Displaying 1461 - 1470 of 1890 results
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This series consists of books received by former First Lady Betty Ford from various individuals and organizations. Many of the books have been signed/inscribed by the author, contributor, or by the person who gave the book to Mrs. Ford or both President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Ford. Copies of other material found tucked in the books are stored next to the books.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Gift Books … This series consists of books received by former First Lady Betty Ford from various individuals and organizations. Many of the books have been signed/inscribed by the author, contributor, or by the person who gave the book to Mrs. Ford or both President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Ford. Copies of other material found tucked in the books are stored next to the …
This series consists of textual materials related to the planning and execution of community events held in conjunction with the dedication of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in September 1981. The materials, which consist of press releases, schedules, correspondence, agendas, and minutes, document the work of the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Committee’s Community Events Committee.
Collection: James D. Haldaman Photographs and Papers
Committee Files … This series consists of textual materials related to the planning and execution of community events held in conjunction with the dedication of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in September 1981. The materials, which consist of press releases, schedules, correspondence, agendas, and minutes, document the work of the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Committee’s Community Events …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, position papers, press releases, press clippings, and wire stories. The materials date from both the Gerald R. Ford vice presidency and the Ford White House and concern Paul Miltich's work on liaison with the press and broadcast media. The vice presidential materials concern press interviews, Miltich columns, Ford speeches, and the scheduling of speeches and events. Although the materials from the Ford White House include some folders on various issues and events, most of that is fairly routine in nature. The most significant materials from the White House period are position papers on issues as well as a fragmentary file of correspondence.
Collection: Paul A. Miltich Papers
Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, position papers, press releases, press clippings, and wire stories. The materials date from both the Gerald R. Ford vice presidency and the Ford White House and concern Paul Miltich's work on liaison with the press and broadcast media. The vice presidential materials concern press interviews, Miltich columns, Ford speeches, and the scheduling of speeches and events. Although the materials from the Ford White House include some …
This series contains transcripts of public hearings held in Puerto Rico by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico in December 1973 through April 1974 and public meetings held in Washington, D.C. in June 1974 and July / August 1975. The material contains question-and-answer sessions and testimony by Puerto Rican citizens before the Ad Hoc Group on their views of Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States and the possibility of statehood. This series also documents Group deliberations related to the "Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States", the Group's final report. Some of the documents appear in both English and Spanish.
Collection: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Transcripts of Public Hearings and Public Meetings … This series contains transcripts of public hearings held in Puerto Rico by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico in December 1973 through April 1974 and public meetings held in Washington, D.C. in June 1974 and July / August 1975. The material contains question-and-answer sessions and testimony by Puerto Rican citizens before the Ad Hoc Group on their views of Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States and the possibility of statehood. This …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, resumes, notes, testimony, invoices, and reports accumulated by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. The majority of this series is correspondence and memoranda between Peter J. Gallagher, Executive Director for the United States delegation, and José Trías Monge (his counterpart for the Puerto Rican delegation), Ad Hoc Advisory Group members (mostly the United States delegation), government officials, members of Congress, and the general public. In some cases there are attachments to the correspondence, but in many cases only the cover letter is present. There are also copies of some correspondence between Co-Chairmen Marlow W. Cook and Luis Muñoz Marín. Topics include drafting meeting agendas and minutes, summaries of informal meetings, publicity about the Group, issues related to Puerto Rico and its relationship with the United States, the development of the compact of permanent union, logistics, trip reports, expense reimbursements, and other administrative matters. Also included in this series are letters from people who would like to testify at the public hearings held by the Group and people seeking employment. Some of the documents appear in both English and Spanish.
Collection: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
General Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, resumes, notes, testimony, invoices, and reports accumulated by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. The majority of this series is correspondence and memoranda between Peter J. Gallagher, Executive Director for the United States delegation, and José Trías Monge (his counterpart for the Puerto Rican delegation), Ad Hoc Advisory Group members (mostly the United States delegation), government officials, members of …
This series contains memoranda, briefing papers, reports, correspondence, notes, and messages. These items are usually from National Security Council (NSC) staff members to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft or from Kissinger and Scowcroft to President Gerald Ford. Supplemental materials from the Departments of State and Defense and Central Intelligence Agency are often included with the NSC items. Researchers will not find a concentration of material on any given foreign affairs or national security topic, but rather individual documents of high importance. Major topics include arms control negotiations, nuclear test ban negotiations, arms sales, military assistance for Israel, the Middle East peace process, reorganization of the intelligence community, Angola, Cuba, and the Soviet Union. Items concerning the Richard Nixon to Gerald Ford transition and worldwide reaction to President Ford's assumption of office are available, as well as briefing materials prepared for Donald Rumsfeld's confirmation hearings as Secretary of Defense. Other materials relate to personnel matters and administration and organization of the NSC.
The volume of material is uneven over the course of the Ford administration. This file contains relatively small amounts of material for several months of 1975, and nothing for September of that year.
Collection: Outside the System Chronological Files (Ford Administration)
Outside the System Files … This series contains memoranda, briefing papers, reports, correspondence, notes, and messages. These items are usually from National Security Council (NSC) staff members to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft or from Kissinger and Scowcroft to President Gerald Ford. Supplemental materials from the Departments of State and Defense and Central Intelligence Agency are often included with the NSC items. Researchers will not find a concentration of material …
This series consists of forty-nine black-and-white photographs taken during a civil disturbance in the Panama Canal Zone in January 1964. Some of the photographs are identified as U.S. Army photos, and the origin of the others is unknown. Also included are two video recordings of practice interviews that five members of President Gerald Ford's staff (Robert Hartmann, Dick Cheney, John Marsh, Robert Goldwin, and Don Penny) conducted with Ford in preparation for press interviews during the 1976 Presidential Republican Party primary elections.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of forty-nine black-and-white photographs taken during a civil disturbance in the Panama Canal Zone in January 1964. Some of the photographs are identified as U.S. Army photos, and the origin of the others is unknown. Also included are two video recordings of practice interviews that five members of President Gerald Ford's staff (Robert Hartmann, Dick Cheney, John Marsh, Robert Goldwin, and Don Penny) conducted with Ford in preparation for press interviews …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas, notes, speech materials, staff meeting minutes, interviews, transcripts, and court records. These materials document Stanley Pottinger's work as Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Most of the material concerns the desegregation of local school districts and higher education systems throughout the country, the Emergency School Assistance Program (ESAP), sex discrimination, and the administration of the OCR.
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Health, Education and Welfare Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas, notes, speech materials, staff meeting minutes, interviews, transcripts, and court records. These materials document Stanley Pottinger's work as Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Most of the material concerns the desegregation of local school districts and higher education systems throughout the country, the Emergency School …
The series contains audio recordings of James Cannon's interviews concerning the life and career of President Gerald R. Ford conducted with President Ford, members of the Ford family, staff members, congressional colleagues, and friends.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Research Interviews Audio Recordings … The series contains audio recordings of James Cannon's interviews concerning the life and career of President Gerald R. Ford conducted with President Ford, members of the Ford family, staff members, congressional colleagues, and …
This series contains briefing materials and minutes for Verification Panel, National Security Council, Senior Review Group, Washington Special Actions Group, and Defense Review Panel meetings concerning a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security issues. Verification Panel meetings were primarily concerned with issues related to the strategic arms limitations talks (SALT) and Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks with the Soviet Union. SALT and MBFR were ongoing topics at National Security Council meetings, along with issues of an immediate nature such as the Middle East, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mayaguez Incident, and Angola. Senior Review Group meetings focused on specific National Security Study Memorandums. Crisis situations discussed at Washington Special Actions Group meetings include Cyprus, the Middle East, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon, and Korea. Defense Review Panel meetings were concerned with arms control, naval forces, and tactical aircraft issues.
Collection: National Security Council Institutional Files (Ford Administration)
Meetings Files … This series contains briefing materials and minutes for Verification Panel, National Security Council, Senior Review Group, Washington Special Actions Group, and Defense Review Panel meetings concerning a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security issues. Verification Panel meetings were primarily concerned with issues related to the strategic arms limitations talks (SALT) and Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks with the Soviet Union. SALT and MBFR were ongoing …