Displaying 141 - 150 of 1890 results
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This series consists of photocopies of correspondence exchanged between Arthur F. Burns and Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and other prominent individuals. This series consists of both personal and official exchanges. A few documents are addressed to Helen Burns.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Presidential and Special Correspondence … This series consists of photocopies of correspondence exchanged between Arthur F. Burns and Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and other prominent individuals. This series consists of both personal and official exchanges. A few documents are addressed to Helen …
This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and private citizens, government officials and Bicentennial organizations concerning their plans to celebrate the 200th birthday of the United States. It includes American Revolution Bicentennial Administration task force meeting minutes detailing the White House Bicentennial Office's plans and recommendations for Bicentennial programs and activities. It also includes lists of participants in these White House meetings and many brochures and publications from Bicentennial groups. Much of the file contains statements of what an individual or group was doing or was planning to do for the Bicentennial, what the individual or group would like the President to do for the Bicentennial, the offer of gifts for the Bicentennial, and requests to meet with the President.
Collection: Milton E. Mitler Files
Bicentennial Subject Files … This series contains correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and private citizens, government officials and Bicentennial organizations concerning their plans to celebrate the 200th birthday of the United States. It includes American Revolution Bicentennial Administration task force meeting minutes detailing the White House Bicentennial Office's plans and recommendations for Bicentennial programs and activities. It also includes lists of participants in these White House …
This series contains miscellaneous correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and persons wishing to donate Bicentennial gifts and information about presentation ceremonies.
Collection: Milton E. Mitler Files
Correspondence Regarding Presentation Ceremonies for Bicentennial Gifts Offered … This series contains miscellaneous correspondence between Milton E. Mitler and persons wishing to donate Bicentennial gifts and information about presentation ceremonies. …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes from President Gerald R. Ford to Richard Cheney, briefing papers, recommended telephone call forms, and clippings. Although some material relates to the 1976 presidential campaign against Jimmy Carter, the bulk of the series concerns the campaign for the Republican Party nomination. Topics include: campaign advice from Republican leaders, organization and operation of the President Ford Committee and its advertising division, Campaign '76 Media Communications, Inc.; meetings with and telephone calls to Republican Party national convention delegates (including the President Ford's handwritten notes regarding the telephone calls); and the presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
Richard Cheney's Campaign Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes from President Gerald R. Ford to Richard Cheney, briefing papers, recommended telephone call forms, and clippings. Although some material relates to the 1976 presidential campaign against Jimmy Carter, the bulk of the series concerns the campaign for the Republican Party nomination. Topics include: campaign advice from Republican leaders, organization and operation of the President Ford Committee and …
This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence between Norman E. Ross and individual citizens or organizations; question and answer briefing sheets; press releases; and publications. Besides environmental protection issues, this file concerns the relationship between the United States and the commonwealth of Puerto Rico and between the United States and its territories. Among the topics are the Cross Florida Barge Canal, the status of Puerto Rico, mineral resources, the National Ocean Policy Study, the Department of the Interior, and the drafting of an environmental and natural resources message for President Richard M. Nixon.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' Department of the Interior and Environmental Agencies Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence between Norman E. Ross and individual citizens or organizations; question and answer briefing sheets; press releases; and publications. Besides environmental protection issues, this file concerns the relationship between the United States and the …
Collection: James M. Cannon Papers
Fiscal Year 1978 Budget Files …
Collection: James M. Cannon Papers
Post-Ford Administration Files …
Collection: White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Outgoing Correspondence by Date …
This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, other White House staff members, and department and agency officials; correspondence with members of Congress; speeches; reports; testimony; hearings transcripts; and clippings. The material concerns the congressional intelligence investigations, administration reforms of the intelligence community, and other intelligence matters. Topics include: George Bush confirmation hearings for Director of Central Intelligence, Church and Pike Committee investigations of intelligence community abuses, work of the Intelligence Coordinating Group in formulating the administration's response, Henry Kissinger contempt citation, Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States (Rockefeller Commission), congressional oversight committee legislation, establishment of the Intelligence Oversight Board, President Ford's intelligence reorganization decisions and executive order, and the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration)
John Marsh's Intelligence Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, other White House staff members, and department and agency officials; correspondence with members of Congress; speeches; reports; testimony; hearings transcripts; and clippings. The material concerns the congressional intelligence investigations, administration reforms of the intelligence community, and other intelligence matters. Topics include: George Bush confirmation hearings for Director of …
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration)
John Marsh's Bicentennial Subject Files …