Displaying 1411 - 1420 of 1890 results
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This series contains speeches, press releases, newsletters, and publications. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. It consists of background files on politics and issues (ranging from Agriculture to Vietnam). The largest file concerns one of Laird's key legislative proposals - revenue sharing.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Congressional Research Files … This series contains speeches, press releases, newsletters, and publications. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. It consists of background files on politics and issues (ranging from Agriculture to Vietnam). The largest file concerns one of Laird's key legislative proposals - revenue …
This series contains memoranda from William Baroody to Melvin Laird and Richard Nixon, correspondence, reports, notes, schedule proposals, speech materials, and newspaper clippings. The materials document White House liaison with interest groups, the role of the White House "Attack Group" (including early Nixon administration documents inherited from Charles Colson), the 1973 "Battle of the Budget", Baroody's work as an assistant to White House Counsellor Mel Laird, the White House "Impeachment Support Program", and economic and energy policy.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Subject Files … This series contains memoranda from William Baroody to Melvin Laird and Richard Nixon, correspondence, reports, notes, schedule proposals, speech materials, and newspaper clippings. The materials document White House liaison with interest groups, the role of the White House "Attack Group" (including early Nixon administration documents inherited from Charles Colson), the 1973 "Battle of the Budget", Baroody's work as an assistant to White House Counsellor …
This series consists of artifacts that range from Gerald R. Ford’s youth to his time as Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Subjects include Ford's childhood in Grand Rapids, Michigan; early education, college years at the University of Michigan, law school at Yale University, service in U.S. Navy during World War II, and his Congressional years. The collection contains childhood mementos, early awards, and Congressional presentation items.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Museum Collection
Pre-Presidential Artifacts Relating to Gerald R. Ford … This series consists of artifacts that range from Gerald R. Ford’s youth to his time as Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Subjects include Ford's childhood in Grand Rapids, Michigan; early education, college years at the University of Michigan, law school at Yale University, service in U.S. Navy during World War II, and his Congressional years. The collection contains childhood mementos, early awards, and Congressional presentation …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, speeches, lists, reports, and financial records. This is a fragmentary series on various aspects of the administration of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
American Enterprise Institute Subject Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, speeches, lists, reports, and financial records. This is a fragmentary series on various aspects of the administration of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, contracts, lists, printed material, and various budget forms accumulated by Stanton Anderson and his assistants during planning for the President Ford Committee's (PFC) participation in the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City. The file documents selection of a headquarters site, staff and delegate housing arrangements, advertising, security, and facilities rental. Also included is a detailed outline of all aspects of the planning operation and a strategy report on how Gerald Ford could win the nomination on the convention floor.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Convention Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, contracts, lists, printed material, and various budget forms accumulated by Stanton Anderson and his assistants during planning for the President Ford Committee's (PFC) participation in the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City. The file documents selection of a headquarters site, staff and delegate housing arrangements, advertising, security, and facilities rental. Also included is a detailed outline of all aspects of the …
This series contains miscellaneous letters received by President Ford Committee (PFC) staff during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public concerning a variety of campaign issues. A carbon copy of the staff response is attached. Many of the letters are messages of congratulation to Howard "Bo" Callaway on his appointment as PFC chairman.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Alphabetical Correspondence Files … This series contains miscellaneous letters received by President Ford Committee (PFC) staff during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public concerning a variety of campaign issues. A carbon copy of the staff response is attached. Many of the letters are messages of congratulation to Howard "Bo" Callaway on his appointment as PFC …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, and reports by President Ford Committee (PFC) state executive directors and field coordinators accumulated by Skip Watts, primary states coordinator, and Edward Terrill, convention states coordinator. Most of the material in this series relates directly to Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, including PFC organizing efforts and campaign activities at the state level. Topics include the rules governing delegate selection, delegate tallies and tracking, the appointment of state PFC officials, Ronald Reagan's campaign activities, phone bank operation, local media campaigns (including occasional transcripts of commercials and radio actualities), state campaign plans and budgets, and the results of state primary elections, caucuses, and conventions. The Ford Library did not receive a file for Massachusetts.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Primary Campaign Coordinators' Reference Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, and reports by President Ford Committee (PFC) state executive directors and field coordinators accumulated by Skip Watts, primary states coordinator, and Edward Terrill, convention states coordinator. Most of the material in this series relates directly to Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, including PFC organizing efforts and campaign activities at the state level. Topics include the rules governing …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, budget information, demographic data, and personnel forms compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinators, Skip Watts and William Russo, and special assistant to the political director Edward Terrill during Gerald Ford's 1976 post-nomination election campaign. Materials concern such topics as the evaluation of PFC state primary campaign personnel, state campaign plans and budgets, statistical studies from previous elections, Republican National Committee (RNC) phone bank organization, campaign debate reaction, recommended presidential letters and appearances, local congressional contests, and Jimmy Carter's state campaign organizations. For some states, the lengthy RNC publication, "Political Profiles of the States," and extensive clippings are included in the file. The amount of material varies greatly from state to state.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
General Election State Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, budget information, demographic data, and personnel forms compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinators, Skip Watts and William Russo, and special assistant to the political director Edward Terrill during Gerald Ford's 1976 post-nomination election campaign. Materials concern such topics as the evaluation of PFC state primary campaign personnel, state campaign plans and budgets, statistical …
This series contains carbon copies of memoranda and correspondence drafted by Skip Watts, President Ford Committee (PFC) coordinator for primary states during Gerald Ford's 1976 pre-nomination campaign and one of two field coordinators during the general election. Documents include communications Watts and his assistant, Barbara Wise, had with state executive directors, regional coordinators, White House staff, potential campaign workers and volunteers, and high-level PFC administrators such as Bo Callaway, Robert Visser, and Stuart Spencer. Topics include state campaign organizations and budgets, the Republican National Committee's phone bank operation, and delegate tallies and tracking.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Norman Watts' Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of memoranda and correspondence drafted by Skip Watts, President Ford Committee (PFC) coordinator for primary states during Gerald Ford's 1976 pre-nomination campaign and one of two field coordinators during the general election. Documents include communications Watts and his assistant, Barbara Wise, had with state executive directors, regional coordinators, White House staff, potential campaign workers and volunteers, and high-level …
This series contains memoranda, reports, logs, and newspaper clippings. The materials concern President Ford Committee efforts to solicit support for President Gerald Ford among uncommitted delegates to the 1976 Republican National Convention. Although the James Baker memoranda and some of the status reports are significant, the series also contains such routine materials as newspaper clippings and blank forms.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Delegate Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, reports, logs, and newspaper clippings. The materials concern President Ford Committee efforts to solicit support for President Gerald Ford among uncommitted delegates to the 1976 Republican National Convention. Although the James Baker memoranda and some of the status reports are significant, the series also contains such routine materials as newspaper clippings and blank …