collection
Artifacts Related to the Post-Presidential Life of Gerald R. Ford … This series contains artifacts that document the period after President Gerald R. Ford left the White House. Subjects include travel, awards, philanthropy, and legacy. Many of the items are condolences and memorials from the general public sent after Ford’s death in …
This series contains speeches delivered by Virginia Knauer and others working within her office. The speeches were delivered to trade shows, councils, and conventions, annual meetings, grassroots political organizations, schools, or served as testimony before congressional hearings and committees. The speeches addressed consumer concerns such as food pricing and labeling, product safety, the automotive industry, and the construction industry, among others.
Collection: Virginia H. Knauer Files (Ford Administration)
Speech Files … This series contains speeches delivered by Virginia Knauer and others working within her office. The speeches were delivered to trade shows, councils, and conventions, annual meetings, grassroots political organizations, schools, or served as testimony before congressional hearings and committees. The speeches addressed consumer concerns such as food pricing and labeling, product safety, the automotive industry, and the construction industry, among …
This series consists primarily of Department of Transportation photographs. Many of the photographs depict John Barnum at various other meetings and events. Other subjects include the signing ceremony of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976; the Concorde supersonic airplane; scenes from the Department of Transportation High-Speed Ground Test Center in Pueblo, Colorado; and Department of Transportation officials. This series also contains three audio recordings regarding American opposition to the Concorde, a public policy forum, and an interview with John Barnum.
Collection: John W. Barnum Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists primarily of Department of Transportation photographs. Many of the photographs depict John Barnum at various other meetings and events. Other subjects include the signing ceremony of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976; the Concorde supersonic airplane; scenes from the Department of Transportation High-Speed Ground Test Center in Pueblo, Colorado; and Department of Transportation officials. This series also contains three audio …
This series consists of meeting materials, financial records, and a history of the old American legation building (the first overseas property ever acquired by the U.S. Government) that document Robert Anderson's involvement after he left Morocco in an effort to preserve the old American legation building as a museum of early American diplomacy.
Collection: Robert Anderson Papers
Tangiers American Legation Museum Society Subject File … This series consists of meeting materials, financial records, and a history of the old American legation building (the first overseas property ever acquired by the U.S. Government) that document Robert Anderson's involvement after he left Morocco in an effort to preserve the old American legation building as a museum of early American …
This series consists of a fragmentary set of personal materials dating from the time Robert Anderson spent on the staff of CINCLANT (Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command).
Collection: Robert Anderson Papers
Special Assistant for International Affairs to Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command (CINCLANT) Subject Files … This series consists of a fragmentary set of personal materials dating from the time Robert Anderson spent on the staff of CINCLANT (Commander in Chief, Atlantic …
This series consists of correspondence and meeting materials for organizations to which Ambassador Robert Anderson belonged and an oral history covering his entire career.
Collection: Robert Anderson Papers
Post-State Department Subject Files … This series consists of correspondence and meeting materials for organizations to which Ambassador Robert Anderson belonged and an oral history covering his entire career. …
This series consists of White House telephone memoranda forms creating logs of First Lady Betty Ford’s daily telephone calls. Handwritten information for each call includes designation of incoming or outgoing, time of day, name of person talked to, and possible action.
Collection: Betty Ford White House Papers
Telephone Call Logs … This series consists of White House telephone memoranda forms creating logs of First Lady Betty Ford’s daily telephone calls. Handwritten information for each call includes designation of incoming or outgoing, time of day, name of person talked to, and possible …